Business Insight Fri, 10 May 2024 16:44:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Insight 32 32 Top 4 challenges of IT Outsourcing to a non-English country Fri, 10 May 2024 10:19:17 +0000 IT Outsourcing has emerged as a lucrative opportunity, particularly for software development companies, with many major organizations enlisting skilled specialists from abroad to handle services not available domestically. Countries like China, India, Vietnam, and others where English isn’t the primary language have witnessed a surge in outsourcing demand, primarily due to cost-effective labor. However, is this burgeoning market truly a haven for software development companies based in non-English speaking countries?

1. Significant language and cultural disparities

One barrier to an effective outsourcing experience is the very real difference between a typical employee in the U.S. and even the best offshore personnel. There are significant language, cultural and educational disparities between the English-speaking countries and the developing countries where outsourcing projects are often sent. These disparities have a marked impact on the ability of many offshore teams to fully understand the nuances of a project and to execute effectively.
While some software engineers may have learned English and been trained in their areas in English, they may still not understand English colloquial terms or design concepts that are, in fact, foreign to them. The difference in culture and upbringing can also be an issue, especially if they know English only in technical terms.
In some cases, companies will have an employee whose first language is English working with the staff on-site in that country in order to resolve any communication issues. This person can be the translator, so to speak, when questions arise or to be sure that ideas are conveyed clearly. Yet, not many companies are likely to hire them only for communication issues.
The differences in language culture, IT outsourcing

The differences in language and culture between English-speaking and non-English countries are important barriers that you need to consider before choosing an IT Outsourcing service. (Source: Internet.)

2. An extremely difficult working environment

Despite the fact that outsourcing can often provide quality labour at a drastically reduced cost, there are sometimes moral issues that accompany this type of labour.
Software development service providers offering IT Outsourcing often operate on a non-24/7 basis, potentially hindering their success if they cannot provide timely assistance to clients. Consequently, employees engaged in outsourcing projects may find themselves facing unfamiliar overtime demands, also known as OT. In cases where projects fail to meet client expectations, overtime becomes a routine necessity. Workers may also endure exceptionally long workweeks, up to eighty hours per week, including weekends due to timezone disparities. Additionally, the demanding workloads frequently spill into employees’ personal lives as they strive to meet deadlines.
This has a significant impact on health, family and social relationships. Spending most of their time to complete the tasks has them no time left to take care of themselves, not even their close relationships. Working overtime might gain a large amount of money, yet, some shameless companies do not pay adequately for OT. It is definitely something to consider when it comes to making long-term working decisions for people who want to be a part of this industry. Supposed they choose to barter time for money, how long would they stick to the job that exhausted them?

3. Security and trust issues with IT Outsourcing to a not native-English agency

When you outsource your IT to a third-party, you depend on them to comply with security and regulatory measures. Cloud computing services share their resources with other tenants. This sharing helps to save on costs and makes the IT scalable, but it does mean that other companies will be using some of the same servers and the same devices. This creates security concerns that need to be addressed, especially if the company has strict compliance requirements.
Some IT outsourcing companies in non-English countries are unreliable partners, because of the conflicting situation and political in their nations. For example, Ukraine is in a state of war, and it has a serious governability problem. This fact carries with it a number of implications to Ukraine’s capacity for sustainable infrastructure use. Hackers and spies are everywhere. What company would put its intellectual secrets in a harmful way, just to save a few bucks in the short term? Internet infrastructure is not as good as the EU, US, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and other English-speaking countries.
Hence, to choose an IT Outsourcing company that can assure your security requirements, remember to check out their background, certificates such as ISO 27001:2013 (as Savvycom achieved) and do not forget to ask them to sign on the NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
IT Outsourcing service security

Never forget asking for NDA before discussing your ideas and projects. (Source: Internet.)

4. Quality of work could suffer if you do not assign tasks to a reliable agency

All of the benefits that come with outsourcing jobs to a foreign country go away if the quality of the work is not up to your standards. When IT outsourcing to a non-English country, most of them might locate really far from you. A contract would be signed through emailing, Skype without seeing who the third-party company really is.
Taking India for instance, if you look at the number of outsourcing companies in India, you will have your head reeling. There are too many of them, while only a few of them provide quality work. If the quality of work must be at par with your expectations and business goals, don’t simply go by what their websites say. What is on the social network might be exaggerated to attract more clients.
One must always discuss the quality requirements before agreeing to a software outsourcing relationship. If you do not receive the expected quality, then there must be some avenue of rescue that you can follow to ensure the problem gets fixed. Without these protections, the outcome for specific tasks may be quite underwhelming.

5. How people in Savvycom overcome IT Outsourcing challenges?

Founded in 2009 and run by Ms Van Dang – a brilliant and ambitious businesswoman, Savvycom has steadily grown and become a trusted partner with worldwide companies and organisations.
Since our potential clients are international, Savvycom is one of the first IT outsourcing agencies in Vietnam using English as our official language at work. As a result, we are positively confident to comprehend your ideas and transfer them into a satisfactory product in numerous fields. Many of us had the chance to work or study overseas, therefore, we fully competent in working in different times zones globally and can account for fluctuations and time shifts. With 92% of returning clients, Savvycom has strived constantly to delivery more mobile applications worldwide.
In terms of working culture, building a strong relationship among members not only as co-workers but also as good friends is also an important thing to increase our teamwork ability as well as understand each other’s strength. Therefore, we can determine and arrange the best match developers for clients during the projects. Applying Agile method in all departments is a way to reduce a lot of operation costs in Savvycom. Agile software development methodology is strictly used in Savvycom software producing process to make sure that every in-charge persons can get involved and distribute their comment and ideas to improve the quality of the software products.
Although the IT outsourcing to a non-English country issue will be argued back and forth until the technology is no longer relevant, Savvycom has steadily improved the working environment of the employees to deliver more successful applications to clients. What seems to be trendy in business strategy isn’t always a good strategy, especially in the non-English country. However, with all of our achievements working with over 100 international clients, we believe that every dollar spent on outsourcing at our company will worth.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION.
We’re happy to discuss with you to find out a solution or lend you our professional full-stack developers and experts.

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
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  • Head Office: 12th floor, Viet A Tower, Duy Tan Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Crafting The Tomorrow: Top Manufacturing IT Trends In 2024 Thu, 09 May 2024 07:51:25 +0000 The manufacturing industry, essential for global economic growth, is currently undergoing a significant transformation driven by swift technological progress. Keeping up with the latest trends in manufacturing technology is vital for companies aiming to excel in this ever-evolving environment. But where can you discover the top manufacturing IT trends in 2024? That’s precisely what our article today covers. We, Asia’s premier software development company, will offer a comprehensive guide to IT trends, including definitions, market values, and types. Let’s delve into it!

What Are Manufacturing IT Trends?

When we talk about “Manufacturing IT trends,” we’re really looking at how technology is being used to make manufacturing processes better, faster, and more customer-focused. It’s all about bringing in high-tech stuff like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and robotics to give manufacturing a major upgrade. By getting on board with these IT trends, manufacturers can completely change the way they work, making production smoother and products even better. It’s a game-changer in a competitive market, and for manufacturers, embracing these trends is essential for staying agile, responsive, and at the top of their game, setting the stage for the future of the industry.

Looking For a Dedicated Team?

If you’re in need of high-quality managed IT services for manufacturing, Savvycom provides customized solutions designed to address the unique requirements of your industry. With over 15 years of expertise in IT development, Savvycom excels in delivering comprehensive software development and technology consulting services. Collaborate with Savvycom, the best IT outsourcing company, to benefit from their extensive knowledge and innovative approaches, ensuring smooth integration of technology into your manufacturing operations.

Market Overview Of The Manufacturing IT Industry

The Manufacturing IT Industry is gradually emerging as an effective support for human power

The Manufacturing IT Industry is gradually emerging as an effective support for human power

The manufacturing IT sector is undergoing a significant shift, largely driven by the integration of cutting-edge technologies. According to GlobalData, a renowned provider of data and comprehensive analytics across various industries, the market for enterprise IT services for manufacturing companies within this domain was valued at $414.5 billion in 2022. Projections indicate a robust growth trajectory, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of over 9% expected from 2022 to 2027, reaching an estimated value of $642.1 billion.

This growth surge is primarily attributed to the widespread adoption of advanced solutions like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics. These technologies are playing a pivotal role in streamlining manufacturing processes and enhancing product quality. Key players in the industry are placing significant emphasis on the establishment of smart factories and leveraging data analytics to gain a competitive edge.

As the manufacturing IT landscape continues to evolve, these emerging trends are setting a new standard for efficiency and innovation within the sector.

7 Picks – Top Manufacturing It Trends In 2024

As we journey through 2024, the manufacturing industry is experiencing a significant transformation fueled by advanced technologies that are reshaping production methods and process efficiency. Here are the latest it trends in manufacturing industry in 2024 that are shaping the industry this year:

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing

AI is transforming the manufacturing IT sector, leading it towards enhanced efficiency and innovation. One of its groundbreaking contributions is predictive maintenance, which anticipates potential machine failures, thereby minimizing downtime. Moreover, AI systems are enhancing quality control by monitoring production processes in real-time, ensuring consistent product excellence.

Another significant impact of AI lies in predictive analytics, facilitating accurate demand forecasting and enabling manufacturers to align production with market requirements more efficiently. Beyond these, AI is deployed in various applications across industries, aiding in operational streamlining and substantial cost reduction.

Artificial Intelligence orchestrates efficiency, innovation, and precision, transforming every process into a symphony of progress

Artificial Intelligence orchestrates efficiency, innovation, and precision, transforming every process into a symphony of progress

For example, AI-driven robots are collaborating with human workers to improve productivity and safety standards. As AI technologies continue to evolve, their role in manufacturing becomes increasingly pivotal, fostering an industry that is not only smarter and faster but also more adaptable to the dynamic demands of the global market.

2. Internet of things (IoT) integration

Seamlessly weaving the digital fabric of IoT into the tapestry of everyday life

Empowering Connectivity: Bridging Worlds with IoT Integration

IoT devices play a crucial role in shaping smart factories and streamlining supply chains. Thanks to IoT tech, manufacturers have the power to keep a close eye on inventory levels, track production progress in real-time, and fine-tune distribution processes for maximum efficiency. Undoubtedly, venturing into IoT integration presents both hurdles and perks. Challenges like safeguarding data, ensuring compatibility across systems, and beefing up infrastructure require careful consideration. Yet, the rewards are well worth it. IoT drives efficiency gains, slashes downtime, and amps up productivity levels. Despite these bumps along the road, the push towards embracing IoT in manufacturing is gaining momentum, driven by its promise to revolutionize operations and give businesses a competitive edge.

3. Cybersecurity in manufacturing

In the interconnected landscape of manufacturing, cybersecurity is not just a measure; it's the cornerstone safeguarding innovation, efficiency, and trust

In the interconnected landscape of manufacturing, cybersecurity is not just a measure; it’s the cornerstone safeguarding innovation, efficiency, and trust

To steer clear of online attacks, cybersecurity has become a must-have for keeping manufacturing plants safe and sound. As technology becomes more woven into how things are made, the danger of cyber threats looms larger. So, it’s crucial for manufacturing firms to put their money into top-notch cybersecurity solutions.

That means setting up solid procedures to shield important data and ideas while keeping the production line humming smoothly. It’s about regularly checking for security gaps, making sure everyone on the team knows how to spot and handle cyber risks, and keeping sensitive info under lock and key with encryption. Plus, having a well-thought-out plan for when things do go sideways is a smart move.

Learn More On: Cybersecurity Risk in Fintech

4. Robotics and Automation

Transforming industries, redefining possibilities: Robotics and Automation at the forefront of innovation

Transforming industries, redefining possibilities: Robotics and Automation at the forefront of innovation

The world of manufacturing is undergoing a thrilling transformation, all thanks to robotics and automation. These advancements mean that robots can now handle repetitive tasks with incredible precision and speed, giving a big boost to productivity and the quality of goods we produce.

And when you bring in Artificial Intelligence (AI), things get even more exciting for the future. We’re seeing robots taking on more complex roles and teaming up with humans like never before, all thanks to this ongoing AI revolution.

Besides, setting up and looking after these factory robots has become quicker and cheaper, thanks to better software and more powerful computers. And with Industry 4.0 principles at play, automation is taking a giant leap forward, changing how we do things in industry.

The rise of cool tech like 5G, AI, and Edge Computing is also shaking up the robotics world, pushing us to innovate and make processes even more efficient.

5. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in manufacturing

Augmenting Reality, Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Virtual Solutions for Real-World Efficiency

Augmenting Reality, Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Virtual Solutions for Real-World Efficiency

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are changing the game in manufacturing. They offer immersive solutions that revolutionize how we train, design, and maintain equipment.

These technologies are like gold for upskilling workers. They let employees learn new skills in a simulated environment, which means they can get better at their jobs faster. This not only boosts efficiency but also cuts down on mistakes along the production line.

For designers, AR and VR are a dream come true. They can see products in 3D, making collaborative design a breeze and speeding up the innovation process.

Maintenance crews also love AR and VR. They use them to quickly spot and fix issues, which keeps downtime to a minimum and makes sure equipment runs smoothly.

And the success stories speak for themselves. AR and VR have transformed everything from how things get put together to quality control checks. Industries like automotive and aerospace are embracing these technologies left and right, showing just how versatile and powerful they can be in making operations run like a well-oiled machine.

6. Additive manufacturing

Building Tomorrow, Layer by Layer: Unleashing the Potential of Additive Manufacturing

Building Tomorrow, Layer by Layer: Unleashing the Potential of Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is shaking up manufacturing like never before. This game-changing tech is turning heads for its ability to transform how we prototype and produce goods.

With 3D printing, manufacturers can make intricate parts while slashing material waste, cutting lead times, and lowering costs. Plus, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for personalized products, letting companies tailor-make items to suit different consumer tastes.

And the innovation just keeps coming. Thanks to recent breakthroughs, like better materials and smarter printing techniques, 3D printing is growing faster than ever. Techniques such as powder bed fusion and vat photopolymerization are leading the charge, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and getting adopted across a wide range of industries.

7. Cloud computing

Empowering Possibilities: Unleashing Innovation through Cloud Computing

Empowering Possibilities: Unleashing Innovation through Cloud Computing

In 2024, one of the hottest trends in IT is cloud computing, and it’s making waves in how manufacturers handle their tech needs. Basically, it’s like a magic toolbox offering flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. By tapping into cloud services, manufacturers can easily adjust their computing resources to match the ebb and flow of demand, making their operations smoother and their wallets happier. Plus, hopping onto the cloud train comes with some awesome perks: better teamwork, increased efficiency, and access to fancy analytics tools.

But, of course, nothing’s perfect. Data security is a biggie, as is the headache of integrating everything seamlessly. To keep sensitive info safe, they’re beefing up security with stuff like encryption and fancy authentication methods. And to ensure everything talks nicely to each other, careful planning and smart implementation strategies are key. With these in place, it’s like turning chaos into harmony, with on-premises systems and cloud infrastructure singing together beautifully.

So, in a nutshell, cloud computing is like giving manufacturers a superpower kit to tackle the challenges of today’s cutthroat business world. You’ve just explored the most exciting IT trends shaping manufacturing. Teaming up with a seasoned firm could really smooth the way for putting these trends into action and making them work seamlessly within manufacturing operations. In the next sections, we’ll provide tips and tricks to help you choose the right IT outsourcing provider that fits your demands.

You’ve just explored the most exciting IT trends shaping manufacturing. Teaming up with a seasoned firm could really smooth the way for putting these trends into action and making them work seamlessly within manufacturing operations. In the next sections, we’ll provide tips and tricks to help you choose the right IT outsourcing provider that fits your demands.

Learn More On: Cloud Security 101

How To Choose The Best Manufacturing IT Companies To Fit Your Demands

When picking the right manufacturing IT company, it’s essential to match your needs. Start by clearly stating what you want, like how big you want to grow, keeping things safe, and meeting industry rules. Look into different companies carefully, check how good they are, what others say about them, and if they’ve done similar work before. Make sure their tech works with yours. Ask about keeping your info safe, what they’d do if things went wrong, and if they’ll be there when you need them. Also, see if they’re friendly, quick to respond, and good at keeping in touch. By putting your needs first and being picky, you’ll find the best manufacturing IT company for you.

In addition, as one of the foremost IT outsourcing companies in Asia, we take pride in offering our services. At Savvycom, we are delighted to assist you in turning your dreams into reality. Established in 2009, Savvycom is widely recognized for delivering top-notch software outsourcing solutions. Simply get in touch with us, share your ideas, and let our team of experts at Savvycom strategize and manufacture IT solutions with efficiency and the highest quality assurance. Explore what Savvycom has to offer today for a seamless experience!

Bottom Line

In 2024, the manufacturing industry is experiencing a significant shift, powered by the merging of advanced technologies. From IoT and AI to robotics, 3D printing, and more, manufacturers are presented with numerous chances to boost efficiency, sustainability, and innovation. These trends aid in streamlining processes, elevating product standards, and addressing customer needs more adeptly. By embracing these shifts, manufacturers can set themselves up for triumph in the digital era. We hope our article ” Top manufacturing IT trends in 2024″ will be helpful to you.

Transforming Manufacturing with Cutting-Edge Software Solutions: Savvycom has been at the forefront of digital innovation since 2009. Leveraging our expertise, we specialize in developing software development services tailored to meet your needs. From robust learning platforms to interactive tools, we provide comprehensive solutions to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Partner with us to revolutionize education through technology.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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Technology Consulting Service: The Key to Successful Business Wed, 08 May 2024 11:33:36 +0000 Thanks to technology existing as an essential part of our modern world, technology consulting service needs to constantly be adapting to the latest trends. Technology plays a more significant role in businesses, and consultants are brought in to help businesses to use technology effectively. In the tech world, there are a few types of consulting, including IT consulting, computer consulting, and more. As a leading software development company, we understand the importance of staying ahead of these trends and offering innovative solutions to our clients. Technology consulting service helps organizations be more productive and profitable. To determine if any of these options could be suitable for your business, we’ll provide additional valuable information in this article, explaining why they are beneficial choices to enhance your business performance.

1. What Is Technology Consulting Service?

Technology Consulting Services | Savvycom -1
As you have probably figured out, the role of a technology consultant is to help their clients use technology better. Most of the time, the methods behind technology consulting help a business by:

  • Improves the business processes that take place
  • Reduces the costs of the company
  • Maximizes any tech opportunities

Today, consulting means a lot more. It can play a huge role in digital strategy or technology change. As it is evolving so quickly, this area of work is becoming essential in helping organizations to grow. Consulting services are developing and implementing any technology to accelerate business growth, manage risk better, reduce cost, or change how the system is functioning.
Types of consulting services in technology consulting can be described as this system:

  • Service firms that have a significant workforce and operate high bill rates.
  • Staffing firms that send technologists to businesses for a temporary period as a response to employee absences, temporary skill shortage, or technical projects.
  • Independent consultants that are self-employed.
  • Information Technology security consultants.

In technology consulting, the goal is to inform clients of how to use their IT practices to achieve their business objectives. To do that, a tech consultant is also going to manage and implement strategies. IT consulting services can range from creating a technology to managing a system of processes for a client. Usually, a client commissions the technology consulting services to a firm that helps in planning and developing the new IT system. In some cases, they also examine the risk of an existing system.

Jio Health - Telemedicine App Built by Savvycom

Jio Health – Telemedicine App Built by Savvycom

Build Your App The Professional Way With Savvycom?
Our team can help you with the development of your application. Contact us to get a free initial consultation regarding your project and its estimation in terms of cost, timeline, and needed technical talent.


2. Why Is Technology Consulting Service Important?

Technology Consulting Services | Savvycom -2
The IT industry offers a sea of options, from platforms, programming languages, methodologies, technologies, tools, and more. All this diversity in IT offerings can be overwhelming, and without proper knowledge, near downright impossible to navigate. 
To shortcut your way into the world of IT, it is very advisable to hire IT consulting companies, including consulting tech companies and business technology consulting firms, that offer a robust portfolio of IT consulting services, as well as knowledge and expertise. When you hire a tech consulting firm, you hire experience, knowledge, and a portfolio of services at your fingertips to leverage IT in your business environment.
IT consulting services are important because they play a vital role in businesses by covering the management, implementation, deployment, and maintenance of an IT infrastructure. Oftentimes, an Information Technology consultant takes on the role of advising and assisting companies to optimize their IT infrastructure and reach their goals and business objectives with determination.
Among the key advantages of leveraging IT consulting services, we can mention the ability to gain a competitive advantage to maximize technologies, create a cost-efficient environment where IT tools help save time and resources, and boost productivity through the effective practice of communication, collaboration, and knowledge transfer within an IT infrastructure.

3. When Should A Company Go For Technology Consulting Service?

Technology Consulting Services | Savvycom -3
The need for technical consulting services arises at various stages of a company’s lifecycle. Whether a business is starting up, expanding, or facing challenges, seeking expert guidance is crucial. Companies grappling with outdated technology, cybersecurity concerns, or those looking to adopt new innovations should consider engaging the expertise of top technology consulting companies to steer them in the right direction.
The easiest way to determine need is to understand the goals of the company. After that, a shortcut towards the IT world is to hire a consulting company that has a portfolio centered around the organization’s needs, coupled with related knowledge and expertise.
Going for a permanent IT expert can be expensive, especially for a startup company. The advantage of technology consulting is that the consultant gets paid for the work done in a specific time frame. Many businesses do not need monthly IT services.

  • A company might require somebody to install a new system and do the training for the team. After that, the organization can handle the order, and the expert can help when any issues come to the front.
  • Technology consulting can also be related to suggesting or implementing software or hardware solutions in the business. As an example, a law firm that used to implement hard copy records can benefit from technology consulting that recommends the use of a software program. 
  • The software can help the team organize better files and keep them electronically. It is evident that our world is becoming more and more dependent on technology, therefore, this type of consulting can benefit any industry and bring significant changes.

Another thing that technology consulting offers is big data analysis. This helps in finding the best way to collect and analyze data related to the customers of a business. By doing so, all the information can be used for future campaigns. Another reason why a business needs technology consulting is that now consultants can change a business’s production and marketing.

Interested In IT Outsourcing?
Contact us for a free consultation on Software Development Services and you will get all of the insights from our professional technical perspectives. Our Developers will advise you on the best approaches to the development process, as well as roughly estimate your project concept cost.

4. What Do Technology Consultants Do?

Technology Consulting Services | Savvycom -4
Technology consulting services are essentially an external IT department. Most of the projects that rely on technology consulting service are focused on implementation. Here, a consultant checks a proposed IT project and makes it happen.
Specific tasks also include:

  • Performing studies
  • Checking the cost of the proposed solution
  • Planning the implementation
  • Making quality controls
  • Implementing organizational consulting.

Tech consulting also acts as an interface between the company and its hardware and software providers. Any technology consulting service or activity is going to include one of the following tasks:

  • Presenting strategies and experience to clients
  • Developing and providing solutions
  • Understanding how technology impacts different departments of the organization
  • Communicating with team members
  • Going to client sites
  • Bringing new systems and monitoring them
  • Creating documentation and showing the progress reports
  • Being involved with sales, support, and maintaining contact with client organizations
  • Bringing new ideas and trends

Usually, technology consultants are hired by finances, professional services, or telecommunications teams. Most of the time, each of them specializes in a certain type of client.
In most of the contracts, the work is done for a fixed duration, and they need to provide the resolution in the time frame that was agreed. Technology consulting service is usually made by upper management when they think they need an expert for advice on their technology services.
Usually, areas of technology consulting include:

In an upcoming section, we will tap deeper into the benefits associated with partnering with IT consulting companies and the IT consultant services they expertly provide.

5. How To Select The Best Strategy And Information Technology Consulting Service

Technology Consulting Services | Savvycom -5
A lot of people understandably believe that technology consulting service is all about giving/receiving advice. But in reality, it is so much more complex than just that. Effective and successful consulting entails a number of practices and services that span numerous purposes such as estimates, competitive analysis, development of an IT corporate strategy, implementation of IT systems, system management, and more. 
With the growing necessity to require more from your IT consultants, it is only natural that these advisers have expanded their skills to satisfy these extended expectations. Now, you probably wonder what is the best approach to select the best strategy and information technology consultants? Here, we give you a few pointers on what to consider when searching for the right partner.

  • Do not hesitate to request samples of previous work to see their portfolio of completed projects. This provides insight into their style of work, ethics, performance metrics, and overall quality levels delivered.
  • Verify credentials such as experience and certifications that contribute to the offered expertise in a desired consulting service. Up-to-date consultants offer a modern take on emerging technologies, and it is helpful to hire consultants who deliver value through ongoing testing and certifications that validate their skillset.
  • Place a high emphasis on soft skills such as communication, reliability, and a team-player attitude. These skills will come in handy once your IT endeavors kickstart and you need consultants to operate in a business-savvy environment that is highly collaborative. IT consultants are there to help you solve problems, and conveying information with accuracy and a friendly attitude goes a long way in achieving successful outcomes.
  • Talk about the technologies, methodologies, and tools that IT consultants master, as well as the type of performance metrics they exercise to boost and measure results. An established IT consultant will include a detailed listing of their methods to measure success and areas of opportunity.

These considerations should be tailored to your business, making sure that you do what works best for you. Another important factor when selecting the best strategy and information technology consultants involves the understanding of what type of IT consulting you actually need. There are different kinds that tailor to different needs, which is why you should quickly identify which works best for your model.

Looking To Find A Trusted Tech Partner?
Providing a comprehensive range of software outsourcing services, including Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development, and Cloud and DevOps Services! For more than 15 years, Savvycom has been a pioneer in digital innovation, partnering with businesses of all sizes and startups across various industries. Our strength lies in delivering state-of-the-art software solutions and products, along with a diverse array of seamlessly integrated professional services tailored to your specific needs.
Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +1 408 663 8600 (US); +612 8006 1349 (AUS); +84 32 675 2886 (VN)
  • Email:


Engaging technology consulting services can yield a range of benefits for businesses:

  1. Strategic Alignment: Technology consulting services help align technology strategies with overall business objectives, ensuring that technological investments contribute to the company's success.
  2. Efficiency Improvement: Consultants identify and optimize business processes, leading to increased efficiency and streamlined operations.
  3. Cost Reduction: By implementing cost-effective technology solutions and minimizing inefficiencies, businesses can achieve significant cost savings over time.
  4. Innovation Integration: Technology consultants assist in integrating innovative technologies, fostering a culture of innovation within the organization and keeping it competitive in the market.
  5. Expert Guidance: Leveraging the expertise of technology consultants provides businesses with access to specialized knowledge, keeping them informed about the latest industry trends and best practices.
  6. Risk Management: Technology consultants assess and manage risks associated with technology, ensuring the security and resilience of the IT infrastructure.
  7. Enhanced Productivity: By optimizing workflows and implementing efficient technologies, businesses can experience improved productivity among their workforce.

Assessment and Improvement:

  • Evaluate existing technology infrastructure.
  • Identify areas for enhancement and propose solutions.

Implementation and Management:

  • Oversee the integration of new technologies.
  • Ensure seamless functioning and strategic alignment.

Strategic Guidance:

  • Align technology strategies with business objectives.
  • Enhance the organization's competitiveness.

Troubleshooting and Support:

  • Address technical issues.
  • Provide ongoing support for smooth operations.

Training and Development:

  • Conduct training sessions for staff.
  • Upskill employees for optimal technology utilization.

Industry Trends Awareness:

  • Stay updated on the latest tech advancements.
  • Provide innovative solutions based on industry trends.
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How To Write A Mobile App Business Plan For A Startup? Wed, 08 May 2024 11:09:00 +0000 Idea, planning, and execution. These three things are essential for any project to succeed. 

Yet, many business owners would forego the planning stage, believing that they should get started right away and create something after that. Trust us when we say that, for the most part, such kind of thinking won’t help you succeed. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”.

Writing a mobile app business plan can help you understand everything you now have, how the pieces of the project should fit together to form a roadmap, and what extra has to be done to get the best outcome.

As a leading software development company we understand how to create a mobile app business plan after years of working closely with our clients and partners. Here you can find a comprehensive guide on developing a company strategy that will effect overall success.

mobile app business plan

Mobile App Business Plan

Why a mobile app business plan is crucial for your company

Several studies support the importance of having a well-thought-out business plan for organizations at various phases of their business journeys. And a plan plays an even more important role for startup.

According to one survey of 3,000 business owners from various professions, those who had business plans were nearly twice as likely to succeed as those who did not. Furthermore, such strategic-planning businesses were more successful in acquiring investment or obtaining loans.

Attract business interest and investments

Most of the time, you will need to get funding for your new company.

You must choose between startup co-founders or investors depending on the sort of company strategy you wish to employ. You may need to attract both in certain cases. An application business plan is the only method to complete this work swiftly and move on to more crucial milestones in your company’s growth.

Lower risks

According to recent studies, establishing a business plan can help you get closer to your goals and desires. Entrepreneurs who have detailed business plans are more likely to grow their firm and improve their income than those who do not.

Planning is an easy approach for securing loans and investments.

Stay on track

It’s difficult not to overlook the vital things in a world full with distractions. As a business entrepreneur, you will confront new problems and challenges every day. However, a series of points on your blueprint will serve as a fast reminder of why you started it and where it should lead you.

Prepare thoroughly

Writing a plan can help you learn more about the industry you want to enter. This will help you clarify your goals, identify priorities, and create more accurate forecasts. It’s your chance to expose possible risks and establish your own voice in the business.

Execute effective management

Being a good manager takes skill. A mobile app business plan is your instrument for building a masterpiece. It gives a view of key tasks, allowing you to assign each one to the appropriate individual.

Is a business plan for a mobile app different from one for other software?

Mobile applications, websites, and other software solutions all have individual advantages and disadvantages. Their marketing strategies, monetization plans, and feature sets differ greatly from one another. Because of this, the business strategy for various solutions will also vary.

A mobile app company’s business strategy may resemble the format of a traditional software development business plan. Any document that represents the company and its products shall, nevertheless, have a distinctive content. It makes sense since every project is different, has specific goals, and an exclusive target audience.

Components of a mobile app business plan

Now that you are aware of the need of a business plan for any enterprise, let’s learn more about what it entails. A business strategy often consists of:

  • A list of bullet points outlining your goals.
  • A few facts that provide accurate data about the sector you intend to enter.
  • Tables with clearly defined procedures and tactics you want to use to accomplish your objectives.

Is the product viable? Does it have the capacity to provide users fresh experiences while offering its creators with quantifiable advantages? These are the two main concerns your app business plan has to address. The inclusion of the following components will guarantee a successful outcome.

Section 1. Executive summary

Let’s start with the executive summary.

It is the first and most important section of your mobile app business plan since it will be the first thing an investor reads. Without going into specifics about how your product functions, the executive summary should be clear and concise. You must discuss the market scenario, your target market, and the specific challenge that your application may resolve in this section.

To set your business apart from the competition, make your proposal unique. In other words, create a unique value proposition (UVP). Use your imagination to visualize your executive summary as a teaser for a movie, with your investor as the audience. How can you make a teaser that would entice your investors to see the entire film?

Define your objectives. The goals outlined in this section have to be based on your business analysis. Investors will assess your goals to see whether they meet their needs. Additionally, you must decide what your exit plan’s ultimate objective is. Create a list of your company’s funding requirements as well as how the money will be used to accelerate business expansion. Making sure there is a high degree of transparency at every level – this is one of the key components of your startup business plan for your mobile app.

Make your document compelling. To do this, ensure that the concept and objectives of your product are clear and consistent across the entire plan. Give the reader (your investors) accurate information and attainable goals for your project. Of course, don’t forget to check that the names of your team members and the person who wrote the business plan and executive summary are used consistently throughout the document.

Section 2. Business description

This is where you may give a brief overview of your business, starting with some general facts before moving on to your proposed mobile app. Your company’s values, goal, product vision, and key success factors should all be covered.

This is the second most critical part following the executive summary. You must also entice the investors with this section. For example, Y Combinator, a technology startup accelerator, believes raising funds to be by far the simplest part whereas working on ideas is the most important aspect of any company’s success. Before presenting newly-formed ideas to investors, Y-Combinator-like businesses frequently require that a complete business plan be prepared.

Company overview

This part should provide investors with comprehensive information about your startup, including its legal name, headquarters location, and organizational structure (LLC, corporation, etc.). Be sure to provide further details about your team, such as the number of employees, their names, positions, etc.

The mission statement of your organization should specify its goals as well as the guiding principles that drive it. After defining your objective, highlight the key issues and the solutions your business may provide.

Company history

Before presenting any business proposal, outline your company’s background, how your team got together, and how you came up with your idea. Furthermore, you may discuss the major stages of your company’s development as well as the experience that preceding the product introduction.

Team introduction

The app startup business plan should include information about your team so that you can get to know the reader better. You may convert a simple description into a virtual introduction meeting by including a few lines about the company’s expertise.

Inform the investors about the management team. Give details about the engineering crew members. Names, roles, experience, and even interests should be mentioned. When writing your app business plan, make the audience feel as though they know the folks you’re talking about.

Another useful approach is to include information about your advisory team. These professionals assist you in making decisions, and their names might make a difference in the local market.

Section 3. Market analysis

The essential aspect in the implementation of your app idea should be market information. This is a vital part of every company plan. You must be aware of the situation at the moment in your industry, as well as the elements that influence it, have up-to-date information, and be able to develop a short-term forecasts.

To perform market research, follow these steps:

  • Examining the current economic landscape
  • Creating a list of market research criteria
  • Identifying your total available market (TAM), service available market (SAM), and service obtainable market (SOM)
  • Acknowledging your direct competitors
  • Analyzing your target audience and determining the cost per acquisition (CPA)

Remember that no market research in the mobile app sector can be undertaken without first evaluating Google Play and Apple App Store rankings for top paid, free, and top-grossing applications, as well as user reviews.

Market predictions

Forecasting is an important part of creating a business strategy for the reality of an app development company.

Forecasts from widely recognized research organizations such as Nielsen and Forrester can be valuable when building any business plan, whether it is a mobile app business plan for app development, a website, or a typical software startup business plan. To generate accurate market predictions, you can:

  • Provide statistics about the growth of businesses that offer solutions similar to your mobile app.
  • Include data on the amount of money invested in similar businesses (platforms such as Crunchbase can help with this).
  • Add a few forecasts about the target customer’s behavior to your company plan.

The ultimate purpose of this research is to determine whether your product has a real market, whether there are enough consumers in the market, and, therefore, whether those customers are willing to shell out money for your product.

Business analysis

Here, you will access how your business will perform in the targeted market. There are several approaches to present this to your investors, but one of the easiest ways is using SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that allows you to offer a structured overview of your company’s current state. The reasons? It is simple enough to visualize, and it covers the four perspectives (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) that your audience is definitely interested in.

You should not try to hide your business’s weaknesses. It is normal for a company to have some aspects they are not excellent at. By knowing your weaknesses and risks, you know the aspects that need to be improved for a better performance. 

Section 4. Marketing strategy

An app marketing strategy is a link that allows your product to reach your clients. You must persuade investors that you have such a bridge. This is a critical component of the mobile app strategy. When creating a business strategy, you must specify which approaches you planned on using for application promotion.

Identify the marketing channels

Social media marketing is now often regarded as the most successful method of promoting a product. But will it be sufficient to advertise your app? Return to the research step and determine how many prospective people you can meet on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Provide readers with information on which channels are likely to be the most profitable.

A landing page for your app is another powerful approach to reach out to the target market. Make an appealing mockup. Include the name of the application, a description of its features, promotional videos, and so on.

Decide on key metrics

Initially, your success will be determined by the number of installs or conversion rates, not by financial revenue. Decide which metrics will be useful in evaluating your project.

Estimate marketing budget

Based on the market analysis described in the preceding part of the business plan, you may estimate the cost of marketing services. Understanding the marketing budget is critical for all parties, including you, the app owner, investors, and other stakeholders.

Think about product growth

Growing the user base strategy varies depending on the type of app startup, as does the business plan for entering different sectors. If you’re still developing a business plan, consider how you’ll build your user base ahead of time. This will greatly help you with future product development.

Select product launch type

In your company plan, be sure to include the type of product launch. There are two sorts of launches: hard and soft. The first is to provide a finished product to your whole target audience. A soft launch is when you release your app’s MVP or full version to a small group of users.

Section 5. Financing

To properly lay out this section of your business plan, you must first fully understand the type of funding you will need to proceed forward. Furthermore, the objective is to describe it as clearly as possible so that a potential investor gets it.

The financial model typically comprises a three- to five-year prediction of all key forecast indicators, such as profit and loss, cash flow, balance sheets, start tables, unit economics calculation, and expected revenues and expenses for your app. To establish the real cost and distribution of assets in the best way, your financial record must have the following components, each with a clear explanation.

Business expenses/funding required

Inform your investors of the estimated expenses. We recommend making fair estimations and allowing for additional costs because these figures may change.


  • One-time expenses (for example, relocation fees, office space costs, equipment, servers, software, and licensing
  • Fixed expenses are those that do not fluctuate regardless of whether you build anything or not (for example, rent, insurance, lease payments, and fixed salary).
  • Variable costs: expenses that vary with production volume (for example, labor).

Monetization strategy

It is another topic that you must address in your plan. By displaying your monetization tactics, you will show your investors and other stakeholders that your project will be successful and deliver a return on investment with favorable unit economics. It will also assist you in determining whether your startup will reach its break-even point.

The most popular mobile app monetization models are:

  • Advertising
  • In-app purchases
  • Freemium
  • Pay per download
  • Subscription
  • Sponsorship/Partnership
Learn More On: The Best Mobile App Monetization Strategies For Your Upcoming Project


Writing the first page of a mobile app business plan for a mobile app idea is the most daunting part of the process. In that situation, many people scramble in search of a free copy of another company’s business plan. They mistakenly think that using someone else’s business plan will help them accomplish their objectives. But it won’t, not at all!

A company strategy cannot be copied. It must be unique and express your passion and zeal for achieving your idea. A strong business plan should show how financially desirable and feasible your company is. The higher the viability, the greater the investment prospect.



An executive summary, firm description, goods & services, strategy planning, management & optimization, and a financial statement are all elements of a mobile app business plan.

Finding a unique selling proposition, focusing on a user persona, and employing the appropriate marketing channels make up the three processes.

A effective business plan may be written in two to eight weeks, based on our experience.

It is indeed possible. A business strategy for apps, however, entails more than merely outlining your concept. It also includes a thorough strategy, financial planning, and market research. It could improve the prospects for business success.


With over 25 years of experience, Savvycom has used digital technology to help businesses grow in a variety of industries. We offer high-quality software development services , including technology consulting and end-to-end consulting, to help you optimize your business potential.

Savvycom is what you need. Contact us now for more consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email:
Why Is The Internet of Things Important: Unveiling Its Importance In Our Connected World [2024] Wed, 08 May 2024 11:00:40 +0000 The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how we live by linking ordinary objects to the internet, enabling them to exchange data. This transformation is revolutionizing industries, improving our daily experiences, and laying the foundation for futuristic smart cities. But why is the Internet of Things important, and how does it operate? Our article below will provide the answers you seek.

Understanding Of IoT

In this section, we will initially help you understand the basic information about IoT, including what it is, how it operates, and its importance in daily life.

Introduction to the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a groundbreaking technology that allows devices to communicate globally by exchanging data through the internet and reacting to it. While it may seem like a new idea to many, this interconnected system has actually been around for two decades.

From healthcare to aviation, traditional objects now possess digital intelligence. They’re able to transmit data autonomously, eliminating the need for human intervention. This fusion of the physical and digital realms is fueling automation and yielding valuable insights. It’s also propelling the development of smart infrastructure, revolutionizing industries, and introducing exciting personal gadgets.

Portrait of the Father of IoT: Exploring the Origins of the Term

Portrait of the Father of IoT: Exploring the Origins of the Term

Coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999, the term “IoT” conjures up a vision where objects aren’t merely static—they actively participate in a connected world. This vision continues to evolve, pushing the boundaries of technology and connectivity forward. As of present, 871 million smart home devices have been shipped worldwide, and this number is anticipated to surge to 1.23 billion by the year 2027. Additionally, a study conducted by Microsoft revealed that as of 2019, a remarkable 80% of major organizations had already begun incorporating IoT technology into their operational frameworks.

How Does IoT Work?

The Internet of Things works by linking smart devices over the internet. These devices are equipped with processors, sensors, and communication hardware. They collect, send, and respond to data from their environment. For example, in smart agriculture, IoT sensors track soil moisture and temperature. They send this information to a central system for analysis.

Example of IoT Application in Improving Quality of Life: Image Source - Techsparks

Example of IoT Application in Improving Quality of Life: Image Source – Techsparks

Additionally, IoT devices share collected data through connections to gateways or edge devices. This enables either cloud-based analysis or local processing. In situations like smart cities, interconnected IoT devices communicate with each other. They use real-time data exchanges to coordinate things like traffic flow.

Although IoT operates autonomously, users can still interact with devices. They can adjust settings or access the data generated. Overall, IoT relies on various connectivity, networking, and communication protocols. These are tailored to specific applications and often use artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve data collection efficiency and adaptability.

Looking For a Dedicated Team?

Are you seeking to revolutionize your manufacturing operations through cutting-edge Internet of Things services? Look to Savvycom for unparalleled expertise! With a distinguished track record spanning over 15 years in IoT development, Savvycom excels in delivering tailored IoT solutions tailored to the specific requirements of your industry. Join forces with us for top-tier IoT outsourcing companies, leveraging our position as one of Asia’s foremost IoT software outsourcing companies. Together, we can harness the transformative potential of IoT technology to optimize and fortify your manufacturing workflows. Let’s unite to elevate your operational efficacy and propel your enterprise towards unprecedented achievements!

Why Is the Internet of Things important?

The Internet of Things is hugely important because it can turn our everyday surroundings into smart, interconnected systems. IoT makes it possible for devices that were once passive to communicate and react in real-time, which makes things more efficient and convenient across different areas. It basically links up the physical and digital worlds, creating lots of opportunities and, of course, some challenges too.

Economically, adopting IoT helps businesses make more money and save costs by streamlining processes and predicting when maintenance is needed. Socially, IoT tackles big issues like healthcare, sustainability, and urbanization, which ultimately makes life better for everyone.

Looking ahead, it’s clear that IoT will keep evolving, driven by new tech and changes in the market. So, it’s a trend that’s here to stay, shaping the way we live and work.

Key Components Of The Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things operates thanks to several essential parts:

  • IoT Devices: These are physical gadgets equipped with sensors or software to gather and share data. Think of industrial machines that monitor performance in real-time, fitness trackers keeping tabs on your health, or smart thermostats adjusting energy use.
  • Connectivity: This is how devices talk to each other and exchange information. Whether it’s through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or cellular networks, there are various technologies that make this communication possible.
  • IoT Platforms: These are like command centers for IoT data. They collect information from devices and offer tools to analyze and manage it. Big players in this field include Amazon’s AWS IoT and Microsoft’s Azure IoT.
  • Data Storage and Analytics: Your IoT gadgets often send their data to the cloud, where smart algorithms analyze it. This analysis helps businesses figure out ways to improve their operations.
  • Edge Computing: Instead of sending all the data to the cloud, some processing happens right where the data is generated. This speeds up response times and saves on bandwidth, which is super handy for things like medical devices and car safety systems.
  • Security Systems: These are the digital locks and keys that keep your data safe. Encryption, strong passwords, and regular updates are all part of the game to keep hackers out and your information secure.

Together, these pieces form the backbone of the Internet of Things, making it possible for industries to tap into its potential.

Types Of Internet Of Things (IoT) Protocols

When it comes to making our devices in the Internet of Things world talk to each other seamlessly, IoT protocols are like the unsung heroes. They’re the ones responsible for ensuring smooth communication and data sharing between our gadgets and the central systems that manage them. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common ones:

  • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): Think of MQTT as the lightweight champ. It’s great at saving bandwidth and getting data moving quickly within IoT networks.
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): You’ve probably heard of this one before. It’s the go-to for sharing data between IoT gadgets and servers. You’ll find it everywhere, from web apps to APIs.
  • CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol): CoAP is the specialist for devices that have limited resources, like sensors and smartphones. It’s designed to keep communication efficient in these situations.
  • AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol): AMQP is like the smooth operator of IoT messaging. It’s all about making sure different apps and software development services within the IoT world can talk to each other with ease.
  • Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): These are the local heroes. They’re perfect for connecting gadgets nearby and for keeping an eye on them from afar.

Each protocol has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choosing the right one depends on what you need your IoT setup to do. But no matter which you pick, having the right protocol in place is key to keeping your IoT network running smoothly.

IoT Applications

To further reinforce the importance of IoT, let’s explore a typical example of its application for individuals and businesses.

IoT Applications for personal use

IoT applications have the potential to enhance individuals’ quality of life.

Smart home automation

IoT devices, like smart thermostats, lighting systems, locks, and plugs, let you control and automate your home from anywhere, making life simpler and more convenient. These nifty gadgets seamlessly fit into your daily routine, giving you easy control over various aspects of your household. 

With just a phone, you can remotely control your home's electrical appliances using IoT

With just a phone, you can remotely control your home’s electrical appliances using IoT

Imagine adjusting your lights, security settings, and room temperature with just a voice command or a tap on your phone screen. Smart thermostats go even further by learning your habits and schedule, ensuring your comfort while saving energy. Security systems offer peace of mind with instant alerts and remote monitoring. With IoT, your home isn’t just a place to live—it’s an active part of your digital life, making your comfort and safety a top priority.

Health and fitness tracking

Wearable devices have transformed the landscape of health monitoring, offering continuous updates on vital metrics like heart rate, steps taken, and even sleep patterns. Ranging from smartwatches to fitness trackers, these gadgets employ sensors to keep tabs on essential signs and physical exertion. Thanks to IoT integration, they streamline data gathering and analysis, allowing users to stay informed about their health status in real-time.

All your health information will be checked in real-time and thoroughly analyzed

All your health information will be checked in real-time and thoroughly analyzed

Furthermore, wearable IoT devices play a pivotal role in promoting healthier lifestyles by furnishing personalized insights and feedback on fitness endeavors. Whether it’s monitoring workout routines or tracking progress, these devices empower individuals to make well-informed choices regarding their health and overall well-being.

Smart personal assistants

Smart Personal Assistants like Amazon Alexa, IOS Siri and Google Assistant are crucial components of IoT ecosystems, effortlessly connecting with a variety of smart home devices. They provide users with the convenience of controlling IoT gadgets using simple voice commands, enhancing the efficiency and connectivity of modern living spaces.

Siri is consistently rated as the top IoT project among smart personal assistants - Image source: Apple

Siri is consistently rated as the top IoT project among smart personal assistants – Image source: Apple

As the popularity of voice assistant-enabled devices grows, from smartphones to smart speakers, so does the adoption of voice-controlled IoT solutions. Moving forward, the seamless integration of voice assistants with IoT devices will reshape how we interact with and manage our connected environments. Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant operate via cloud-based systems, showcasing the harmonious relationship between virtual assistants and IoT consumer products.

IoT Applications for Business

Below are typical applications of IoT in businesses.

Learn More On: Potential Use Of IoT Applications In Traffic, Healthcare And Agriculture

Supply chain management

First off, the Internet of Things has the potential to completely transform how supply chains are managed. When companies integrate IoT devices, they gain an incredible ability to track their products in real-time. This not only makes operations smoother but also makes the entire supply chain more dependable. With smart sensors built into these devices, businesses get instant updates on where their shipments are and their condition. This helps them tweak delivery schedules on the fly and gives stakeholders peace of mind.

IoT is a powerful assistant when applied to supply chain management - Image source: Mokosmart

IoT is a powerful assistant when applied to supply chain management – Image source: Mokosmart

In addition, IoT doesn’t just stop at tracking. It’s proactive about maintenance too, sending out alerts before issues become big problems. This means companies can fix things before they cause disruptions, keeping operations running smoothly and customers happy with on-time deliveries. And beyond just keeping an eye on things, IoT’s predictive maintenance features also cut down on downtime and make machinery last longer, saving both time and money.

Industrial IoT (IIoT)

Next, let’s talk about the Industrial Internet of Things, which marks a significant shift in manufacturing. With IIoT, factories become smarter thanks to interconnected devices. These specialized IoT tools automate and optimize operations using sensors and instruments that work alongside industrial computer systems. By monitoring machinery in real-time, operators can quickly adapt to changes, preventing breakdowns and keeping productivity high. IIoT platforms act as central hubs for collecting and analyzing data, helping businesses make informed decisions and improve efficiency through predictive maintenance.

Applying IoT in the automobile manufacturing industry helps reduce time while ensuring accuracy

Applying IoT in the automobile manufacturing industry helps reduce time while ensuring accuracy

But IIoT’s impact goes beyond just controlling operations. It’s a driving force behind resource optimization, safer working environments, and increased productivity. Adopting IIoT practices also promotes sustainability, fosters employee skills, and advances the concept of smart factories. In essence, IIoT isn’t just about upgrading technology—it’s a strategic tool that propels the manufacturing industry towards a smarter and more adaptable future.


Lastly, in IoT Applications for Business that cannot be ignored is Healthcare, the healthcare field is undergoing a major makeover thanks to the integration of the Internet of Things, which brings in new and exciting ways to improve patient care. IoT gadgets are essential for letting doctors keep an eye on patients remotely, providing them with real-time updates for personalized and prompt medical attention. Take wearable devices like heart rate monitors and glucose meters, for example. They’re now hooked up to the internet, making it possible to continuously monitor vital health stats. This constant watch helps medical staff maintain precise patient records, ensuring they’re on top of things and ready to act swiftly.

IoT applications in healthcare have elevated this industry to new heights

IoT applications in healthcare have elevated this industry to new heights

In emergencies, the impact of IoT is even more obvious. Ambulances equipped with connected devices can send patient info to hospitals as they rush there, making the transition from emergency response to hospital care smoother. This seamless communication can literally save lives, as hospital teams can prepare to treat patients as soon as they arrive. The biggest advantage of IoT in healthcare is how it enhances the quality of care by bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers. This means medical equipment is used efficiently and patients receive the right care at the right time, with all the necessary info at hand.

Learn More On: IoT Healthcare: The Future Landscape Of Healthcare Industry

Internet Of Things Security Concerns

Undoubtedly, the advent of the Internet of Things brings forth a myriad of advantages. However, alongside these benefits lurk potential security threats. As we integrate more devices into the internet, the scope for vulnerabilities widens. The rising prevalence of interconnected devices has propelled concerns regarding IoT security and privacy into the spotlight.

Visualizing the Overview: How Hackers Attack IoT Networks

Visualizing the Overview: How Hackers Attack IoT Networks

The distinctive architecture of IoT networks, characterized by a multitude of connected devices serving various purposes, poses formidable challenges in implementing effective security measures. Breaches in IoT devices could lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and even jeopardize critical infrastructure. Moreover, the sheer volume of personal and sensitive data collected and transmitted raises red flags regarding privacy and data protection.

Key issues like data ownership, consent, and secure data handling practices have emerged as central topics in discussions concerning IoT security and privacy. Addressing these concerns necessitates a holistic approach. This approach should encompass robust encryption techniques, authentication mechanisms, regular software updates, and strict adherence to privacy regulations. Such measures are imperative to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of IoT systems and the data they manage.

Learn More On: IoT Challenges: What Are The Greatest And How To Deal With?

Where To Find Internet Of Things Outsourcing

Navigating the IoT landscape can be complex, especially for businesses without in-house expertise. That’s where partnering with specialized service providers becomes crucial. Internet of things outsourcing like Savvycom excel in developing, deploying, and maintaining Internet of things solutions tailored to specific industry needs.

If you’re a business itching to dive into IoT but feeling a bit out of your depth, outsourcing to pros like Savvycom is a savvy move. They don’t just offer off-the-shelf solutions; they custom-make them to fit your requirements like a glove, reducing the risks that come with IoT deployments.

As the IoT journey unfolds, being proactive is key. Both service providers and businesses need to roll up their sleeves and take the necessary steps to protect sensitive data and keep interconnected systems running smoothly. By teaming up with trusted partners, you can confidently navigate the IoT terrain and stay ahead of the game.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is an intriguing area that broadens the scope of connectivity and enhances our interaction with the world around us. As IoT expands, it increasingly becomes a fundamental aspect of daily life, sparking innovation and presenting fresh avenues for personal and business applications. Proficiency in utilizing IoT can yield substantial benefits; however, it is crucial to handle this technology with care, particularly concerning security considerations. By adopting a strategic approach and implementing IoT effectively, we pave the way for a future that is characterized by enhanced efficiency, sustainability, and interconnectedness.

Revolutionize Manufacturing with Innovative IoT Solutions from Savvycom, Asia’s Premier IT Outsourcing Provider, at the forefront of digital transformation since 2009. Leveraging our deep expertise, we excel in crafting state-of-the-art IoT solutions tailored precisely to your needs. Whether it’s streamlining production lines, enhancing equipment efficiency, or enabling real-time data analytics, we deliver holistic solutions to propel manufacturing into the future. Collaborate with us to unlock the potential of IoT technology and spearhead innovation across your industry.

Embark on a Manufacturing Revolution Today! Partner with Savvycom, Asia’s Leading IT consulting service, and Transform Your Industry with Cutting-Edge IoT Solutions. Let’s Ignite Innovation Together!

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App in 2024? – Comprehensive Guide Wed, 08 May 2024 10:49:18 +0000 Creating an app has the potential to bring in some serious cash, but it also comes with a price tag upfront. So, how much does it cost to develop an app? Well, it really depends on how fancy and complicated you want your app to be. The fancier and more jam-packed with features your app is, the more it’s gonna cost you to develop. As you start mapping out your app’s journey, it’s a smart move to nail down a budget and timeline early on. That way, you can make smart money moves and stay on track to reach your goals.

Priding itself as Asia’s leading software development company, Savvycom endeavors to provide comprehensive insights into development costs in this article. Let us delve into the intricacies of this subject matter.

6 Keys Factors Affecting App Development Cost

Developing an application incurs various expenses influenced by specific factors crucial for budgeting and planning. Let’s delve into these pivotal elements shaping application development costs:

  • Complexity of features: Advanced functionalities or intricate algorithms drive up development costs as they demand more resources and expertise.
  • Design requirements: Tailored and elaborate designs consume additional time and effort from designers, thereby impacting overall expenses.
  • Mobile platforms and devices supported: Whether an app will be developed for iOS only or has an Android version as well. What specific devices hardware will it support, e.g. iPhone 13, iPhone 12 Mini, Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus, and so on.
  • Development time: Longer development cycles directly correlate with higher costs, emphasizing the importance of efficiency in the development process.
  • Third-party integrations: Incorporating external services, APIs, or software components amplifies complexity and may necessitate supplementary expenses.
  • Maintenance and support: Post-launch activities such as maintenance, updates, and ongoing support significantly contribute to the overall cost of ownership, influencing expenses over time.

Considering these factors, there are typical benchmarks for app development project costs derived from comprehensive research conducted by various companies. These benchmarks provide valuable insights into estimating costs across different types of applications.

Type Of Application

The type of app you’re creating can really affect how much it costs to develop. Let’s break it down:

  • Social Media Apps: Think Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
  • E-commerce Apps: Like Shoppe, Lazada, eBay.
  • Gaming Apps: Examples include Wildrift, Simcity, Candy Crush Saga.
  • Education Apps: Think Duolingo, Udemy.
  • Healthcare and Fitness Apps: Like Mi Fitness, Medscape, MyFitnessPal.
  • Travel Apps: Examples include Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Travelloka.
  • Productivity Apps: Like Trello.
  • On-Demand Apps: Think Grab, Uber, Postmates.

Each of these categories comes with its own set of requirements and complexities, which affects both time and cost. Below, you’ll find estimates for how much time and money it generally takes to develop each type of app, based on calculations from an app development cost calculator.

App Type

Time to develop


Social Media

6-12 months



4-12 months



2-12 months or more

$10k-$500k or more


3-6 months


Healthcare and Fitness

4-6 months



3-8 months



3-6 months



4-8 months


We can see that each type of application, serving a different purpose, will have different timelines and costs for building the application, depending on its intended use.

Learn More On: Top 15 Healthcare App Ideas for Healthcare Startups In 2024

App development costs vary by region

Average price map of mobile application outsourcing

Average price map of mobile application outsourcing

The costs of app development vary significantly across regions, reflecting the diverse economic landscapes worldwide. In North America, developers typically charge between $60 to $200 per hour, reflecting the region’s higher living standards and operational expenses. Similarly, Western Europe and the UK maintain rates ranging from $25 to $160 per hour.

Conversely, Eastern Europe offers more competitive pricing at $17 to $150 per hour, attributed to a growing talent pool with lower living costs. In Asia, particularly India, rates can be as low as $13 to $80 per hour, making it the most economical option. These variations arise from factors such as economic conditions, living expenses, access to skilled labor, and market demand. Understanding these regional distinctions is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their app development budgets while ensuring high-quality outcomes.

Cost of hiring an app developer

When considering hiring an app developer, several factors affect the total cost and the choice of pricing model. Skilled developers charge higher rates due to their experience and expertise. There are different pricing models to choose from, such as fixed-price and hourly rates, which offer flexibility depending on project requirements and budget.

Experienced developers ensure a higher quality end product but may come with a higher cost. Conversely, less experienced developers may offer lower rates but could result in a less refined final product. For instance, hiring an in-house development team is one of the costliest options, with the average salary for a US-based app developer being approximately $113,125 per year. On the other hand, freelancers offer a more cost-effective solution, with average hourly rates ranging from $13 to $60, making them suitable for smaller projects or when specific expertise is required.

Ultimately, the choice of hiring option depends on the budget, project needs, and the desired level of involvement in the development process.

App maintenance cost

Application maintenance fees are also a necessary expense

Application maintenance fees are also a necessary expense

Maintaining your app is like keeping your car in good shape—it’s crucial for its long-term performance and relevance. Usually, maintenance costs fall between 15% to 20% of what you initially spent on development. This includes things like updates, fixing bugs, beefing up security, and making sure the app runs smoothly.

Consistent support is key to keeping users happy and adjusting to their feedback and any new tech trends. As the digital world keeps changing, regular maintenance not only fixes problems now but also sets your app up for future success and keeps your users satisfied.

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Cost for Each OS Platform

Each operating system comes with its own price tag. In this section, we’ll furnish you with cost estimates for various operating system platforms, including Android, iOS, and Hybrid.

IOS app

The cost of developing an iOS app can vary significantly, influenced by several factors. These factors include the complexity of the app, design specifications, and the necessity for custom algorithms. Moreover, given that iOS app development necessitates a Mac system and proficiency in Xcode, the availability of skilled developers familiar with these technologies can further influence the total cost. On average, the expenses associated with iOS app development typically fall within the range of $75,000 to $500,000 or higher, contingent upon the project’s scope and unique demands.

Android app

When it comes to developing an Android app, the average cost is subject to several influencing factors. These factors encompass the complexity of development, feature prerequisites, and the challenge posed by platform fragmentation due to the diverse array of Android devices. Ensuring compatibility across numerous devices and screen sizes can extend development timelines and inflate costs. Generally, Android app development expenses range from $50,000 to $500,000 or beyond, contingent upon project specifications and the degree of customization involved.

Hybrid app

A hybrid app is a mobile application that blends features of both native and web apps. It’s crafted using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, yet it’s enclosed within a native container. However, it’s essential to note that while hybrid apps offer cost benefits, they may not always match the performance and user experience standards set by native apps.

Additionally, optimizing hybrid apps across various platforms might incur additional expenses. On average, the costs associated with hybrid app development typically fall within the range of $90,000 to $700,000, making it a compelling and cost-effective choice for businesses seeking cross-platform compatibility.”+

Learn More On: Top 15 Mobile App Development Trends To Keep Tab On In 2024

Real-World App Cost Breakdowns

Now that we have a solid grasp of the key considerations in “How much does it cost to develop an app?”, let’s delve into two practical examples for your reference in this section.


Developing an app akin to Tinder involves several considerations like the features included, the complexity of the app, and how long it takes to build. Typically, the cost for such a project ranges from $25,000 to $120,000. Key features encompass login pages, user authentication and authorization, user profiles, in-app messaging, GPS location services, push notifications, and an in-app payment gateway. This cost estimate covers everything from design and development to testing, server infrastructure, backend setup, and ongoing maintenance. Features like user profiles, swiping, messaging, geolocation, and push notifications all factor into the overall cost. Additionally, integrating advanced features like AI-driven matchmaking or video chat functionalities can further increase development expenses.

Tinder, which launched in 2012 with an initial funding of $485,000, has enjoyed tremendous success. In 2021, the company raked in revenue exceeding $1.6 billion, with projections indicating it will surpass that figure in 2024.


Developing an app similar to TikTok entails various factors such as complexity, features, and development duration. On average, this can range from $20,000 to $100,000 and may require approximately 1,200 hours to build. This estimate covers design, development, testing, video streaming infrastructure, user authentication, content management, and backend work. Features like video recording, editing tools, filters, effects, social sharing, and user engagement mechanisms all contribute to the overall cost. Additionally, integrating features for user-generated content moderation, real-time analytics, and scalability to handle high traffic volumes may entail extra expenses.

Tips And Tricks On Rating An App Developer

When considering an app developer, there are some important things to remember. Firstly, it’s crucial to be clear about what features you need. This means figuring out what your app requires, how much you can spend, when you need it done, and which platforms it should work on. It’s also helpful to learn about common mobile development technologies to understand what kind of app you’re looking for and to help pick the right development company.

Secondly, you should look at the full range of services the developer offers. Choosing a well-respected company with a good track record means you’ll have access to skilled professionals who can handle every aspect of making your app, from designing it to testing it thoroughly.

Consider the following factors when choosing an application development partner

Consider the following factors when choosing an application development partner

Thirdly, it’s a good idea to talk to developers in person. This lets you see how much they know and how well they understand your app idea. Also, checking out their previous work gives you an idea of how good their work is and whether they’ve done anything similar before.

Lastly, it’s important to think about security and following the rules. Making sure developers are willing to keep your information safe by signing agreements and talking about who owns the app’s ideas upfront helps protect sensitive information and keeps data private while you work together.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can assess and choose the right app developer for your project.

Furthermore, we’d like to introduce you to a top-notch and reliable option: Savvycom. The company, with headquarters in the USA, Australia, and Vietnam, is renowned for delivering high-quality software outsourcing solutions. Simply reach out to us, share your ideas, and let Savvycom’s team of experts strategize and develop the perfect app for you efficiently and with the utmost quality assurance. Explore Savvycom today for a seamless experience!

Recap: How Much Does It Cost to Develop An App?

In wrapping up, figuring out how much it’ll cost to develop an app is like untangling a bunch of threads. There are a bunch of factors that come into play, like how complicated the app is, which platform it’s meant for, and where the developers are based. What kind of app it is—whether it’s for social media or gaming—also makes a big difference in the price tag. Plus, there’s a noticeable gap in costs between making apps for iOS, Android, or going with a mix of both.

Savvycom has been harnessing the power of digital technologies since 2009 to support business growth across a variety of industries with end-to-end software development services. We can help you build high-quality software solutions and products, as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

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What Is A Student Management System? A 2024 Comprehensive Review Wed, 08 May 2024 09:02:31 +0000 Learning management systems for schools are intricate structures meant to cater to a wide array of individuals, not just educators, but also students, their families, and the broader community. In recent years, there has been a notable transformation in student management systems, largely influenced by the pandemic. These systems must not only maintain organization but also ensure ongoing accuracy and accessibility of information.

As Asia top software development company, Savvycom understands that maintaining precise, up-to-date, and readily available data is crucial in today’s digital era. So, what precisely constitutes a student management system, and what characterizes an effective solution? Let’s us provides the answers you seek via our article “What is a Student Management System“. Discover more now!

What Is A Student Management System?

A Student Management System (SMS), also referred to as a Student Information System (SIS), is essential software for educational institutions. Its primary purpose is to organize and store student data accurately. Think of it as a digital filing system, where personal information, academic progress such as test scores and grades, and even behavioral evaluations are all recorded.

But it does more than just store data. The SMS also handles attendance tracking, helps with curriculum planning, and manages schedules. This ensures that the educational process runs smoothly and cohesively.

Why Is A School Management System Needed?

The importance of educational software

The importance of educational software

A School Management System (SMS) is crucial for educational institutions for several reasons. Firstly, it boosts efficiency by automating tasks like tracking attendance and managing grades, saving time and resources. Secondly, it promotes transparency by offering real-time access to student records, enhancing accountability and trust among everyone involved. Lastly, an SMS enables smooth communication between students, parents, and staff, fostering a collaborative learning environment that supports academic achievement.

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Student Management Vs. School Management: What’s The Difference?

To comprehend the difference between student and school management software, it’s important to understand their specific goals and areas of operation. Student management primarily deals with the data and progress of individual students, with the aim of customizing educational experiences to suit each student’s requirements. On the other hand, school management involves broader administrative tasks that extend beyond individual students. These tasks include allocating resources, planning curriculum, and managing staff.

While student management focuses on elements like attendance, grades, and student profiles to improve each student’s learning experience, school management takes on wider responsibilities crucial for the efficient functioning and strategic growth of educational institutions.

Student Management System Features

Explore the features educational software offers

Explore the features educational software offers

Here are some features to consider when deciding on a records management system for your school or district:

  • Attendance Management: Ensure the system enables efficient tracking of student attendance, simplifying administrative tasks and maintaining accurate records.
  • Parent/Student Portals: Seek portals that offer easy access to grades, assignments, and important announcements, promoting transparency and improving communication among educators, students, and parents.
  • Automated Report Cards: Look for a system that automates the generation of report cards using student performance data, saving educators time and providing timely feedback to students and parents.
  • Online Learning Management System: Choose a system that maintains detailed student profiles, including academic history, achievements, and personal information, allowing educators to tailor learning experiences to individual student needs effectively.
  • Robust Security Measures: Prioritize systems with advanced security features to protect sensitive student information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and upholding confidentiality.

Benefits Of School Management System

Discover the benefits that educational software brings

Discover the benefits that educational software brings

Below we will show you the potential benefits that educational software brings in today’s digital age.

Improves Student Performance

By automating tasks like tracking attendance and grading, teachers can dedicate more time to teaching and supporting students, which can enhance their academic results.

Streamlines Tasks 

The system handles repetitive tasks, freeing up administrative staff to focus on more critical duties, thus saving time and effort.

Enhances Communication

It facilitates smooth communication among schools, students, and parents, ensuring important information is shared quickly and effectively.

Accessible to Parents

Parents can easily access their children’s academic data, including performance reports and attendance records, encouraging greater parental involvement in their child’s education.

Better Management and Organization

It helps in organizing and managing school resources and information efficiently, leading to smoother operations.

Maintains Student Records

The system maintains comprehensive records of student information, making it easy to access and update data as needed.

Reduces Administrative Burden

By automating tasks, it reduces the need for manual labor and administrative resources, thus optimizing efficiency.

Integrated Library Management

Some systems come with built-in library management features, which facilitate efficient management of the school library.

Create Educational Software With Savvycom

When choosing educational software for your organization, it’s important to consider a few key factors: your training objectives, how user-friendly the software is, whether it integrates well with your current systems, and whether it can grow with your business. Make sure the software aligns with your training goals, fits smoothly into your existing methods, and that your team knows how to use it effectively to get the best results.

If navigating these considerations feels overwhelming, think about turning to Savvycom for help. We’re a leading IT outsourcing company with headquarters in the US, Australia, and Vietnam, known for our comprehensive educational solutions. Our experienced team is ready to create customized learning software that meets your needs, and we’ll provide ongoing support, including updates after launch. Take a look at our track record for delivering dependable software solutions to help inform your decision-making process.

Plus, our dedication to quality and innovation has earned us recognition, like being named one of the Top 100 Mobile App Developers in Vietnam by Themanifest.

Bottom Line

Student Management Systems and School Management Systems are crucial tools for contemporary educational institutions. They not only boost institutional efficiency but also elevate student performance by enabling teachers to concentrate more on teaching. Additionally, they foster improved communication among the school, students, and parents. We hope our article will be helpful to you!

Transforming Education Through Cutting-Edge Software Solutions: Savvycom offers software development as a service and has been at the forefront of digital innovation since 2009. We specialize in building high-quality instructional software that is suited to your specific requirements. From solid learning platforms to interactive tools, we offer comprehensive solutions to improve teaching and learning. Join us in revolutionizing education with technology.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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HR Case Study: How Slack Becomes A Place For Optimal & Fun Work Wed, 08 May 2024 09:00:41 +0000 Slack isn’t merely the fastest-growing SaaS startup in history; it also achieved what seemed impossible in just five short years: making work enjoyable. By extensively testing Slack within its own development team over an extended period, the software development company gained invaluable insights into how people were utilizing its product long before its public release. This foresight provided Slack with a crucial competitive advantage, propelling it to unparalleled levels of success.

Let’s look at:

  • How Slack was created out of necessity and allowed the company to pivot from a confused gaming product to a popular, profitable productivity tool.
  • How Slack’s understanding of how people used the tool before launching was a major strategic advantage.
  • Why building an ecosystem and platform around Slack was such a smart move

To understand how Slack came to be, we need to examine the circumstances surrounding its development.

Slack Case Study: 2009 – 2013 Is The Death of Glitch and the Birth of Slack

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Being the fastest-growing startup in history isn’t the only thing that makes Slack unique. Its product development process was unorthodox. Slack was actually born out of a gaming company called Tiny Speck. Butterfield and his team didn’t intentionally set out to create a SaaS product for the workplace. They built a tool for themselves. They only realized their tool’s commercial potential later on.

Video game developers might not seem like the most logical group to make a sticky, engaging communications tool for today’s workplace, but Tiny Speck’s expertise in gaming was a major competitive advantage. Butterfield and his team already knew how to make repetitive tasks fun and engaging, as this is core to the gameplay experience of the MMORPG genre. Making work-based communication fun and engaging would be the secret sauce that made Slack so wildly successful.

In 2009, Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield and his company, Tiny Speck, were hard at work on an MMORPG called Glitch.

It’s unclear precisely when and how Butterfield made the decision to pivot from Glitch to what would later become Slack. What we do know for certain is that Tiny Speck began developing Slack in earnest in early 2013. By March, the company had a rough but functioning prototype of Slack that the team began using extensively.

However, while Tiny Speck was using Slack internally for several months, the team using it still consisted of just a handful of people. To keep improving the product, Tiny Speck needed more users. Butterfield and his team started asking around and calling in favors from friends at other companies including rental management software Cozy and music streaming service Rdio.

“We begged and cajoled our friends at other companies to try it out and give us feedback. We had maybe six to ten companies to start with that we found this way”. – Stewart Butterfield

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Butterfield quickly realized that although Slack had served his small team well internally, the dynamics and experience of using the product changed dramatically as the teams using the product grew larger. Functionality that worked fine in a small team of three or four became unwieldy among teams of 10 people or more. Butterfield and his team listened to the feedback of the early adopters carefully, tweaking and refining the product as they went.

Many startups focus all their energy on growing as rapidly as possible. By contrast, Slack focused on growing steadily. Each time the company received new feedback on Slack, they would not only address or implement changes based on that feedback, but they also invited more large teams to try the product. This iterative approach to development helped Tiny Speck build a solid product based on how people were actually using it and progressively expand its user base.

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There were two factors that made Slack practically irresistible:

  • Transparency: Before Slack, there was no way for an employee to see what other people on other teams were working on, besides getting up and walking over to a colleague in another department. Slack changed all that by allowing teams to not only see what they were working on, but to access a lasting record of all communications surrounding projects, teams, and even entire departments.
  • Centralization: The second element that made Slack so popular was that it simultaneously centralized communications while insulating users from distractions. Rather than using Slack to chat, Dropbox to share files, and Outlook to send email, users could now rely on Slack for all three of these functions. This eliminated the distraction of switching between multiple programs and limiting notifications to just one app.

Although much of the feedback that Slack evaluated was qualitative, Butterfield and his team didn’t ignore quantitative metrics. It didn’t take long for Butterfield to find his North Star metric: messages sent. 2,000 messages, to be precise. The Slack team knew that it took time for teams to start seeing Slack’s potential value. If users sent a certain number of messages through Slack – a total of 2,000 messages across an entire team – Butterfield and his developers knew with confidence that the team had really put Slack through its paces.

The real revelation, however, was when teams surpassed the 2,000 messages sent threshold, retention skyrocketed.

In 2013, Slack was finally ready for its big reveal. Tiny Speck decided to brand Slack’s beta release as a “preview release” out of concern that the term beta implied the product would be buggy and unstable. Similar to Spotify, Slack opted for an invitation-only growth model. On the first day of Slack’s preview release, 8,000 people requested invitations to Slack. A week later, more than 15,000 people requested access.

Slack’s “preview release” wasn’t a beta. The product was essentially public at that point. They had spent time building Slack behind closed doors and away from prying eyes, giving them space to focus solely on the product. That period of early development was crucial to Slack’s early popularity and incredible initial growth.

Butterfield and his team knew Slack worked before they revealed it to the world, and they already knew a lot about how their customers were using the product. By the time Slack went into its preview release, the company was finally ready to start scaling aggressively.

LEARN MORE: App Pricing: How Much Does An App Cost?

2014 – 2016: Public Launch, Rapid Growth

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Slack had taken its time to develop a strong product behind closed doors. By 2014, time was a luxury Slack could no longer afford if it hoped to maintain the momentum it had established. Slack needed more users – and it would attract them by leveraging the freemium model to expose it to as many people as possible.

Achieving ambitious growth wasn’t as straightforward for Slack as it was for other SaaS companies. Unlike similar products, Slack didn’t just have to convince individual users to try it out – the company had to convince entire teams. To further complicate matters, no two teams have the exact same needs. A feature that might be essential for one team might be completely superfluous to another.

Yet another challenge for Slack was overcoming individual objections. If eight engineers on a nine-person engineering team love Slack, but one lone holdout hates it, it’s highly unlikely that the team will adopt Slack. That critical weakness, combined with the unique pressures of selling Slack to entire teams rather than individuals, necessitated buy-in from everyone on a team. That meant carefully listening to all user feedback to ensure that the product was as useful – and sticky – as possible.

“For most companies, the hard thing is making the product work well enough to convince a single person at a time to switch to it. We have to convince a team, and no two teams are alike.”

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Another complication Butterfield and his team faced was how people perceived chat messaging. According to Butterfield, roughly 20-30% of Slack’s users migrated to Slack from another messaging system, such as Campfire or HipChat. The remainder didn’t even see chat and messaging as a distinct category of software. Butterfield knew these users had to be using something to communicate internally, but they didn’t even know they needed a centralized communications system.

This was a significant hurdle for Slack to overcome, but it also represented a huge business opportunity. If Slack could not only create an entirely new category of B2B software but also position itself at the top of this new category, Slack could effectively seize an enormous share of an emerging market before anybody else.

The key to Slack’s rapid, consistent growth was how the company approached adoption. Butterfield and his team were keenly aware of the difficulties in selling a product to teams as opposed to individuals. To combat this, they reduced as much friction as they could from the adoption process by virtually eliminating risk and keeping financial costs to the bare minimum.

If it was popular with a team, Slack’s paid plans were so inexpensive that managers could expense Slack just for their own team, even if the company wasn’t yet ready to adopt Slack at an organizational level. This made it easy for teams to use Slack for free, and there were just enough limitations in the freemium product to make Slack’s paid plans more enticing.

On another hand,  what really sold investors on Slack, was the pace at which the company was converting free users to paid seats. By the time Slack entered its Series D round, Slack had more than 73,000 paying users – an increase of more than 386% in just six months – and more than $1M in monthly recurring revenue.

From the beginning, Slack had listened carefully to its users, evaluating virtually all customer feedback. However, Slack wasn’t just listening to its users about product features. Unlike many startups, Slack already had a small customer experience team of three people working full time at launch to support new users. This wasn’t merely a ploy to increase retention, but another example of how Slack took the time to really nail the user experience to drive growth. 

Slack approached user retention very cleverly in two ways. The first was to encourage user investment in Slack by leveraging the “Hooked Model”. With every action a user takes in Slack, they become more invested in the product. Every message sent, every file uploaded, and every gif response shared drives user buy-in. The more someone uses Slack, the more invested in it they become. This is, in part, what made 2,000 messages sent such a crucial metric early on in Slack’s development. Combine this gradual user buy-in with the intermittent reward of social validation from one’s peers, and Slack becomes increasingly addictive, significantly improving retention.

The second way Slack cleverly managed retention was to avoid gating premium features behind its paid plans. In contrast to other enterprise communications tools, there is almost no meaningful difference between Slack’s freemium tier and its paid product. The only real differences are the number of messages that can be indexed and searched, and how many integrations teams can connect to.

By making the vast majority of Slack’s functionality available to freemium users, Slack becomes significantly more appealing to small- to mid-sized teams interested in trying the product, while Slack’s inexpensive paid tiers made upgrading from freemium to a paid plan almost trivial from a cost perspective.

2016 – Present: Slack Goes Mainstream, Builds a Bot Ecosystem

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By 2016, Slack had not only successfully created an entirely new category of software but also positioned itself at the forefront of this emerging market by making a product that delighted users. However, as Butterfield and his team soon learned, even an amazing product will only carry you so far. Everybody loves Slack. When people love something, they copy it.

Recognizing that hitting a saturation point was inevitable, Slack began to devise ways it could drive further growth without relying solely on user growth. In a somewhat ironic twist, it would do this by getting back to its Web 1.0 roots by allowing users to create custom bots, just as hardcore IRC users did back in the early ’90s.

Slack had first experimented with bots shortly after its public launch in 2014. Finding himself in need of a way to take notes for later review, Butterfield began writing a program that would send his own notes as messages to a private channel that only Butterfield could access. This program became Slackbot, one of Slack’s most popular and commonly used functions. Butterfield later said that the idea for Slackbot came from the pet rock featured in Glitch, a friendly, helpful non-player character that offered players hints and tips on how to advance quests and navigate Glitch’s game world.

In hindsight, Slack’s transition from product to platform was inevitable. In 2016, however, the idea of Slack becoming a platform for automated bots was a decidedly risky proposition. On the one hand, Slack was giving users the ability to make Slack more extensible. On the other, this approach relied on people and companies to integrate with and build new products on top of Slack – something that was beyond Slack’s control. Despite the risks, Slack is betting big on its app and bot ecosystem. The company’s Slack Fund, an investment fund managed by Slack and some of the company’s leading investors, has already invested more than $80M to encourage the development of new bots, apps, and Slack integrations.

  • 2016: In March, Slack introduces voice calling. In September, Slack is ranked #1 in Forbes’ Cloud 100 list. In October, Slack partners with IBM to apply the cognitive processing of IBM’s machine learning supercomputer Watson to Slack’s collaborative tools and bots, including Slackbot. In December, Slack rolls out video chat.
  • 2017: In January, Slack introduces Threaded Messaging, a long-awaited feature that makes it easier to search and contribute to nested conversations across different channels. Later, Slack announced native support for French, German, and Spanish language options. Shortly afterward, Slack introduces cross-company communication, another immensely popular feature.
  • 2019: Slack announced its latest innovation – Workflow Builder to automate routine tasks and processes in 2 minutes. Slack’s visually-driven Workflow Builder is a simple way to automate manual, repetitive processes without requiring any coding knowledge at all.

03 Lessons We Can Learn from Slack

Slack may be among the most mythical of Silicon Valley’s already legendary “unicorn startups,” but there are still plenty of lessons entrepreneurs can learn from Slack – without pinning all their hopes on inventing an entirely new category of B2B software.

a/ It’s never too early to focus on your customers

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In the race to reach product-market fit or scale as quickly as possible, many startups fail to understand the value and importance of focusing on your customers from Day 1. This laser focus on how customers actually used Slack was fundamental to the company’s rapid initial growth.Take a look at your current product roadmap, then ask yourself the following questions:

Are you getting the information you need from your usage reports? Slack might not have acted on every single piece of feedback it received from early adopters—but it did evaluate almost all the feedback it received when developing its early product. Are you making the most of your usage data? Are you trying to convince users they need the new features you’re building, or are you giving your users what they’ve told you they want?

Is the messaging surrounding your product prescriptive or responsive? Put another way, who’s really driving the development of your product – you, or your users? Early on, Slack spent months really examining how its users were interacting with early builds of the product – and this was after a year or more of the Slack team eating their own dog food. This responsive approach to product development allowed Slack to quickly iterate on user feedback as it grew, which, in turn, allowed it to invite progressively larger teams to try the product as it improved.

b/ Know when to pivot

Imagine if Butterfield and his team had forged ahead with Glitch instead of acknowledging the flaws in their project and moving onto something else. Slack would never have been built, and it’s a toss-up as to whether Butterfield’s company would have survived.If your product is struggling, it’s time to ask yourself some difficult questions.

Are your product’s problems intrinsic or extrinsic? Put another way, is the problem with your product (intrinsic) or a broader factor beyond your control, such as an oversaturated market (extrinsic)? If your product is struggling because of intrinsic difficulties, you have more options, such as an organizational restructure or renewed focus on other aspects of the product. If your product’s problems are extrinsic, however, it might be time to start thinking hard about your next move.

How much of your current project is salvageable? When Tiny Speck shuttered Glitch in 2012, it had already built a functioning prototype of Slack that the company had been using internally. This made the decision to pivot from a failed gaming product to a commercial communications tool much easier. Take a look at your current product. Now let’s say your company is failing. How much – if anything – could be salvaged from your current product? Could any of your product’s more popular features work as standalone products?

c/ Double-down on product

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Just as it’s never too early to start thinking about your customers, you should be relentlessly focused on developing the best possible product you can build. Slack didn’t just identify a gaping hole in the market – it also focused on making the very best possible product. Think about your product or service and ask yourself the following questions:

What features of your product do your users really love? For Slack, its extensive range of integrations, its list of commands, and its support for gifs and emoji replies are all beloved by Slack users. Which aspects of your product do you think people would be excited to show their friends? And how can you make these features even better?

Which aspects of your product are good enough to steal? Everybody loves Slack, so it was inevitable that many other companies would ape (or outright steal) features of Slack to incorporate into their own products. Which features of your product are good enough that another company might be tempted to “borrow” your idea? How can you make them even better – and protect yourself from imitators in the future?

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Providing comprehensive software outsourcing services, including Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development, and Cloud and DevOps Services! Since 2009, Savvycom has been a leader in digital innovation, partnering with businesses, mid-sized and large organizations, and startups across various industries. Our expertise lies in delivering top-notch software solutions and products, along with an extensive array of integrated professional services tailored to your needs.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

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Top 10 Types of Software Development You Should Know! Wed, 08 May 2024 08:06:27 +0000 There are many types of software development, with some being more common than others. If you or your business are struggling to define this technology sector, our blog article will help. We will present the top 10 types of software development, along with explanations of what each category includes and their respective importance.

What is Software Development?

Software development is the structured method of planning, defining, designing, coding, documenting, testing, and rectifying errors inherent in the development and upkeep of applications, frameworks, or other software elements. These processes, also known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), include several phases that provide a method for building products that meet technical specifications and user requirements.

It holds significant importance in influencing the digital realm by facilitating the development of inventive solutions to cater to various requirements. Fundamental aspects like coding, testing, and deployment are essential components of this procedure, guaranteeing the provision of dependable and effective software solutions.

10 Types of Software Development

1. Front-end development

Front-end development is the cornerstone of software interaction, directly impacting user experience. It encompasses the creation of graphical elements within any system, application, or website, instantly visible and engaging for users.

Primarily, front-end development focuses on constructing user interfaces (UIs) and orchestrating client-side behavior. UIs are pivotal in ensuring software is user-friendly and visually appealing.

React, Angular, and Vue.js are commonly used frameworks in front-end development.

React, Angular, and Vue.js are commonly used frameworks in front-end development.

Front-end development involves translating data into a graphical interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This enables users to seamlessly interact with data, forming the backbone of UI and UX design. Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are commonly employed to craft dynamic, responsive designs adaptable to diverse devices and screen sizes, elevating overall user engagement.

2. Back-end development

Back-end development is the engine room of software creation. It’s to handle server requests, manage databases to store user information, and ensure different software pieces work together smoothly through APIs. Even though it’s hidden from users’ eyes, back-end development is absolutely crucial for making software run seamlessly.

Developers use languages such as Python, Java, Node.js, and Ruby on Rails, along with frameworks, to craft strong and efficient back-end solutions. These tools not only power websites but also play a big role in many other types of applications, ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

3. Full-stack development

Full-stack development is taking on both back-end and front-end roles.

Full-stack development is taking on both back-end and front-end roles.

Fundamentally, back-end and front-end development operate synergistically to offer an optimal digital experience. Full-stack development amalgamates these synergies, akin to embodying the roles of both an architect who conceptualizes the structure (front-end) and a craftsman who ensures seamless functionality behind the scenes (back-end).

While the front-end captivates users with its aesthetic appeal and intuitive interface, the back-end operates discreetly to guarantee flawless execution. In essence, full-stack development epitomizes the integration of client-side and server-side paradigms.

Looking For a Dedicated Team?

Looking to fortify your manufacturing operations with top-tier cyber security and software engineer services? Look no further than Savvycom! With over 15 years of excellence in IT development, Savvycom specializes in providing tailored cyber security solutions to meet your industry’s unique needs. Partner with us for expert cyber security consulting, as Asia’s premier software development company, and unlock the power of innovative technology to safeguard your manufacturing processes. Together, let’s elevate your security measures and propel your business to new heights of success!

4. Game development

Game development is a dynamic field where virtual worlds come alive through a blend of game engines, graphics programming, and intricate gameplay mechanics. 

Collaboration is key, involving teams ranging from individuals to large international groups, with project durations varying based on complexity, spanning from months to years. These interactive experiences are tailored for diverse platforms such as PCs, consoles, and mobile devices, with visual feedback playing a pivotal role in user engagement. 

The game development industry is currently occupying a lot of market share and attracting human resources in the software field.

The game development industry is currently occupying a lot of market share and attracting human resources in the software field.

Developers rely on tools like Unity, Unreal Engine, and programming languages like C# to create everything from expansive universes like “Madden” and “Call of Duty” to mobile hits like “Pokémon GO” and “Among Us.” With technological advancements like the Nintendo Switch, game development thrives, leaving an enduring impact on entertainment and culture.

5. Embedded system development

Embedded System Development involves the creation of software tailored for hardware-integrated computer systems. These systems play a crucial role in various devices, including digital cameras, modern vehicles, smartphones, and industrial machinery. Often overlooked, embedded software systems are vital for the everyday functionality of many non-computer devices.

Embedded System Development is bridging hardware and software for efficient, tailored solutions in today's connected world.

Embedded System Development is bridging hardware and software for efficient, tailored solutions in today’s connected world.

The development process primarily revolves around middleware, a software type facilitating communication between hardware and software. Proficiency in middleware is essential as it serves as the bridge between tangible hardware components and intangible software logic, ensuring smooth operation of embedded systems within their mechanical hosts.

6. Cloud software development

Cloud Software Development harnesses the internet’s capabilities to deliver scalable, reliable, and secure software services efficiently. It eliminates the need for managing physical infrastructure by providing technology resources on-demand. 

Cloud-native architectures, utilizing containerization, optimize application packaging and deployment. Leading services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform furnish tools for swift scaling and robust security. 

Consequently, businesses can swiftly adapt to market dynamics and expand operations, making cloud computing a fundamental element of contemporary software development.

7. Security software development

As digital technology continues to advance, the significance of cyberspace grows exponentially. The prevalence of individuals and entities seeking to exploit this realm for nefarious purposes underscores the critical importance of network security. With network security engineers—professionals dedicated to safeguarding the digital infrastructure of both individuals and businesses.

Within the domain of software development, security stands as an indispensable pillar. It transcends mere creation, emphasizing stringent testing protocols to ensure resilience against potential breaches. Penetration testers, often referred to as ethical hackers, play a pivotal role in this landscape. By meticulously probing for vulnerabilities and simulating cyberattacks, they uncover potential weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them. This proactive approach is essential for fortifying software against real-world threats.

The evolution of technology continually raises the stakes, rendering the oversight of cybersecurity an increasingly software costly risk. To mitigate such risks, adherence to secure coding practices, routine vulnerability assessments, and proactive threat modeling are imperative. These measures form the bedrock of developing robust software capable of withstanding the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape.

Learn More On: Cyber Security Vs Software Engineering

8. API development

APIs play a crucial role in today’s software landscape, serving as the glue that seamlessly connects different systems and enables them to work together harmoniously. They’re like the essential channels that allow software to do more and simplify complicated tasks. Two protocols, RESTful APIs and GraphQL, have gained widespread popularity. RESTful APIs are valued for their ability to handle operations without relying on stored information and for efficiently storing data, while GraphQL shines in efficiently retrieving complex data structures.

Adopting best practices in API design is not just important; it’s essential. This means maintaining a well-defined structure, implementing robust authentication mechanisms, and meticulously managing version control. By following these guidelines, developers can create APIs that are strong, secure, and scalable. These practices empower developers to build interconnected platforms that elevate user experiences by offering dynamic, real-time data interactions across a range of applications.

9. Software tools development

In the software industry, Software Tools Development plays a vital role, focusing on crafting applications that empower developers to code with greater efficiency. These tools come in various forms, ranging from robust Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to simpler code editors. While IDEs provide a comprehensive workspace for coding, testing, and running code, code editors offer basic text editing capabilities along with coding functionalities.

Version control systems (VCSs) such as GitHub are indispensable for collaborative coding efforts, allowing multiple developers to collaborate on the same project seamlessly, without encountering conflicts. Furthermore, build automation tools streamline the compilation process, while testing frameworks ensure the reliability of code.

10. Application development

Creative workspace showcasing web design concepts and tools through application development.

Creative workspace showcasing web design concepts and tools through application development.

Application development stands as a cornerstone in the realm of software development, alongside front-end, back-end, and full-stack development. It serves as the pivotal force driving every software endeavor forward.

At its essence, application development entails crafting computer programs or suites of programs tailored to fulfill specific business objectives. This fundamental principle remains constant across diverse forms of application development. Below are encompassing application development types.

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development encompasses a dynamic landscape tailored to the varied ecosystems of iOS and Android platforms. Developers employ frameworks like React Native and Flutter to craft applications that deliver consistent performance across devices. A crucial element in this endeavor is the adherence to design principles prioritizing intuitive mobile user interfaces, ensuring functionality and engagement.

Two primary methodologies govern mobile application development:

  • Native App Development: Native apps are intricately tailored for a specific mobile platform, be it iOS or Android. Developers utilize Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android to craft these platform-specific applications.
  • Hybrid App Development: In contrast, hybrid apps utilize web technologies to construct applications capable of deployment across multiple platforms. Hybrid app engineers predominantly utilize languages such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for cross-platform development.

Web App Development

Web App Development involves crafting browser-based software accessible from any internet-connected device. It entails front-end development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the user interface, and back-end development using Node.js, Django, or Flask for server-side operations. This synergy guarantees functional, secure, and efficient data management. Developers prioritize architectures supporting scalability and deployment strategies ensuring seamless updates and maintenance. With the right mix of languages and frameworks, web apps deliver potent, platform-independent user experiences.

Savvycom: A Trusted Partner In Software Development In Asia

Savvycom stands out as a premier software development company in Asia, renowned for its wide-ranging expertise and groundbreaking solutions. From mobile and web app development to cloud computing and AI, Savvycom offers a comprehensive suite of services. Its track record includes successful project deliveries marked by efficiency and advanced technology.

Client feedback constantly praises Savvycom’s dedication to excellence and client satisfaction. Case studies further illustrate the significant positive changes brought about by Savvycom’s customized software solutions, particularly in driving business growth and enhancing operational flexibility. This established history cements Savvycom’s status as a reliable ally in the dynamic digital realm.


Understanding these top 10 types of software development can greatly bridge the gap between your business’s growth goals and your comprehension of software development as a whole.

When embarking on any business endeavor, thorough research and knowledge gathering are essential preliminary steps. This article serves as your first step in this process.

Now equipped with a clearer understanding of software development and its diverse avenues, the next step is to engage and hire skilled developers.

From tech consulting and end-to-end product development to software development consulting services! Since 2009, Savvycom, a leading software development company, has been harnessing the power of digital technologies to support business growth across a variety of industries. We can help you with high-quality software development solutions and products, as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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2024 Review – eCommerce IT Solutions: Definition, Features & Pricing Wed, 08 May 2024 07:42:52 +0000 eCommerce IT solutions play a key role in helping businesses extend their reach, enrich customer experiences, and increase sales. Therefore, as Asia’s premier software development company, we understand that choosing a solution that aligns with your business’s unique needs and goals is essential. This leads us to the creation of our article titled “eCommerce IT Solutions: Definition, Features & Pricing“. We will offer a comprehensive review of this solution to assist you in making an informed decision.

What Is eCommerce?

eCommerce, or electronic commerce, allows people to purchase and sell items and services over the internet. It’s like a virtual marketplace where transactions happen, whether through money or other payment methods. This online shopping trend has completely changed how we buy things, making it easier and more convenient. Nowadays, eCommerce plays a crucial role in business, helping companies reach customers worldwide at a lower cost. For consumers, it’s all about convenience. The real value of eCommerce is its power to transform traditional ways of doing business, promoting innovation and effectiveness in our interconnected global community.

What is eCommerce IT solutions?

eCommerce IT solutions are a set of specialized software and tools designed to make online selling easier for businesses. These solutions usually come with a website or online shop that has features like a simple shopping cart, safe payment processing, and effective inventory management. They also often include tools for marketing and managing customer relationships. The main goal of e-commerce IT solutions is to simplify the online sales process, helping businesses connect with customers and sell products or services on the internet more efficiently.

How Does eCommerce IT Solutions Work?

eCommerce IT solutions are essentially software tools that make conducting business online easier and more efficient. These solutions cover a wide array of functionalities aimed at helping businesses sell their products and services on the internet. They include features like creating and managing websites, handling online stores, processing payments, managing inventory, enhancing the customer shopping experience, and maintaining customer relationships.

eCommerce IT solutions facilitate easier buying and selling transactions between consumers and stores

eCommerce IT solutions facilitate easier buying and selling transactions between consumers and stores

By using e-commerce IT solutions, businesses can establish a strong online presence, effectively promote their offerings, streamline their operations, and improve customer satisfaction. These solutions are crucial for ensuring secure and smooth online transactions, which ultimately help businesses reach more customers and increase their revenue.

Looking For a Dedicated Team?

If you’re in need of high-quality managed IT services for eCommerce solution, Savvycom provides customized solutions designed to address the unique requirements of your industry. With over 15 years of expertise in IT development, Savvycom excels in delivering comprehensive software development and technology consulting services. Collaborate with Savvycom, the best IT outsourcing company, to benefit from their extensive knowledge and innovative approaches, ensuring smooth integration of technology into your manufacturing operations.

4 Types Of eCommerce It Solutions

In this section, we’ll delve into the popular methods of eCommerce IT solutions in use today and examine their significance.

Learn More On: How Mobile Apps Enhance The eCommerce Customer Experience

Hosted vs self-hosted solutions

Hosted solutions are when a third-party provider hosts and manages the eCommerce platform for your business. You pay them a fee monthly or annually to use the platform and its features. They take care of stuff like website maintenance, security updates, and backups.

Self-hosted solutions, on the other hand, are installed on your own server or a rented one from a hosting provider. With this option, you have complete control over the eCommerce platform and its features, but you’re also responsible for maintaining the website, doing security updates, and making backups.

Hosted and Self Hosted both have many advantages and disadvantages

Hosted and Self Hosted both have many advantages and disadvantages

For instance, if you’re comparing platforms like Shopify (which is hosted) with WooCommerce (a self-hosted solution), there are some key things to consider:



Easy to use: Shopify has a simple interface that’s great for beginners.

Limited Control: You can’t customize things as much as you can with self-hosted solutions.

Managed Hosting: They take care of the hosting, so you don’t need much technical know-how.

Monthly Fees: You have to pay solution providers every month, which can add up.



Control and Flexibility: You have total control over customization and functionality.

Technical Expertise Required: You need to know your stuff to set up, maintain, and fix issues.

Cost-effectiveness: WooCommerce itself is free, which can save money in the long run.

Hosting Responsibility: You’re in charge of managing your own hosting, which might be tough if you’re not experienced.

Open source vs proprietary solutions

Open source solutions refer to software where the source code is openly available for users to utilize, modify, or distribute. They’re often free or inexpensive, but setting up, customizing, or maintaining them may necessitate technical skills or external assistance.

Proprietary solutions, on the other hand, are software with protected source code, typically owned by the developer or company. While they usually entail payment, they may offer enhanced features, security, or support compared to open source alternatives.

Open-source and proprietary solutions are suitable for individual and business use, each offering its own advantages and disadvantages

Open-source and proprietary solutions are suitable for individual and business use, each offering its own advantages and disadvantages

When we compare platforms such as Magento, an open-source solution, with proprietary options like Salesforce Commerce Cloud, several notable distinctions emerge.

  • Customization: Magento, owing to its open-source nature, enables extensive customization. Users can adapt the source code to suit their specific requirements, though this does demand technical proficiency. Conversely, proprietary solutions like Salesforce Commerce Cloud provide limited customization since users are unable to alter the underlying code.
  • Ownership and Control: Users of Magento enjoy greater ownership and control over their e-commerce platform as they can host it on their servers. In contrast, Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a managed service, where hosting and management are overseen by Salesforce, affording users less direct control.
  • Cost: Open-source solutions like Magento typically involve lower initial costs since the software itself is free. However, users may encounter expenses for hosting, development, and upkeep. Proprietary solutions like Salesforce Commerce Cloud usually come with subscription fees, but they may encompass hosting and support services in the package.

SaaS vs PaaS solutions

PaaS tends to be more complex, offering many features, while SaaS is generally simpler

PaaS tends to be more complex, offering many features, while SaaS is generally simpler

When comparing Software as a Service (SaaS) models like BigCommerce with Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions such as IBM Cloud, it’s important to grasp their unique features.

SaaS eCommerce solutions like BigCommerce offer a cloud-hosted platform accessible via the internet, typically on a subscription basis. They provide benefits like regular updates and robust support.

On the flip side, PaaS solutions like IBM Cloud go further than SaaS by not only offering the application but also the essential infrastructure components like the operating system, server, and database needed to operate the platform. This added flexibility and control make PaaS solutions suitable for businesses with specific technical needs or those looking for more customization options.

B2B vs B2C vs C2C solutions

Illustrations of B2B, B2C, and C2C solutions include business-to-business platforms, consumer e-commerce websites, and peer-to-peer marketplaces

Illustrations of B2B, B2C, and C2C solutions include business-to-business platforms, consumer e-commerce websites, and peer-to-peer marketplaces

In the realm of online commerce, different solutions serve the needs of businesses and consumers in distinct ways. Let’s simplify the disparities between B2B, B2C, and C2C solutions:

  • B2B (Business-to-Business): These solutions are all about businesses dealing with other businesses. Think of it as companies buying things in bulk, making wholesale deals, or getting specialized services from other companies. B2B platforms focus on making things efficient, scalable, and personalized to meet the complex needs of corporate clients.
  • B2C (Business-to-Consumer): Here, it’s about businesses selling directly to individual customers. These platforms make it easy for companies to sell their products or services directly to people like you and me. They put a lot of effort into making their websites user-friendly, using smart marketing strategies, and keeping customers happy to boost sales and build loyalty.
  • C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): This is when regular folks like us buy and sell stuff directly to each other, often through online marketplaces or platforms. You can think of it as a kind of digital flea market. These platforms focus on letting users create their own content, building trust between buyers and sellers, and making sure payments are secure, creating a community-driven marketplace vibe.


    eCommerce IT solutions are vital for online businesses, streamlining operations and improving customer experiences. Let’s explore their key features:

    • Catalog Management: This organizes and displays product catalogs, making it easy for shoppers to browse and find information.
    • Secure Payment Gateways: These protect financial data, ensuring secure transactions and instilling confidence in customers.
    • Mobile Responsiveness: With the rise of mobile shopping, responsive design is crucial for a seamless user experience across devices.
    • Analytics Tools: These provide insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and marketing effectiveness, informing strategic decisions.
Many brands choose Shopify themes to optimize the interface and information provided to customers, making it one of the best eCommerce solutions - Image source: Shopify

Many brands choose Shopify themes to optimize the interface and information provided to customers, making it one of the best eCommerce solutions – Image source: Shopify

In addition to these essentials, eCommerce IT solutions handle inventory, orders, customer inquiries, payments, shipping, tax compliance, and SEO optimization. Some platforms also offer mobile commerce, social selling, and international market integration, enhancing competitiveness and enabling success in the digital landscape.

Pros and cons of E-commerce solutions

In the following section, we’ll outline both the advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce solutions. Exploring the pros and cons will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of these solutions.


  • Reduced Costs: eCommerce solutions significantly cut expenses compared to traditional stores by eliminating the need for physical locations, saving on property, staff, and inventory costs, thus improving efficiency.
  • Expanded Market Reach: An online presence enables businesses to reach global customers, breaking geographical barriers, which leads to growth opportunities and a wider customer base.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: E-commerce platforms facilitate smooth interactions with personalized recommendations and easy checkout processes, providing round-the-clock shopping and detailed product information for a better user experience.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Targeted marketing through e-commerce platforms leads to higher conversion rates by refining promotions and optimizing product pages based on customer behavior, resulting in increased revenue.
  • Effortless Scalability: E-commerce platforms adapt seamlessly as businesses expand, accommodating new products, markets, or increased traffic, providing flexibility for sustainable growth.


  • Initial Investment: Launching an online store entails upfront costs such as crafting a website and incorporating payment mechanisms. These include expenses for website design, hosting services, and securing software licenses, which can be substantial, particularly for smaller ventures. 
  • Technical Challenges: E-commerce setups demand technical proficiency, especially in customizing layouts and managing data systems. Lacking the necessary expertise can lead to difficulties in ongoing maintenance, system updates, and troubleshooting, posing potential hindrances to seamless operations.
  • Connectivity Reliance: E-commerce heavily hinges on internet connectivity. Any disruptions, such as server outages or sluggish networks, directly impact sales and customer satisfaction. It’s prudent for businesses to devise contingency plans to mitigate such occurrences.

Pricing To Build eCommerce IT Solutions

The cost of building an eCommerce solution varies depending on numerous factors

The cost of building an eCommerce solution varies depending on numerous factors

Constructing an e-commerce IT solution involves several expenses, which can fluctuate significantly based on the project’s scale and intricacy. Below is a breakdown of potential costs categorized by different factors:

  • Software Licenses: Open-source platforms like WooCommerce or Magento may be free initially, but you might need to invest in paid plugins or themes later.
    Proprietary platforms such as Shopify come with monthly subscription charges ranging from $29 to $299 or more.
  • Development Fees: A basic e-commerce website may require an investment of $5,000 to $50,000.
    For more sophisticated sites with custom functionalities, the cost can escalate to $150,000 to $500,000 or beyond.
  • Hosting: Shared hosting plans can start as low as $5 monthly, while dedicated hosting services could demand $250 per month or higher.
    Managed hosting services like Cloudways offer cloud hosting solutions with varying prices.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance encompasses tasks like security updates, bug fixes, and feature improvements.
    Costs may range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars annually, depending on the level of service required.
  • Additional Integrations: Payment gateways typically levy a fee per transaction, usually around 2.9% plus 30 cents.
    Integrating extra services or APIs might entail expenses ranging from $500 to over $5,000.

These figures serve as examples, and actual expenses will be determined by the specific needs of the business and decisions made throughout the development process. It’s crucial to meticulously plan and allocate budgets for both initial and ongoing costs to ensure the success of an e-commerce endeavor.

How To Choose The Right eCommerce Solution For Your Business

Choosing the right eCommerce solution for your business is pivotal for seamless operations and future growth. Here’s a simplified guide to aid your decision-making process:

  • Community Testimonials: Opt for platforms endorsed by an active and supportive user community, showcasing their effectiveness and reliability.
  • Focus on Business Goals: Select platforms that empower your marketing and business strategies, steering clear of technological bottlenecks that impede progress.
  • Scalability: Prioritize platforms capable of scaling alongside your business, ensuring they can accommodate future expansion effortlessly.
  • Customization Options: Look for platforms offering extensive customization capabilities, enabling you to tailor the eCommerce experience precisely to your unique business requirements.
  • Industry Alignment: Consider platforms aligned with your industry’s specific features and compliance standards, facilitating seamless integration into your existing operations.

Final Thought

E-commerce IT solutions offer businesses a robust platform to expand their reach, enhance customer experience, and boost sales. However, selecting the right solution tailored to your business’s specific needs and objectives is crucial.

If you’re aiming to enhance your e-commerce strategy and tap into new customer bases, finding the perfect e-commerce solution is key. Explore the technology-driven solutions in e-commerce for maximum growth potential. Get in touch with Savvycom today to discover our tailored e-commerce solutions and how they can fuel the growth of your business.

Experience one of Asia’s Premier software outsourcing companies with Savvycom. Since 2009, we’ve been pioneering digital technologies to fuel success across diverse industries. Let us craft top-tier eCommerce solutions and products, backed by a suite of comprehensive professional services tailored to your needs..

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

    • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
    • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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