Harry Nguyen https://savvycomsoftware.com Sun, 12 May 2024 04:46:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 https://savvycomsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Logo-SVC-White-1-120x120.jpg Harry Nguyen https://savvycomsoftware.com 32 32 Unlocking Data Fortress: A Guide on How to Secure CRM Software and Ensure Data Privacy https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/how-to-secure-crm-software-and-ensure-data-privacy/ Thu, 09 May 2024 12:14:05 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=39350 Software for managing customer connections (CRM) has grown into an indispensable resource for firms in managing their clientele and interactions with consumers. However, since more and more confidential information is housed in digital management infrastructure, it is imperative that businesses put strong CRM safety precautions in place to defend themselves against cyberattacks and maintain the confidentiality of data.

Serious repercussions from a hacking incident might include impairment to one’s credibility, economic and legal repercussions, and an overall loss of customer confidence. As a consequence, protecting personal information and safeguarding CRM software are now obligations that must be fulfilled in an organized way rather than being options. 

However, as businesses become increasingly reliant on these systems to store and manage sensitive customer information, the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches grows exponentially. A compromised CRM system can lead to devastating consequences, including:

  • Reputational Damage: A data breach can erode customer trust, negatively impacting your brand’s reputation and leading to lost business.
  • Financial Losses: Data breaches can result in direct financial losses due to fines, legal fees, remediation costs, and stolen funds.
  • Legal Penalties: Depending on your industry and location, you might face significant legal penalties for failing to protect customer data, especially if you don’t comply with regulations like GDPR or HIPAA.
  • Loss of Customer Trust: Perhaps the most significant consequence, a breach can severely damage customer trust, making it harder to attract and retain customers in the future.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll learn how to secure CRM Software and ensure data privacy , explore multi-faceted best practices to ensure data privacy, and provide actionable recommendations to help you safeguard your most valuable asset – your customer data.

How to Secure CRM Software 2

Secure CRM Software

What are the typical CRM security threats?

CRM systems are susceptible to myriad online attacks, all of which possess the potential to impact the privacy and security of sensitive data negatively. Let’s examine some common ways that customer relationship management (CRM) platforms are compromised before moving on to how to safeguard CRM software and protect data security:

  • Malware: Various forms of malware like viruses, ransomware, and trojan horses can infiltrate CRM systems. Ransomware, in particular, can encrypt critical customer data and demand a ransom payment for the decryption key. The average ransomware payment surged in 2022, increasing by over 40%. (Sophos State of Ransomware 2023). In 2021, a ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline caused severe disruptions to fuel supplies in the United States, demonstrating the widespread impact of such attacks (BBC News: [[invalid URL removed]]).
  • DDoS Attacks: These attacks flood your CRM with overwhelming traffic, hindering legitimate user access. They can result in system downtime, lost productivity, and potentially open the door for data exfiltration during the disruption. According to a Cloudflare report, DDoS attacks increased 79% year-over-year in 2022, highlighting their growing prevalence ([[invalid URL removed]]).
  • Phishing: This social engineering tactic, often disguised as legitimate emails or messages, targets your employees. Successful phishing attempts lead to stolen login credentials, giving hackers unauthorized access to your CRM and its sensitive data. Phishing remains a top threat, with Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) finding that 36% of data breaches involved phishing.
  • These assaults entail tricking users into divulging essential data, like login passwords or banking details, by sending texts or emails that seem to be from an authentic source, like an accredited supplier or company collaborator. Installing a code signing certificate on your website can be an optimal way to protect your site from phishing attacks.
  • Insider Threats: Employees, contractors, or ex-employees with access to your CRM can expose it to risk, whether intentionally (malicious intent) or unintentionally (through negligence or accidental data exposure)
  • Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: These are software flaws unknown to the vendor and therefore, unpatched. Hackers can exploit these vulnerabilities before a fix is released, making timely software updates even more crucial.
  • SQL Injection: This attack targets CRM database vulnerabilities, allowing hackers to manipulate and steal sensitive data. SQL injection attacks remain one of the most critical web application security risks according to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

Best Practices: A Multi-Layered Approach to CRM Security

Protecting your CRM requires a holistic approach encompassing technical safeguards, compliance measures, and human-centric security practices. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Technical Safeguards

  • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive customer data at rest (on servers) using robust standards like AES-256 and during transmission with HTTPS/TLS protocols. Consider full-disk encryption for added protection. According to the Thales 2023 Data Threat Report, only 58% of businesses surveyed said they encrypt more than half of their sensitive data, indicating room for improvement in this crucial area.
  • Authentication

    Make the most of robust methods for authorization to confirm users’ identities when they log into the CRM system. To provide a further level of protection, multi-factor authentication (MFA) may be implemented.

  • Perform Daily Software Updates.

    CRM software should be updated often in order to correct bugs and fend off identified attackers. Upgrade all systems and applications with the most recent security enhancements. You must also make sure that your CRM system is compliant with every modification. Furthermore, it is imperative to streamline updates and fixes in order to guarantee their timely deployment without interfering with corporate operations. 57% of data breaches were attributed to unpatched vulnerabilities, reinforcing the need for up-to-date systems (Verizon DBIR 20230). 

    You need to steer clear of employing weakened methods of encoding that are readily cracked. For the safety of data in movement, you should employ encrypted transmission protocols like HTTPS, SSL/ TLS. Lastly, you must not be employing unsafe forms of communication like FTP or HTTP. 

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Go beyond passwords. Require users to provide an additional authentication factor (code from their phone, biometric verification) when accessing the CRM.
  • Strict Access Controls:

    Ensuring that solely authorized individuals are able to view confidential information can be accomplished through the implementation of access controls, including role-based permissions and two-factor authentication (2FA). Additionally, it will help safeguard consumer data.

    Having access to private data can be restricted depending on an employee’s job duties thanks to role-based access control, or RBAC. RBAC guarantees that workers only have possession of the information they require to carry out their job responsibilities.

    For every employee who wants to log into the CRM system, utilize 2FA. By forcing staff to give two forms of verification before accessing confidential information, 2FA brings an extra degree of protection to CRM. 

  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS): Deploy these systems to monitor your network for suspicious activity, detect potential attacks, and block them in real-time.
  • Secure Backups: Regularly back up your CRM data to a secure off-site location. Test your backup systems to ensure data recovery in case of a breach or ransomware attack.


Promoting corporate efficiency and preserving consumer trust is contingent upon the safekeeping of CRM data. You can strategically protect your essential data from CRM by choosing a secure CRM program, putting in place administrative, complicated, and human safety policies, and routinely inspecting and updating your system. Therefore, you should adhere to these suggested practices to maintain the confidentiality of your CRM system and lead your company toward growth and economic success.

How Does Cryptocurrency Affect The Banking Industry? https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/how-does-cryptocurrency-affect-the-banking-industry/ Sat, 04 May 2024 09:35:37 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=34977 In recent years, cryptocurrency has emerged as a preferred alternative to traditional banking methods. Cryptocurrency, an online or digital currency utilizing cryptographic measures for security, operates independently from central financial institutions.

Despite traditional banking methods having a centuries-long history, cryptocurrency represents a relatively new concept that has gained considerable momentum over the past decade. Here’s how cryptocurrencies might influence the banking industry, particularly in the realm of software development services.

How Does Cryptocurrency Affect The Banking Industry

Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

Limited Obstacles to Entry

Cryptocurrencies provide a more accessible entry point, necessitating only a smartphone or internet connectivity, as opposed to the requirements of traditional banking services. This implies that individuals excluded from conventional banking services due to economic or geographical limitations can still participate in cryptocurrency. For instance, an individual in a remote region lacking bank facilities can employ cryptocurrencies for BTC to USD transactions, eliminating the need for extensive travel.

From Centralized to Decentralized Finance

Traditional banking systems have dominated the financial industry for centuries. These centralized systems rely on a network of intermediaries to facilitate transactions, manage risk, and ensure financial stability. However, the presence of cryptocurrency causes a fundamentally different approach: decentralized finance (DeFi).

Cryptocurrencies operate on blockchains, distributed ledgers that record transactions across a vast network of computers. This erases the need for central authorities, creating a more open and transparent financial system.

Speed and Efficiency

Traditional bank transfers can be slow and troublesome. International transactions, for instance, may take several days to settle due to the complex network of intermediaries involved. Cryptocurrency transactions, on the other hand, can be completed near-instantaneously and at a significantly lower cost thanks to the peer-to-peer nature of blockchain technology.

This efficiency could revolutionize cross-border payments, making it easier for businesses and individuals to conduct international transactions. Imagine a future where sending money to family overseas happens as quickly and effortlessly as sending a text message.

Systems for Clearance and Settlement

The three-day duration for an average bank transfer, as previously mentioned, is largely attributed to the design of our financial infrastructure. This process isn’t only inconvenient for the customer and poses a massive logistical challenge for the banks. Today, a basic bank transfer (moving funds from one account to another) must navigate a complex network of middlemen.

This includes correspondent banks and custodial services before it finally arrives at its intended destination. The two bank balances must be reconciled across a vast global financial system comprising a diverse network of traders, funds, and asset managers.

Accessibility and Financial Inclusion

Cryptocurrency has a lower barrier to entry than traditional banks. Opening a bank account frequently involves considerable documentation, a minimum balance, and physical proximity to a branch. This may exclude a large segment of the global population, particularly those in developing nations with limited access to traditional financial services.

Cryptocurrency wallets, on the other hand, may be made with only a smartphone and an internet connection. This allows the unbanked and underbanked communities to engage in the financial system, possibly increasing financial inclusion and economic empowerment.


Securing funding through venture capital can be a grueling task. Entrepreneurs must compile presentations, attend countless meetings with partners, and undergo extensive negotiations over equity and company worth to trade a part of their business for financial investment.

Conversely, some firms are sourcing capital through initial coin offerings (ICOs), facilitated by public blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Projects trade tokens or coins for funding in an ICO, usually as bitcoin or ether. Theoretically, the value of these tokens is linked to the success of the blockchain enterprise. Investing in tokens offers investors a direct way to gamble on usage and value.


Buying or selling assets such as stocks, debt, and commodities necessitates a system to track ownership. The current financial markets achieve this via:

  • A convoluted network of brokers
  • Exchanges
  • Central security depositories
  • Clearing houses
  • Custodian banks

These various entities operate within an archaic system of inefficient paper ownership and prone to errors and deceit. For instance, if you decide to buy a share of Apple stock, you would likely place an order through a stock exchange, which then pairs you with a seller. In the past, this transaction would involve handing over cash for a physical certificate indicating your share ownership.

However, things become significantly more complex when attempting to carry out these transactions electronically. The day-to-day management of assets (such as swapping certificates, keeping books, or handling dividends) is something we prefer to avoid.

As a result, we entrust our shares to custodian banks for secure storage. But, because not all buyers and sellers use the same custodian banks, these custodians must depend on a trustworthy third party to safeguard all the physical certificates.

Challenges and Considerations

While cryptocurrency presents a compelling vision for the future of finance, there are significant challenges to overcome:

  • Volatility: Cryptocurrency markets are notoriously volatile, making them a risky investment for some.
  • Regulation: The regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrency is still in its early stages. Clear and consistent regulations are needed to protect consumers and prevent illegal activities.
  • Scalability: Current blockchain technologies may struggle to handle large volumes of transactions. Scaling solutions are being developed, but their effectiveness remains to be seen.
  • Energy Consumption: Proof-of-work, the consensus mechanism used by some blockchains, consumes a significant amount of energy. Sustainable alternatives are needed for wider adoption.


Although the emergence of cryptocurrencies is definitely disruptive, traditional banking does not have to disappear as a result. The two industries might work together in the future. Blockchain technology might be incorporated by banks to provide quicker and more effective services. Companies that deal in cryptocurrencies and banks might collaborate to offer custodial services and guarantee legal compliance.

In the end, a hybrid financial model that incorporates the best features of cryptocurrencies and conventional banks may hold the key to the future of finance. We may anticipate seeing a more connected financial system that is more inclusive, efficient, and secure as rules become clearer and technology advances.

The emergence and growth of digital currencies have marked a notable shift in the financial landscape over the last ten years, characterized by an upsurge in market values. This surge in digital currency usage can be attributed to a heightened interest in decentralized systems, an escalating acknowledgment of these currencies as a viable store of wealth and medium of exchange, and an expanding acceptance amongst both private individuals and commercial entities.

Looking To Find A Trusted Tech Partner?
Since 2009, Savvycom, a software development company, has been utilizing digital technologies to support businesses, mid to large enterprises, and startups across various industries. Specializing in Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development, Cloud & DevOps Services, we excel in creating top-notch software solutions and products, alongside offering a diverse array of associated professional services.
Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +1 408 663 8600 (US); +612 8006 1349 (AUS); +84 32 675 2886 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com


Cloud Security 101: Implementing Data Loss Prevention Strategies In The Cloud https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/data-loss-prevention-strategies/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 03:50:59 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=34768 Safeguarding your data in the cloud has become a paramount concern. With cyber threats lurking around every corner, it’s critical to adopt robust data loss prevention strategies (DLP).

Here are the essentials of cloud security, offering you actionable steps to protect your data effectively:


Implementing Data Loss Prevention Strategies In The Cloud

Understand The Basics Of Cloud Security

Before protecting data in the cloud and considering various strategies, understanding cloud security is crucial. At its core, cloud security is the discipline of protecting your online data stored on cloud computing platforms from theft, leakage, and deletion. It involves a series of policies, technologies, and controls deployed to safeguard cloud-based systems and data.

Assess Your Cloud Environment

The first step in fortifying your cloud security is to thoroughly assess your current cloud environment. This means identifying the types of data you store in the cloud and understanding your cloud provider’s security measures. Recognize the sensitivity of your data and categorize it accordingly. It will help you tailor your DLP strategies to fit your specific needs.

Adopt Strong Authentication Measures

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to enhance your cloud security is by adopting strong authentication measures. It includes using multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access cloud services. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to cloud data, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Encrypt Your Data

Encrypting your data before it goes into the cloud adds a robust layer of protection. Encryption transforms your data into a coded format that can only be deciphered with the correct key.

Even if cybercriminals manage to access your encrypted data, they won’t be able to understand or use it without the encryption key. Doing this can help minimize cybersecurity risks as well.

Implement Access Controls

Limiting who can access your data in the cloud is another critical step in preventing data loss. Implement access controls to ensure that only authorized users can view or manipulate your sensitive information. This can be achieved through role-based access control (RBAC), which assigns permissions based on the user’s role within your organization.

Regularly Monitor And Audit Your Cloud Environment

Continuously monitoring and auditing your cloud environment allows you to detect and respond to potential security threats promptly. Use cloud outsourcing service or cloud security monitoring tools to keep an eye on your data and track who accesses it and when. Regular audits can also help you identify security gaps and compliance issues, ensuring you’re always a step ahead of cyber threats.

Educate Your Team

Your security measures are only as strong as your weakest link, which, in many cases, is human error. Educate your team on the importance of cloud security and train them on best practices for preventing data loss. It includes recognizing phishing attempts, using strong passwords, and understanding the importance of data privacy.

To further enhance your team’s knowledge and preparedness, consider the following:

  •  Regular Training Sessions: Conduct regular training sessions that cover the latest security threats and protection strategies. Make these sessions engaging and relevant to your team’s daily activities.
  •  Security Awareness Campaigns: Launch security awareness campaigns within your organization to keep cybersecurity at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Use posters, emails, and workshops to disseminate critical information.
  • Simulated Phishing Exercises: Run simulated phishing exercises to test your team’s ability to identify and respond to security threats. These exercises can be a powerful tool in reinforcing the training material and highlighting areas for improvement.

Investing in cloud security education helps prevent data loss due to human error and fosters a culture of security awareness.

Create A Response Plan For Data Breaches

Despite your best efforts, data breaches can still occur. Prepare a comprehensive response plan that outlines the steps to take in the event of a breach. This plan should not only identify the breach’s scope and contain the incident quickly but also detail the process for notifying affected parties and regulatory bodies if necessary.

Moreover, it should include strategies for investigating the breach to understand how it happened and measures to strengthen your defenses against future incidents. A well-prepared response plan minimizes the impact of a breach on your organization’s operations and reputation, ensuring a swift and effective recovery.

Leverage Cloud Security Solutions

Numerous cloud security solutions can help you implement your DLP strategies more effectively. These solutions offer a range of features, from encryption and authentication to monitoring and threat detection. Choose the tools that best fit your needs and integrate them into your cloud security framework.


Implementing effective data loss prevention strategies in the cloud requires a multifaceted approach. By understanding your environment, adopting strong authentication, encrypting data, and continuously monitoring for threats, you can enhance cloud security. Protecting your data is an ongoing process requiring vigilance, team education, and the right tools to safeguard against emerging threats.

Savvycom and Khotawat Consultancy Forge a Strategic Partnership to Innovate in Banking and Finance Technology https://savvycomsoftware.com/news/savvycom-and-khotawat-consultancy-forge-a-strategic-partnership-to-innovate-in-banking-and-finance-technology/ Wed, 07 Feb 2024 07:00:16 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=33527 In an atmosphere brimming with anticipation and shared vision, Savvycom Software is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with Khotawat Consultancy, a beacon of excellence in the banking and finance sector. This momentous partnership signing ceremony marks the beginning of a synergistic collaboration aimed at revolutionizing the IT solutions landscape within central and commercial banking, as well as payment systems.

Savvycom Khotawat partnership signingThe ceremony was a vibrant showcase of mutual respect and commitment, with key figures from both organizations sharing insights and aspirations for this partnership. Mr. Hani, Managing Director of Khotawat Consultancy, captured the essence of this collaboration with his inspiring statement:

“We are at the threshold of a new era in banking and finance technology. Our partnership with Savvycom is not just a merger of two companies; it’s a fusion of vision, expertise, and dedication to excellence. Together, we will navigate the complexities of the financial world with innovative solutions that are secure, efficient, and responsive to the evolving needs of our clients. We are grateful for this opportunity to combine our strengths and look forward to a future rich with achievement and innovation.”

Savvycom Khotawat partnership signing 1


This partnership is a testament to our shared goal of delivering excellence and driving transformation in the banking and finance industry. By combining Savvycom’s technological prowess with Khotawat’s deep industry knowledge and experience, we are poised to develop solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, setting new benchmarks for success.



Savvycom and Khotawat Consultancy Forge a Strategic Partnership to Innovate in Banking and Finance Technology – nonadult