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Follow us and you’ll learn about the latest features and get a step-by-step guide to creating a fitness app. You’ll also get an estimate for the cost of developing a fitness app, with insights from leading software development companies. But first and foremost, let’s talk about the basics.

1. Fitness App Industry

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The pandemic has certainly turned our world upside down, but it’s also paved the way for some exciting advancements in the fitness world. More than ever before, fitness app developers have become our go-to fitness companions, helping us stay healthy and active right in the comfort of our homes. This transformative shift has added a vibrant digital hue to the global fitness landscape.

Here are some fitness app project reports that showcase the burgeoning influence of digital fitness platforms like fitness apps:

  • The United States is leading the digital fitness revolution. In 2022, eight out of the top 10 apps by consumer spending were based in the US, with the top three being MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, and Calm.
  • The 2023 Wellness Index reveals that over half of US consumers are going for a blend of virtual and real-life fitness experiences, creating a dynamic hybrid fitness culture.
  • This year, an impressive 44.5 million US adults are set to use a connected fitness platform like Peloton at least once a month.
  • Gym apps are receiving a big thumbs up, with around 70% of consumers viewing them as an engaging supplement to their in-person gym workouts.
  • The virtual fitness landscape is also encouraging users to step out of their comfort zones. Over a third of consumers have started attending an in-person fitness class that they first discovered online.
  • The fitness app industry is booming, with revenue set to hit a whopping $19.33 billion in 2023.

1.2. Fitness App Types & Casestudies

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Fitness App Example

Each type of fitness app has a notable casestudy that we would like to show you:

  • In 2020, Fitbit led the activity tracking category in terms of new installs (4.8 million) and average daily active users (1.5 million).
  • Since September 2020, MyFitnessPal has been the revenue leader among nutrition and diet apps, bringing in over $1.44 million.

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2. Fitness App Development: Key Features

Are you unsure what features to include in your exercise app? Each fitness app development serves a different purpose and provides its users with special features. However, there are some basic features that a fitness app must have in order to be more user-friendly and accommodating. We’ve put together a list of fitness apps’ must-have features.

2.1. Onboarding

When you need to explain app features or give instructions to new users, onboarding really comes in handy. (If your app is straightforward, you can skip this step.) When users interact with your app, you can provide onboarding by showing two to eight screens, adding a 60- to 90-second video tutorial, or sending in-app prompts. On Dribbble, you can see examples of onboarding.

2.2. Sign-up & Login

Allow users to sign up using their Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram accounts or other social media accounts that suit your target audience, as well as their own personal email addresses.

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2.3. User profiles

Users enter personal information such as their name, age, height, weight, gender, and fitness level when creating a profile. Both app developers and users will benefit from this information. It assists app developers in creating apps that match users with customized workout routines and track their sporting activity. A user’s profile gives them easy access to subscription plans, as well as a history of completed exercises, progress, bonuses, and other information.

2.4. Goals

Setting goals is an important aspect of any fitness app. Allowing users to set objectives and goals is motivating because it translates into a goal tracker that will help them achieve their fitness goals without fail.

2.5. Synchronization with wearable devices

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Smart watches have became increasingly popular for the past few years

Which the rise of smart watch and other wearable devices like Apple, Samsung and Xiaomi, your Fitness App should ultimately be able to connect and synchronize with them. To combine data from fitness trackers and your fitness app, you can use the HealthKit and GoogleFit APIs. Apple Watch and Android smartwatches can be synced using the watchOS and Wear OS operating systems.

2.6. Workouts & exercises

Photos, 3D animated models, and video illustrations can all be used to illustrate exercises and workouts. Allow users to make their own workouts, use a standard set of exercises, or combine the two. You’ll need an organized and searchable content library for this.

2.7. Activity tracking

Your app can obtain activity tracking data in one of two ways: from smartphone sensors or by integrating with any wearable tracker. Smartphones allow your app to show the number of steps taken, the number of stairs climbed, the distance traveled, the speed, and the direction traveled – a noteworthy app can be mentioned here is Samsung Health. To sync with fitness wearables and measure other parameters like heart rate, sleep quality, or body temperature, you’ll need to add third-party APIs. You should also inquire about the parameters that users want to track.

2.8. Audio/video player

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Exercises, workouts, running, yoga classes, meditation — audio/video podcasts with a trainer’s voice, a soundtrack, or a video tutorial can guide you through a variety of fitness activities. Users should be able to leave feedback, bookmark/favorite/like tracks, and return to them later in your fitness app player.

2.9. Product & recipe database

Access to a large database of products and healthy recipes, analysis of nutrition values, and data on ingredients received through a barcode scanner are some of the most compelling features of nutrition apps. Nutrition APIs are required to provide this functionality to users. Allow users to manually add goods to your app that they don’t see.

2.10. Workouts customization

Within your app, users can make their own workouts, meditations, exercise sets, recipes, or diet plans using a customization feature. This feature on paper might take a lot of work but in a user-centric world, your customer should be put in top priority.

2.11. Push notifications & reminders

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Push notification is probably the most important feature to have in any app

The right text delivered at the right time will boost an app’s retention rate by three to tenfold. Push notifications for fitness apps should contain no more than 90 characters and be sent between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. or 12 a.m. and 2 p.m., according to Business of Apps. If your app allows users to customize the timing of reminders and push notifications or in some cases to turn off notifications completely, that’s a plus.

2.12. Recommendations

Machine learning algorithms can be used to provide personalized recommendations based on a user’s preferences and/or viewing history. Artificial intelligence (AI) enables an app to build customized fitness programs with dietary plans, and it has a good chance of outperforming any human personal trainer when it comes to accurately adjusting personal workouts.

2.13. Profile Settings

Users can change their passwords and emails, alter their notification settings, and deactivate their accounts using this feature.

2.14. Support & Customer Services

Users will appreciate a chat feature in a workout app where trainers provide real-time advice or consultations. If your app doesn’t have live chat options, consider combining a chatbot with pre-programmed responses. Nevertheless your app should include contact information that users can have access to at anytime, it not only increase your trust but also help at gathering much needed feedbacks. Consider incorporating fitness app development services to enhance these features.

2.15. Payment feature & method

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A secure payment method greatly increase trust

The need for a payment feature is actually self-explainatory. How can you make money from your app if you don’t have it? Integrate a payment gateway into your app, such as PayPal, Visa, etc.

3. Choose The Monetization Model For Your Fitness App

Of course, you must ensure that the fitness application you are creating can provide you with positive results. You can monetize your app in a variety of ways. You should include the following in your fitness app to generate profit or income:

  1. Paid Apps – Users must first purchase your fitness app in order to benefit from it. Offering a free trial is one strategy you can use, and if they know the value of your app, there’s a good chance they’ll pay for it or subscribe to keep using it.
  2. In-app Purchases – If you want to create a free fitness app for users, you can still make money by encouraging them to buy something in the app, such as an advanced feature setting or premium content that they can only get if they buy the feature.
  3. Advertisements – Other fitness companies may be interested in partnering with you and running advertising campaigns in your app, which you can charge a cost-per-mile commission for.
  4. Free Apps – It’s a freemium model. Your users can use the basic features of your app for free, but you can charge for the premium features. A premium subscription model is another name for this type of business model. Basic features are free, but advanced fitness plans or personal coaching services are not.

Fitness App Monetization | Savvycom
The paid subscription model is, according to Statista, the most useful and profitable monetization model. However, you are free to make your decision based on your company’s objectives and app. In any case, during the discovery phase of development, you can choose a business model for your app.

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4. The Cost To Develop A Fitness App

An outsourcing fitness app development company will only give you a rough estimate of your workout app development cost based on their previous experience with similar projects at first. After you’ve gone through the concept validation and UX strategy stages of development, they’ll be able to give you an accurate estimation. Regardless, here at Savvycom we’ll talk about the price.
Your minimum requirements with software outsourcing companies for a fitness app should include:

  • QA engineer
  • Project manager
  • UI/UX designer
  • iOS developer
  • Android developer
  • Backend developer

So, how much does it cost to make a fitness app? Fitness App Development cost on average is $63,770, based on a $35 hourly rate and 1822 hours of work. But that is just for MVP (Minium-viable-product), contact us to get your free consultation now!

5. Fitness Application Development Stages

Stages of Fitness App Development | Savvycom

5.1. Discovery

At this point, your mobile app development team performs preliminary market research to determine whether or not your fitness app idea is marketable, and if so, what can be done to make it so. You’ll brainstorm with a product manager, designer, and project manager to:

  • Make a vision for your app that includes challenges, solutions, requirements, rivals, acquisition channels, your app’s unique value proposition, and revenue sources.
  • Consider the logic behind your fitness app.
  • Make a list of epics based on the main functionality of your app.
  • Make a drawing of your prospective customers.
  • Create a table with epics and potential user stories.
  • Make an idea for your fitness app’s navigation.

5.2. Idea validation

Validation of an idea You analyze problems that your app will be able to solve during the discovery stage. You should check the solutions your app can provide during the idea validation stage. A product/project manager, UI/UX designer, iOS and/or Android developer, backend developer, and quality assurance engineer are all required to accomplish this.

5.3. UX strategy

At this point, your development team is working on a comprehensive app interface and screen relationships. You’ll need to recruit the entire app development team for the UX strategy stage to:

  • Create a data structure and interconnections in an information diagram.
  • Make a high-fidelity app prototype with an interactive interface that shows where all of your app’s control elements are.
  • Make a rough project plan with assignments and deadlines.
  • In terms of details and functionality, a high-fidelity prototype is the closest match to the final design.

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5.4. Design and development

Your app development backlog is split into sprints during the design and development period, which are typically two weeks long. A project manager’s job is to prioritize tasks, track their progress, and keep track of the backlog.

  • The style guide is approved for use in any part of your project during the design concept sprint.
  • The team describes the design of functionality, refines documents, and sets up the technical environment for the next sprint during the technical setup sprint.
  • The app is developed during a development sprint, and a project manager plans the next sprint and creates documentation.

5.5. Testing and improvement

This stage also necessitates the participation of the entire app development team. When you get a fully functional fitness app, the testing and improvement stage ends, but it resumes if you decide to make a change.

  • KPIs for mobile apps are being tracked.
  • Taking input from users and analyzing it
  • Identifying the faults in an app
  • Fixing flaws
  • Enhancing the app’s functionality

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6. Final Words on Fitness App Development

Remember the following when developing a fitness app:

  • To keep attracting and retaining users, provide the best fitness app features.
  • In terms of exercise variation, tips, and techniques, workout apps must be adaptable.
  • Integrate wearable fitness devices and cooperate with their manufacturers for improved fitness results, not to mention the cost-effectiveness of this method.

Fitness app development, like any other type of app development, can be difficult. It is, nonetheless, effective and worthwhile if you ensure that the fitness app of your choice includes the best features that will be of value to users in the long run. To do so, make sure you can provide people with customized workout plans that are tailored to their specific needs. It’s more likely that your fitness app will stand out and succeed if you have the sincere intention of assisting users in achieving their fitness goals through various features. Consider incorporating yoga app development to broaden the range of fitness activities offered.

Savvycom – Your Trusted Tech Partner

Savvycom offers expertise in tech consulting, end-to-end product development, and software outsourcing, leveraging digital technologies to drive business growth across various industries. Our dedication to delivering high-quality software solutions and products is complemented by a diverse range of related professional services tailored to your unique requirements.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com


Basic steps to create a successful workout or fitness app:

  1. Explore the fitness apps market
  2. Choose the fitness app type you need 
  3. Pick the monetization model
  4. Hire a team of professionals. i.e. "Savvycom"
  5. Communication between all parties
  6. Define fitness app key features
  7. Technical documentation and design
  8. Application development
  9. Quality assurance
  10.  Marketing and further updates as well as improvements

Choosing the right software development company is a crucial factor in project success.

There are different ways of monetizing your app. To get profit or income from the fitness app, you can include:

  • Paid Apps
  • In-app Purchases
  • Advertisements
  • Free Apps
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How Much Does It Cost to Make an App – Full Breakdown https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/app-development-cost/ https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/app-development-cost/#respond Sat, 11 May 2024 03:10:00 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=10046 Having a $10,000 budget and a $300,000 budget for a mobile application are vastly different. Both figures, however, can provide an accurate answer to the question “How much does it cost to make an app?”

The problem is that numerous factors can influence app development costs. Do you want to create an app that works on both iOS and Android? What country do you want to hire a development team from? What kind of app do you want to create? The cost of your project will vary greatly depending on the answers to these questions.

As a trusted software development company, we have created over 100 mobile apps since the company first surfaced in 2009. Being a part of the Apple Consultant Network, our article speaks from our own experience. Let’s delve into the most influential factors influencing mobile app costs and provide real-world app cost examples.

With this information, you’ll be able to estimate the cost of developing your mobile app. Anyway, feel free to contact our managers for a more precise estimate or further consultation.

1. What Factors Influence App Development Costs?

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Savvycom 3

As with any complicated app development process, a variety of factors can influence the final cost. Here are the most important ones.

  1. App Types (native, cross-platform, hybrid)
  2. Platform (iOS, Android) 
  3. Design
  4. Features/complexity
  5. Developer Rate (varies depending on location, hourly rate, and team size)

1.1. Android and/or iOS

Android and iOS are the two most popular mobile operating systems. They aren’t the only ones, but they rule the mobile world, with Android accounting for 69.74% of the market share and iOS accounting for 29.49% as of 2022, according to Statista.

When you begin working with a project manager on the first rough estimate for your app, one of the things you’ll research is the best platform to build for. What mobile devices does your target audience prefer? For example, 55.26% of mobile users in the United States use iOS, whereas in Poland, it is less than 10%. As a result, before deciding on an operating system, you must first research your target market.

You have three options if your customers use both iOS and Android devices:

  1. Select one platform for your initial app and add support for the other later.
  2. Create two apps right away.
  3. Create a cross-platform or hybrid app (more on those later).

If you choose one platform to begin with, the cost difference will be determined primarily by the length of development. iOS and Android development rates are roughly comparable.

Building an Android mobile app typically takes longer because your team will need to test on a wider range of devices.

1.2. Native, cross-platform, or hybrid app

When estimating the cost, the type of app makes the most difference. First, what exactly are these apps?

Native mobile apps are designed exclusively for a single mobile platform. It is impossible for a regular user to run an APK file (executable for Android) on an iPhone or an IPA file (executable for iOS) on an Android device.

Android and iOS use different programming languages and frameworks: Android uses Java and Kotlin, while iOS uses Swift and Objective-C. If your target audience owns both Android and iOS devices and you decide to support both platforms with native apps, you’ll need to create two apps: one for Android and one for iOS.

However, you can build a single app for both platforms (in addition to a web app or a responsive website):

  1. App for multiple platforms
  2. App hybrid
Learn More On: Native Vs Cross-Platform Development: Which one is better?

Cross-platform apps can be written in C# using Xamarin or JavaScript using React Native, while hybrid apps use AngularJS and its Ionic framework. All of these options are compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

You might be thinking right now. Why would I create apps for each platform when I could create a single app for both?

Indeed, developing a hybrid app is faster and less expensive than developing two native apps. However, you should be aware of the disadvantages that cross-platform and hybrid apps bring. Here is a brief comparison:

  Native apps Cross-platform apps Hybrid apps
  • Top performance
  • Smooth integration with device OS
  • Can access platform-specific features
  • High responsiveness
  • Great UX
  • Secure
  • Middling price between native and hybrid apps
  • One app for both platforms
  • Easier to update
  • Faster to market
  • Cheap to build
  • Easy to maintain
  • One app for both platforms
  • Faster to market
  • Can be costly to build
  • Take significant time to build
  • Limited flexibility
  • Can’t access most platform-specific features
  • Integration is laggy
  • Security issues
  • Low performance
  • Poor UX
  • Slow
  • Security issues
  • Limited access to device hardware
  • No support for platform-specific features

Despite these disadvantages, there are some popular cross-platform and hybrid apps, such as Skype, Slack, and Instagram. The trick is determining what type of app your company requires. Perhaps the disadvantages will be irrelevant to your application. But perhaps they will.

1.3. Cost of App Design

Great visuals are the foundation of a good app, so it’s no surprise that design can influence the cost of developing an app. Custom icons and design elements, such as screens, logos, and buttons, will take time and money to create. In addition, each screen in an app must be drawn separately. Making custom animations is an entirely different challenge, but they are frequently a winning feature.

However, great design does not always imply complex visuals. Sometimes simplicity is the best solution: depending on what your app does, it may be possible to use standard OS-provided elements that don’t take much time or effort to compose.

When it comes to games, design is an especially important component of the cost of mobile application development.

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1.4. Features

The cost of developing an app is largely determined by the number of features — but this is not the only factor.

The complexity of those features can be more influential at times. Some features rely entirely on standard tools and APIs. Others necessitate the use of third-party APIs. A third type necessitates the development of custom algorithms.

It’s something of an industry standard to divide mobile apps into three categories based on complexity:

  1. Simple apps have few features, most of which are either fairly standard or relatively simple to implement. Consider this type of app to be a minimum viable product (MVP), or an app with only the features necessary to collect feedback and validate the app idea. Some finished apps are similarly straightforward. Building a simple app can take between 2 and 4 months and cost between $18,000 and $60,000.
  2. Medium-complexity mobile apps typically take 6 to 10 months to develop. Apps of medium complexity have more screens, features, and complex features than simple apps. If a simple app has a basic login feature, for example, a medium-complexity app would have Facebook integration. That’s just a simple example, but you get the idea. The cost of developing a medium-complexity app will most likely start at $50,000 and can rise to around $130,000.
  3. Complex apps include features such as augmented and virtual reality, bots, payment integration, NFC (near-field communication), and media streaming. Development time can range from 7 months to more than a year, depending on the number of such complex features. The average cost of developing an app with complex features starts at $130,000 and can reach $500,000 or even more.

1.5. Backend

The backend, also known as the server-side, is the part of your app that is invisible to your users but supports some of the more complex features, such as device syncing and push notifications (though the latter can be handled by cloud integrations today). Servers host your databases, custom, and third-party APIs, and other applications.

A backend isn’t required, but if your app requires one, you’ll need to hire a separate developer, such as one who works with Ruby on Rails or Python. And, of course, that developer will raise the price of your app.

1.6. Workload

When asked, “How much does it cost to develop an app?” The answer is typically calculated based on the amount of time required for analysts, developers, designers, and testers to complete all stages of development. However, developers’ work can be calculated in two ways:

  1. In hours, which is the traditional unit of measurement for task complexity. Developers estimate the time required to build each feature, allow for unexpected complications, then total the time for all tasks and multiply it by the hourly rate. Easy.
  2. In story points, a system that is increasingly being used in Agile development. The idea behind the story points system is that instead of attempting to predict how long it will take to develop a specific feature, the feature (or story) is assigned a number of points for difficulty.

Story points are subjective. The team chooses the simplest story (one with the fewest risks and the least amount of effort) and assigns it to two story points. Then all of the other stories are compared to it and given points in comparison. Typically, stories begin with two points. Not 1, because something is always added or removed during development, and a story worth fewer points than the one previously thought to be the smallest may appear.

Learn More On: 08 Best Software Development Methodologies

1.7. Team Size

It’s difficult to estimate the average cost of developing an app without knowing how many people are involved. After all, these are the people you’re paying to do the work.

The simplest app development team consists of the following specialists:

  • There is one project manager.
  • 1-2 platform developers (iOS, Android, web)
  • 1 backend programmer (optional)
  • 1 user interface/user experience designer
  • 1 quality assurance specialist

A single UI/UX designer is usually sufficient for both iOS and Android apps, but an additional web app may necessitate its own designer. A backend developer is required if your app requires a server-side.

This team can be expanded for faster and more complex development, which will impact app development costs.

1.8. Outsourcing vs. Internal Team

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Savvycom 4

Hiring a team of specialists to sit in your office and work solely on your project is what in-house development entails. Outsourcing means hiring a separate company to do the development for you without having the developers within arm’s reach.

Both options have advantages and disadvantages, but we’ll concentrate on the price differences here. To make a long story short, hosting a team of developers in-house is far more expensive than outsourcing. Having an in-house team means you’ll be paying for the followings:

  • Salaries
  • Taxes
  • Additional office space and workstations
  • Software and hardware
  • Tools for developers
  • Everything you pay for your regular employees’ social benefits and everything else

These costs vary greatly depending on where your office is located. Even general numbers are impossible to state. An in-house team is sometimes justified, especially if you have multiple mobile products that must be constantly updated. In other cases, outsourcing is a better option. And outsourcing can be calculated with some accuracy.

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1.9. Development Team’s Location

The geographical location of the company you’re hiring accounts for the majority of the cost of outsourcing. Here is a list of countries organized by average hourly rates, from the most to least expensive:

  • North America (the United States and Canada) – $100-150 per hour
  • $110 per hour in Australia
  • Western Europe (the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria) — $90 per hour
  • $50 per hour in South America
  • Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria) — $40-50/hour
  • $25 – 30 per hour in Asia (Vietnam and the Philippines).
  • Egypt, Kenya, and South Africa — $30 per hour

We can estimate the average cost of developing an app in different regions using these approximations. To accomplish this, we simply need to go back in time and recall the average development time for each of the three types of apps:

  • Small app for at least two months
  • Average 6 months for a medium app
  • 8 months to more than a year for a complex app

2. The Unknown Costs of Mobile App Development

The cost of developing an app extends beyond the development process. There may (and almost certainly will) be additional expenses to consider along the way. Here are the five most common hidden costs you may not have considered.

2.1. Upkeep and upgrades

The app’s release is undeniably significant, but it is not the endgame. As long as the app is available in app stores, you must maintain it, respond to user feedback, and provide regular updates. According to the Outsystems Survey, the cost of app maintenance during the first year after launch is approximately 50% of the cost of app development. The second year is usually 25%, and each subsequent year is 15-25%.

Maintenance and updating services typically include the following:

  • Optimization of code
  • Server enhancements
  • Application updates and bug fixes
  • New technologies and features
  • Support for new operating systems
  • Scalability of the app

2.2. Infrastructure expenses

These costs are primarily associated with app hosting on servers. The main goal here is to ensure that your platform can handle traffic spikes following the launch. The scalability requirements of your app will determine the cost of these services. Here is a list of infrastructure fees you may be required to pay:

  • Server
  • Storage of data
  • Content distribution networks
  • Integrations
  • Tools for development
  • Load balancing devices
Learn More On: 10 Best Mobile App Development Companies In Vietnam

2.3. Functional expenses

This section’s services are designed to help your app’s functionality. For example, you may need to subscribe to several services and set up third-party integrations. The cost of these services varies according to how many you require, and these expenses frequently include:

  • Notifications via push
  • Notifications via SMS
  • Integration of social media
  • Geolocation
  • Gateways for payments

2.4. Level of app security

While you can completely delegate the development process to the hired team, there are a few aspects we recommend familiarizing yourself with, one of which is security. You can inquire about the development team’s security practices and discuss the best options for firewall protection, secure transactions, and other critical issues. Making the platform as secure as possible may increase the cost of developing an app, but it is well worth the investment.

2.5. Patenting applications

This legal step will protect your intellectual property rights while also assisting you if other app owners falsely accuse you of intellectual property theft. This must be completed before the app is released to the public.

During the patent application process, you will need to specify what makes your app unique, define the aspects of your app that you want to claim ownership of and provide a visual representation of the app.

The cost will vary depending on the country in which you file your patent application and the type of mobile app. A regular non-provisional patent in the United States, for example, can cost between $2,000 and $5,000.

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3. App Development Cost Examples

As evidenced by the preceding, so many factors influence the development process that estimating the cost of creating an app on the spot is difficult. At Mind Studios, we write articles in which we share our insider knowledge of the development of various types of apps, including cost estimates.

Here are several examples of the costs of developing an app for both iOS and Android in 2022, as estimated by The Mind Studios with their $45/hour rate:

  • FitBit-like fitness app — $84,600
  • Tinder-like dating app — $108,470
  • Discord-like VoIP app — $99,950
  • $82,440 for an educational app similar to Udemy
  • Signal-like messaging app — $100,080
  • Headspace-style meditation app — $76,590
  • Postmates-style food delivery app — $130,500-148,500
  • IKEA Place-like augmented reality furniture app — $91,800-124,200
  • $137,700-162,000 for a marketplace app like Etsy or eBay

How much does it cost to create an app you have in mind, and how can you find out? If you know exactly what you want to build, you can either contact an app development company for a rough estimate (which is what our contact page is for) or use an online app cost calculator.

Online cost calculators are straightforward web applications. They allow you to select from a variety of parameters and features, and then automatically calculate a rough estimate based on the rates set by the calculator. When using one, keep in mind that the majority of these calculators estimate the cost very, very roughly. Most are designed to obtain your email address and entice you to contact the development company.

Learn More On: Mobile Banking Application Development: Features & Cost

4. Mobile App Development Cost – Interesting Facts

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Savvycom 5

As you may have guessed, when we said numerous factors influence app costs, we weren’t exaggerating. And it’s not just the app development options that matter. Post-launch marketing and maintenance costs, economic conditions in the leading software service providers’ countries, and the evolution of the mobile app market all have an impact on the costs to launch a mobile app.

We’ve compiled a list of statistics about app development costs and the mobile app market in general that you may not be aware of.

  • According to the Business of Apps, you should set aside at least $10,000 to plan your app’s go-to-market strategy.
  • The cost-per-install (CPI), which is the price the app marketer pays to engage one user, can be used to calculate the cost of marketing. The iOS CPI in 2021 was $3.6 per app install, while the Android CPI was $1.22 per app install. Overall, app marketing can cost up to half the cost of development during the first year after launch.
  • The average cost of maintaining software and, in particular, applications is approximately 15-20% of the cost of development.
  • According to an Outsystems survey, more than 80% of mobile apps take 3+ months to develop, and 40% of applications take 6+ months to develop.
  • According to Market Research Future, the mobile app development market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of at least 23.80% over the next eight years.
  • According to Globe Newswire, the global mobile applications market is now worth US$ 112.6 billion and is expected to be worth more than US$ 307 billion by the end of 2031.

Given the last two forecasts on the list, it appears that the global mobile app market will continue to evolve at a rapid pace over the next decade, implying that app development costs will not decrease. So, if you’ve been thinking about creating your own mobile platform, now is the time.

5. Mobile App Development Costs by Types

So, how much money does it take to launch an app? To answer this question, the development team must first understand the type of application you wish to create. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but each type of mobile app has a standard set of features that will allow the team to create a rough estimate for the project quickly. In the table below, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common app types. Remember that the estimates are based on a $25 hourly rate.

Type of app Examples Timeline Average cost
Basic app with a minimum number of features Video player, calculator 1 month $8,000+
Data-driven app Weather 1 month $8,000+
Authentication app McDonald’s Loyalty App 3 months $20,000+
Social networking app Instagram, Facebook 3 – 9+ months $20,000 – $100,000+
eCommerce app Etsy, eBay 6 months $60,000+
Marketplace app Amazon, Booking.com 6 – 9 months $60,000 – $100,000+
On-demand app Uber, Postmates 8 – 12 months $70,000 – $100,000+
eLearning app Duolingo, Udemy 4 – 6 months $40,000 – $60,000
Healthcare app Headspace 5 – 8 months $50,000+
IoT app Nest, Garmin Connect 4 – 6 months $40,000 – $60,000+
Video Streaming App Netflix, Hulu 6 – 9 months $60,000 – $100,000+
Mobile Banking App HSBC 6 – 9 months $20,000 – $100,000+
Fintech App Coinbase 4 – 6 months $30,000 – $60,000+

These are only a few of the most common types of mobile apps. If you have an idea for something unique and even innovative, please contact our business development team. We will gladly listen to your idea and answer all of your questions.

Learn More On: The Essential Guide To Software Development Services

6. How to Reduce App Development Costs

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Savvycom 2

If the prices listed above make you nervous, here’s a list of seven things you can do to cut the cost of mobile app development.

  • Make a thorough plan

Can you draw it? Better yet! Bring a clear idea and a way to properly explain it to developers.

Make a list of the app’s technical specifications and requirements.

This can prevent miscommunication, nervous breakdowns, and financial loss. In our previous article, we discussed the significance of requirements.

  • Outsource

Using outsourcing development services is significantly less expensive than hiring an in-house team, especially if you hire a team from a region with reasonable hourly rates.

  • Beginning with a test

Although it may appear obvious, not everyone does this. Early testing helps you find bugs that, if not fixed quickly, can lead to more bugs in the future, necessitating the rework of entire features.

  • Create an MVP/MLP

A minimum viable product, also known as a minimum lovable product, can assist you in gathering data and avoiding mistakes long before you launch.

  • Maintain regular contact with developers and check on progress

This will keep you and your team on the same page and help you avoid major mid-development changes or adjustments.

  • Find a reliable mobile app development company

It is sometimes better to pay a little more for a development team that is experienced in your field and has a good reputation. Examine previous projects and reviews on professional websites such as Clutch.

Looking For a Dedicated Team?

A Dedicated Team might be the best solution in your case. Get in touch with us and we’ll help you choose the best IT outsourcing model based on your business needs and requirements.

7. How to Precisely Estimate App Cost?

At Savvycom, we estimate the cost of app development in six stages:

  1. You get in touch with us and tell us about your project.
  2. We are contacting you to gather general information.
  3. Our project managers conduct preliminary research and develop a rough estimate.
  4. We will contact you with our estimate.
  5. If everything is in order, we will begin a more in-depth discussion with you about the functionality and content of your app.
  6. Based on all available information, we create a more precise estimate.

After the final app development cost estimate, there may be adjustments if new features are added or additional technology is required. Slight cost adjustments are possible with any changes. However, the cost rarely deviates significantly from the final estimate.

Before app development begins, reputable software development firms will usually provide you with a rough estimate of the mobile app development cost. The quote is based on your project description, as well as your business and technical needs. This data is compiled and summarized in a preliminary list of features.

It’s also worth noting that initial estimates and actual application development costs don’t always match up. Aside from the obvious assumption that the estimate was incorrect in the first place, another common cause of the mismatch is a change in the app development scope. This can occur if:

  • Midway through the project, the client decides to increase the number of features or make other significant changes.
  • The MVP launch or soft launch, during which initial feedback is gathered, indicates that the team needs to make some significant changes or even look for entirely new solutions.

Fortunately, in most cases, these disparities can be avoided by investing time and money in the proper discovery stage. That is the first thing Mind Studios does after accepting a new project. During the discovery stage, we determine whether there is a market need for the app, which features the target audience will require, and how we can differentiate the new product from the competition.

8. App Cost By Stages of Development

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Savvycom 1

The entire app development process can be broken down into four major stages. Let’s look at how much each of them might cost and how much of the overall process they compensate for. Remember that the calculations below are based on a $25 hourly rate and apply to medium-complexity projects like an on-demand delivery app or a fitness app.

  1. The discovery stage is when the team analyzes the market and the target audience, calculates the risks, and develops solutions that will help the app succeed.
    Time and cost estimates: 80 hours, $2,000
  2. The UI/UX design stage is when a team of UI/UX designers decides on the app’s features and develops its visual concept. The outcomes of this stage are presented in the form of prototypes — visual mockups of each app screen.
    Time and cost estimates: 160 hours, $4,000
  3. The development stage is when a team of developers turns the prototypes into a fully functional mobile application. The following estimate includes iOS, Android, and backend development.
    Time and cost estimates: 2080 hours, $52,000
  4. Testing is the process by which QA engineers test the app and look for bugs to report to the development team so that they can be fixed.
    Time and cost estimates: 200 hours, $5,000

The project management component is an additional important component of the overall development cost. It is not a stage in and of itself, but rather a tool that assists the client and team in staying on the same page throughout the collaboration. This service takes 200 hours on average and costs $5000 for a medium-complexity project.

Learn More On: IT Outsourcing Vietnam – Ideal Destination For Growth Hacking

9. Conclusion

There are numerous factors that can influence the cost of developing a mobile application, including whether it is native or cross-platform, simple or complex, and developed in North America, Asia, or Eastern Europe. Even with the statistics on app development costs in 2022, making an accurate estimate without knowing the specifics of the project is difficult. However, in this article, we’ve covered the most common types of mobile apps on the market, so you can get an idea of how much your project might cost.

If you’d like a more accurate estimate for a mobile app, our business development team will gladly conduct a free consultation for you.

Savvycom specializes in tech consulting, end-to-end product development, and software outsourcing, utilizing digital technologies to support business growth across diverse industries. With a focus on delivering high-quality software solutions and products, we also offer a wide range of related professional software development services customized to meet your specific needs.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com

Savvycom follow 6 stages to estimate the total costs, this is also the common process for other firms:

Stage 1. A client gets in touch with Savvycom about their project.

Stage 2. We contact our client to gather general information about them and the project.

Stage 3. Our project managers conduct preliminary research to develop a rough estimate.

Stage 4. We discuss with the client our rough estimated cost for the project.

Stage 5. Then, we carry out an in-depth consultation and discuss the app's functionality and design.

Stage 6. With all the information, we can deliver a more precise estimated cost for the app development project.


As discussed in the article, development costs are impacted by many factors. Thus, the costs may vary widely. 

If the rate is $40/hour, here is how much to pay for an app:

- Simple app: $40,000 to $60,000

- Average app: $60,000 to $150,000

- Complex app: from $300,000

In case you want to reduce the costs, it is suggested to outsource from countries like Vietnam. You will be able to own an app with the same quality but for a more affordable price.

Building an app is not cheap, but there are several ways to get around it and lessen how much you need to pay.

1. Make a detailed plan 

List out clearly what your app will need, what it serves, your strategy, and your budget for the project.

2. Outsource

Outsourcing is a clever way to save money, especially if you hire a team from a region with more reasonable rates. 

3. Test frequently

It is advised you test your app as soon as possible to find bugs and fix them before they require more effort.

4. Create an MVP/MLP

A minimum viable product (MVP), also known as a minimum lovable product (MLP), can assist you in gathering data and avoiding mistakes long before you launch.

5. Contact your developers & check on the progress frequently

Doing this keeps you and the developer team on the same page and helps you avoid major mid-development changes.

6. Find a reliable mobile app development company

Cutting costs is a goal for any business, but sometimes it is worth paying a little extra to get the quality product you desire. 


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The Top 10 Blockchain App Development Companies In Asia https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/top-10-blockchain-app-development-companies/ Thu, 09 May 2024 10:57:20 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=37233 Embracing the growing potential of blockchain technology, businesses are increasingly turning to specialized entities known as blockchain app development companies. These firms play a crucial role in helping businesses integrate blockchain solutions into their operations, thereby gaining a competitive edge in the market. If you’re in Asia and searching for a reliable partner to spearhead your blockchain endeavors, this article is crafted just for you. Dive into our list of the top 10 blockchain app development companies in the region to find your ideal technical ally.

Blockchain App Market Overview

Blockchain technology, a cornerstone of the Internet of Things (IoT), is revolutionizing industries worldwide with its decentralized ledger capabilities. From finance to healthcare, its applications offer transparency and heightened security, transforming how businesses operate. The blockchain app market is experiencing substantial growth, projected to reach $12.3 billion by 2030. This surge is propelled by the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies and the integration of blockchain across diverse sectors such as retail and finance.

Emerging trends like DeFi (Decentralized Finance), NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and enterprise adoption are reshaping the market landscape, paving the way for innovative solutions. Despite the evolving regulatory frameworks, which pose both challenges and opportunities for development and adoption, the blockchain market continues to expand. Successful ventures like Ethereum exemplify the immense potential of blockchain, contributing significantly to market growth.

With a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 57%, the future of blockchain technology is poised for robust expansion, promising sustained influence throughout the IoT ecosystem.

Looking For a Dedicated Team?

Looking to strengthen your manufacturing operations with state-of-the-art Blockchain technology? Look no further than Savvycom! With over 15 years of expertise in IT development, Savvycom specializes in providing customized Blockchain solutions to cater to the unique needs of your industry. Partner with us for expert Blockchain consulting, as Asia’s premier IT outsourcing company, and harness the power of innovative technology to streamline and secure your manufacturing processes. Let’s collaborate to enhance your operational efficiency and propel your business to new heights of success!

Criteria For Top 10 Blockchain App Developers

There are several factors that we have taken into consideration to compile this list. Some of these factors include:  

  • Experience: Prioritize firms with extensive experience, considering their tenure, successful projects, and client roster.
  • Technical Expertise: Look for proficiency in various blockchain technologies like Hyperledger, Ethereum, and Solidity.
  • Client Satisfaction: Value a strong reputation for client satisfaction, evidenced through positive feedback and testimonials.
  • Product Quality: Emphasize commitment to delivering high-quality products, ensuring project success.
  • Industry Recognition: Consider recognition, awards, and partnerships with leading companies as indicators of excellence and credibility.
  • Team Size: Assess both larger teams for resource depth and smaller teams for personalized attention, based on project requirements.
  • Flexibility: Prioritize firms that can adapt to changing project needs and timelines for successful project delivery.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Evaluate competitive pricing while maintaining quality and adherence to timelines in the selection process.

The Top 10 Blockchain App Development Companies In Asia

With the amount of attention blockchain technology has been attracting, here is the list of the leading Blockchain app Development services you can work with.

1. Savvycom

As the first and only member of the Apple Consultants Network in Vietnam, Savvycom has also partnered with other global leaders

As the first and only member of the Apple Consultants Network in Vietnam, Savvycom has also partnered with other global leaders

The first on the top 10 list today is Savvycom, a leading custom blockchain app development firm in Vietnam that has established itself as an industry pioneer through a commitment to innovation and client satisfaction. With over 15 years of experience, Savvycom excels in providing tailored blockchain solutions for businesses of all sizes, leveraging expertise in platforms such as Hyperledger, EVM, Solidity, Cosmos, and Substrate. Their comprehensive services span consulting, design, and development, aimed at expediting time-to-market and optimizing ROI.

Highlighted projects, such as the collaboration with Morpheus Labs, underscore Savvycom’s prowess in executing successful blockchain initiatives, bolstering its credibility. Savvycom boasts a team of blockchain developers proficient in Ethereum, Tezos, and Hyperledger, having completed numerous 500 projects. Client testimonials further attest to Savvycom’s commitment to excellence.

Learn more about Savvycom

2. Creatix Technologies

Creatix Technologies focused on helping businesses grow through digital transformation services

Creatix Technologies focused on helping businesses grow through digital transformation services

Creatix Technologies, headquartered in Armenia, is a leading company in blockchain consulting service, catering to various industries including finance, healthcare, and real estate. With a focus on creating custom blockchain solutions, Creatix adapts each project to meet the unique requirements of its clients, seamlessly integrating these solutions into existing business frameworks. The experienced team at Creatix is dedicated to delivering top-notch results, consistently surpassing client expectations. 

By harnessing advanced technologies such as Ethereum, EOS, Solana, and NEAR, Creatix leads the way in innovative blockchain development, making complex concepts easy for businesses to navigate. Offering a full range of services from consultation to smart contract development and enterprise blockchain solutions, Creatix has a proven track record of successfully delivering projects that improve transparency, streamline processes, and generate tangible business value. With its impressive portfolio, Creatix Technologies is the preferred partner for startups and enterprises seeking cutting-edge blockchain solutions.

Learn more about Creatix Technologies

3. Appikr Labs

Appikr Labs Provides Mobile App Development Solutions For Brands And Companies With Objective To Generate Revenue In Billions Through “Fortune 500 Apps”

Appikr Labs Provides Mobile App Development Solutions For Brands And Companies With Objective To Generate Revenue In Billions Through “Fortune 500 Apps”

Appikr Labs, headquartered in Dubai, has been a leading figure in blockchain development services since its inception in 2015. They specialize in various areas including blockchain consulting, smart contract development, and decentralized application creation, serving industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. What sets Appikr Labs apart is its skilled team of experienced blockchain developers proficient in technologies like Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Corda. They have a notable track record of delivering innovative solutions like a voting system and a secure property title management platform for the real estate sector.

One of the key strengths of Appikr Labs is their ability to simplify complex blockchain concepts and transform them into easy-to-use applications. This has made them a preferred choice for both startups and established enterprises. With a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions that surpass client expectations, Appikr Labs continues to lead the way in blockchain innovation. Additionally, they offer educational services to help businesses harness the transformative potential of blockchain technology.

Learn more about Appikr Labs

4. Labrys

Blockchain services that Labrys provides

Blockchain services that Labrys provides

Labrys is Australia’s top spot for cutting-edge Web3 solutions. Since 2017, Labrys has quickly become the largest Web3 development agency in the country. They specialize in using blockchain infrastructure and Web3 technologies to create innovative products. Labrys takes a comprehensive approach, not only developing groundbreaking solutions but also building the necessary supporting infrastructure like web and mobile applications, APIs, and integrations to support any Web3 project.

What sets Labrys apart is its team of experienced blockchain developers and consultants. They’re experts in Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, and more. But Labrys isn’t just about delivering solutions; it’s also about educating and empowering businesses. Through their blockchain education services, Labrys helps organizations in various industries understand how to leverage blockchain’s potential, keeping them ahead in today’s digital world.

Learn more about Labrys

5. Sotatek

Embrace innovation, empower possibilities

Embrace innovation, empower possibilities

SotaTek is a leading name in Blockchain Development and IT Consulting, with a global presence spanning seven offices worldwide and a strong team of over 500 skilled blockchain developers and consultants. Known for their versatile expertise, SotaTek offers a wide range of services, from full-stack public blockchain development to the creation of state-of-the-art NFT marketplaces, dex platforms, blockchain-based games, and essential infrastructure such as E-wallets and POS systems.

Their commitment to innovation and excellence shines through in their dynamic approach to crafting solutions tailored to various business needs. With a proven track record in payment processing, digital identity verification, and document management, SotaTek stands out as a leader in the Vietnamese blockchain development scene. They consistently set high standards for the industry and prioritize client satisfaction above all else.

Learn more about SotaTek

6. Cubix

Unleashing the potential of blockchain, one block at a time

Unleashing the potential of blockchain, one block at a time

Cubix, based in Singapore, is a leading blockchain development company that’s making waves globally. With a team of over 250 experts, they’re delivering tailored and robust blockchain solutions to businesses in more than 50 countries. They specialize in key areas like blockchain supply chain, decentralization, and E-wallet platforms, drawing on their extensive experience to meet the unique needs of clients worldwide.

Having completed over 200 successful projects, Cubix has built a solid reputation for providing top-notch, dependable solutions in blockchain development, smart contract implementation, decentralized applications, and digital tokenization. Their commitment to excellence and innovation is evident, driving progress in the industry and helping businesses thrive in the digital.

Learn more about SotaTek

7. T-Mining

Empowering the digital future of logistics

Empowering the digital future of logistics

T-Mining, a leading blockchain company based in Singapore, has been reshaping the digital world since its establishment in 2016. Focused on decentralized technologies, T-Mining has introduced its innovative Decentralized Technologies Framework (DTF). This framework aims to speed up the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) while keeping costs in check.

By utilizing reusable features, DTF makes it easy and quick to develop dApps, especially for supply chain purposes like Maritime, Port, and Logistics sectors. T-Mining is well-known for its expertise in building advanced trading systems and financial software, earning recognition in the financial industry. Collaborating with esteemed financial institutions, T-Mining excels in smart contract development, integrating blockchain technology, and tailoring blockchain solutions to specific needs.

Their proficiency extends across various blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger Fabric, solidifying their position as pioneers in blockchain innovation.

Learn more about T-Mining

8. Tradeline

Transforming transactions, empowering trust through blockchain innovation

Transforming transactions, empowering trust through blockchain innovation

Tradeline is shaking up commodity trading with its innovative platform for automating post-trade workflows. Positioned at the forefront of this sector, Tradeline leads the pack with its cutting-edge technology, which not only streamlines communication and transparency within organizations but also ensures robust management of electronic contracts.

Drawing on its expertise as a blockchain development company, Tradeline delivers top-tier solutions tailored to diverse sectors, ranging from finance to supply chain management. Their seasoned team specializes in crafting blockchain-based solutions that place utmost importance on trust, transparency, and security.

By harnessing distributed ledger technology, Tradeline empowers businesses to streamline operations, slash costs, and bolster security measures. From initial consultation to full-scale implementation, Tradeline caters to businesses of all sizes, forming partnerships with industry titans like Visa and Nasdaq.

Learn more about Tradeline

9. Appsynth

Crafting digital experiences that transform businesses

Crafting digital experiences that transform businesses

Appsynth, a leading player in the blockchain arena across Thailand and Asia, is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of Distributed Ledger technology. With a fervent commitment to continual growth and innovation, the team focuses on unlocking the full potential of blockchain advancements. 

Despite being headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, expertise extends globally, offering tailored solutions for blockchain development. Specializing in Ethereum, EOS, and Hyperledger Fabric, a spectrum of services is delivered ranging from comprehensive consulting to end-to-end product development. From strategizing and feasibility studies to seamless integration planning, solutions prioritize security, scalability, and future-readiness. Beyond blockchain, proficiency extends to web and mobile app development, ensuring every client’s unique requirements are met. 

At Appsynth, the mission is clear: to deliver unparalleled service and project management, empowering businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Learn more about Appsynth

10. Finwin Technologies

Empowering Financial Transformation

Empowering Financial Transformation

Finwin Technologies is a leading force in digital platform engineering and software development, offering top-notch IT solutions designed to adapt to the changing needs of businesses worldwide. Specializing in Fintech and AI, we help enterprises achieve rapid and cost-efficient growth. Renowned for our expertise in blockchain, we provide cutting-edge decentralized solutions such as cryptocurrency development, dApp creation, and ICO consulting

Additionally, we excel in mobile app, AR/VR, and AI/ML development, showcasing our versatility across various industries. With a strong reputation for client satisfaction and proven success in healthcare, finance, logistics, and real estate, we are recognized for our excellence in IT innovation. Our commitment to delivering high-quality solutions has established us as a premier blockchain development company in Thailand.

Learn more about Finwin Technologies

Vietnam: A Rising Hub for Blockchain Outsourcing Endeavors

Vietnam is becoming a top choice for blockchain outsourcing, thanks to its skilled workforce, cost-effectiveness, and supportive government. With nearly 70% of its population under 35 and proficient in cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, Vietnam offers a rich talent pool. Its strong technology education system churns out over 600,000 IT engineers yearly, well-versed in coding and possessing good English skills.

Moreover, the government actively promotes entrepreneurship and digital transformation, boosting Vietnam’s appeal as a global tech hub. Thus, Savvycom, a prominent enterprise blockchain app development company with over 15 years of experience and more than 500 projects completed, offers top-notch blockchain solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Collaborating with firms like Savvycom ensures innovative and successful outcomes as Vietnam solidifies its position in the blockchain industry.

Learn More On: Savvycom And Insider To Unlock The Full Story Of APAC Enterprises’ Customer Data


In Asia, the blockchain app development companies thrives with talent and innovation. The listed companies are top players in the industry, each offering distinct strengths. As blockchain tech progresses, these firms are poised to pioneer solutions that are both cutting-edge and practical. Whether you’re a startup or a big business, teaming up with these developers can unleash blockchain’s potential to revolutionize your operations.

Transforming Manufacturing with Cutting-Edge Blockchain Solutions with Savvycom, Asia’s Premier software development company, has been leading digital innovation since 2009. Drawing on our extensive experience, we specialize in developing cutting-edge Blockchain solutions customized to your requirements. Whether it’s supply chain optimization, smart contracts, or decentralized applications, we offer comprehensive solutions to revolutionize manufacturing processes. Partner with us to harness the power of Blockchain technology and drive innovation in your industry.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com


Frequently Asked Questions

Which company is best for blockchain development?

Looking for top-notch companies in blockchain development? Here are some renowned names:

  1. ConsenSys: Leading the pack with its expertise in Ethereum-based solutions and decentralized applications (dApps).

  2. IBM: Known for its IBM Blockchain platform, catering to high-level blockchain applications for businesses.

  3. Deloitte: Offers consulting and development services across various industries, providing tailored blockchain solutions.

  4. Microsoft: With Azure Blockchain Services, it equips developers with tools and infrastructure on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.

  5. Chainyard: Specializes in offering comprehensive blockchain services, from consultation to implementation, specifically tailored for enterprises.

  6. Accenture: Delivers blockchain solutions across different sectors like supply chain, finance, and healthcare, ensuring industry-specific needs are met.

  7. Coinbase: Famous for its cryptocurrency exchange platform, it also extends its expertise to blockchain development services and developer tools.

Remember, before making a choice, ensure to thoroughly research each company’s track record, experience, and previous projects to find the best fit for your specific blockchain development needs.

Building The Perfect Mobile App Development Team: Tips, Structure https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/mobile-app-development-team/ Thu, 09 May 2024 09:15:58 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=29970 In the ever-evolving realm of mobile technology, the journey from an idea to a successful mobile app is intricate and multifaceted. Central to this journey is the team that transforms the vision into reality. Delving into the roles in a mobile app development team, understanding their pivotal significance, and mastering the art of assembling the ideal team for your project can be the game-changer. With the right blend of talent from a reputable software development company, you’re not just building an app that leading mobile app development trends; you’re sculpting an experience, ensuring unparalleled quality, and priming your project for unparalleled success in the fiercely competitive app marketplace.

🔍 The Landscape of Mobile App Development:

  • Explosive Growth: As of Q1 2023, the number of Apple App Store and Google Play mobile app downloads reached staggering heights, with numbers soaring into the billions. Source
  • Cost Efficiency: With the ideal mobile app team, the development process can be streamlined, potentially saving up to 30% of project costs. This efficiency is crucial, especially when considering that the total value of global consumer spend on mobile apps was in the billions as of Q2 2023. Source
  • Market Potential: The mobile app advertising industry continues its upward trajectory, with over 93K advertisers in April, marking a 5.79% increase compared to the second half of 2020. Source
  • Monetizing Mobile Apps: Analysts estimate that app-related revenues reached $25 billion in recent years, with projections of more than $70 billion by 2017. Mobile apps are not just a source of direct revenue but also offer opportunities for organizations to monetize their data through application programming interfaces (APIs). Source
  • Mobile Today – Myths vs. Reality: Despite the rise of mobile, 80 to 90 percent of sales still occur in physical locations. However, mobile plays a significant role in enhancing the in-store experience and influencing purchasing decisions. Source
  • The Next Mobile Battlefield: The future of mobile isn’t just about devices but understanding the user. Data-driven insights about user behavior and preferences are becoming the next big battlefield, with a focus on delivering personalized experiences. Source

1. Crafting the Perfect Mobile App Development Team

Embarking on the journey of mobile app development? The first and foremost step is to assemble a stellar team that can bring your vision to life. The composition of your team is pivotal, as it directly influences the success and efficiency of your project. While the size and specifics of an app development team can vary based on the intricacy and magnitude of your project, there’s a foundational structure that can serve as a starting point for most ventures.

Here’s a breakdown of the essential roles you’ll want to consider:

  1. Project/Product Manager: Think of this person as the captain of your ship. They steer the project, ensuring that every team member is aligned with the project’s goals, timelines, and deliverables. Their expertise lies in coordinating tasks, managing resources, and ensuring that the project stays on track.

  2. UI/UX Designer: The artist behind the aesthetics and user experience of your app. They’re responsible for crafting an intuitive and visually appealing interface, ensuring that users have a seamless and enjoyable experience.

  3. iOS Developer: Specializing in Apple’s ecosystem, the iOS developer brings your app to life for all iPhone and iPad users. They’re well-versed in Swift or Objective-C and are adept at navigating the nuances of the Apple App Store.

  4. Android Developer: Catering to the vast Android user base, this developer ensures that your app shines on devices ranging from Samsung to Google Pixel. With a deep understanding of Java or Kotlin, they tailor your app to meet the specific requirements of the Google Play Store.

  5. Backend Developer: The unsung hero who works behind the scenes. They set up and manage the server-side of your app, ensuring that data flows smoothly, databases are maintained, and that the app’s core functionality is robust and reliable.

  6. Quality Assurance Engineer: Last but certainly not least, the QA engineer is your app’s final checkpoint. They rigorously test every feature, iron out any bugs, and ensure that the end product is polished and ready for launch.

Learn More On: A Guide to Snagging the Perfect CTO for Your StartUp

1.1. Project Manager vs. Product Manager in Mobile App Development

When you approach a mobile app development company with your innovative app idea, you’re not just handed a team; you’re introduced to a guiding star – the Project Manager (PM). This individual becomes your primary assistant, bridging the gap between your vision and the developers who bring it to life.

a/ Project Manager (PM):

Role Definition: The PM is your project’s guardian, ensuring its smooth journey from inception to completion. They’re the ones ensuring that the app development process is efficient, meets deadlines, and adheres to the highest quality standards, all while staying true to the product manager’s overarching vision.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Task Delegation: Distributing assignments to the development team, setting sprint durations, and prioritizing tasks.
  • Budget Management: Providing accurate project estimates and ensuring the project remains within the allocated budget.
  • Communication Facilitator: Serving as the main communication channel between you, the client, and the developers.
  • Flexibility: Adapting and making necessary changes to the app development plan as required.
  • Quality and Control: Ensuring the app’s quality, meeting deadlines, and preventing costs from spiraling.

Essential Skills:

  • Soft Skills: Leadership, effective communication, critical thinking, adept time management, teamwork, creativity, and diplomacy.
  • Technical Know-how: Proficiency in various project management methodologies, including Waterfall and Agile, with frameworks like Scrum or Kanban.
  • Tool Mastery: Extensive experience with project management tools such as TeamGantt, Asana, and Confluence.

b/ Product Manager:

Role Definition: The Product Manager is the visionary behind your app. They delve deep into market research, understanding the competitive landscape, and pinpointing the unique value your app can offer.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Market Analysis: Studying the market, defining your app’s unique benefits, core features, and understanding your target audience.
  • Problem Solver: Identifying key challenges faced by users and proposing optimal solutions.
  • Strategic Planning: Drafting a comprehensive business plan for app development.
  • Feature Prioritization: Highlighting the most impactful app features.
  • Unique Value Proposition: Crafting a compelling call to action based on the app’s unique offerings.

Essential Skills:

  • Soft Skills: Similar to a project manager, including leadership, communication, and critical thinking.
  • Analytical Prowess: Proficiency in using analytics tools such as Firebase, Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and App Annie.

In certain scenarios, the roles of both these specialists might merge, with one individual donning the title of ‘project manager’. However, for larger, more intricate projects, it’s often beneficial to have both a project manager and a product manager, each focusing on their areas of expertise.

At a Glance: Project Manager vs. Product Manager

Project Manager Product Manager
Compiles project plan Conducts product research
Defines project scope Analyzes users’ needs
Provides cost/budget estimate Compiles product roadmap
Sets deadlines Defines features
Controls task completion Tracks success metrics
Adopts changes and minimizes risks Sets release requirements and app updates
Communicates progress to stakeholders Communicates vision to stakeholders

In essence, while both roles are pivotal in the app development journey, their focus areas and responsibilities differ, ensuring a holistic approach to bringing your app idea to fruition.

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1.2. UI/UX Designers

Role Definition: The UI/UX designer is the maestro behind the app’s look and feel. They blend aesthetics with functionality, ensuring that users don’t just use the app but enjoy every moment they spend on it.

Key Responsibilities:

  • User Persona Creation: Crafting detailed profiles of potential users, understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points. This helps in tailoring the app’s design to resonate with its target audience.
  • User Flow & Wireframing: Mapping out the user’s journey within the app, ensuring a logical and seamless flow. This involves sketching preliminary designs, known as wireframes, that outline the basic structure and elements of the app.
  • Visual Prototyping: Transforming wireframes into interactive prototypes that give a closer look at the app’s final appearance and functionality.
  • Intuitive Interface Design: Crafting an app interface that’s not just visually appealing but also user-friendly, ensuring users can navigate with ease and efficiency.
  • Iterative Design: Continuously refining the design based on user feedback and testing data, ensuring the app remains aligned with user expectations and industry standards.

Essential Skills:

  • Design Tool Mastery: Proficiency in leading UI/UX design tools such as Figma, InVision, and Sketch, which are pivotal in bringing design concepts to life.
  • Holistic Design Knowledge: A deep understanding of UX research, wireframing, UI prototyping, and interaction design, ensuring the app is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Coding Familiarity: While they’re not developers, a basic grasp of coding ensures that UI/UX designers can effectively communicate with programmers, ensuring the design vision is accurately translated into the final product.

The UI/UX designer is not just a ‘designer’. They’re storytellers, psychologists, and problem solvers, all rolled into one. They weave the narrative of your app, ensuring that it resonates with users, meets their needs, and offers a delightful experience every step of the way. When hiring a UI/UX designer, it’s essential to look beyond their design portfolio; their ability to understand users and translate that understanding into a tangible, engaging app experience is what truly sets them apart.

1.3. iOS vs. Android App Developers

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In the dynamic world of mobile app development, choosing the right platform and the right software development firm can make all the difference. iOS and Android, the two dominant operating systems, each come with their unique set of languages, tools, and requirements. As a result, specialized developers are needed for each platform. Let’s delve into the intricacies of these roles and the skills they bring to the table.

a/ iOS Developer:

Role Definition: An iOS developer specializes in crafting apps specifically for Apple’s ecosystem, including iPhones and iPads. They ensure that the app not only functions seamlessly but also adheres to the guidelines set by the Apple App Store.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Native App Development: Building apps tailored for Apple devices using native programming languages.
  • Environment Familiarity: Navigating and utilizing the Xcode IDE, which is pivotal for developing macOS, iOS, and iPadOS apps.
  • Device Compatibility: Ensuring the app performs optimally across various iOS and iPadOS generations.

Essential Skills:

  • Language Proficiency: Mastery in Objective-C and Swift, the cornerstones of iOS app development.
  • Tool Expertise: Comprehensive knowledge of the Xcode IDE.
  • Adaptability: Keeping abreast with the evolving iOS ecosystem and ensuring compatibility across different device generations.

b/ Android Developer:

Role Definition: Android developers are the maestros behind apps designed for the vast array of devices running the Android OS. Their role is to ensure that the app provides a consistent experience across diverse Android devices.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Versatile App Development: Crafting apps that cater to a wide range of Android devices, each with different versions, screen sizes, and capabilities.
  • Environment Mastery: Proficient use of Android Studio, the primary IDE for Android app development.

Essential Skills:

  • Language Expertise: Deep knowledge of Kotlin and Java, the primary languages for Android development.
  • Tool Proficiency: Extensive experience with Android Studio.
  • Device Compatibility: Ability to ensure the app’s consistent performance across various Android versions and devices.

c/ Cross-Platform Development:

For those looking to target both iOS and Android audiences without developing separate apps, cross-platform development offers a viable solution. While it can be cost-effective and faster, it comes with its own set of challenges.

Key Considerations:

  • Framework Familiarity: A strong grasp of the React Native framework, which allows for the development of apps that can run on both iOS and Android.
  • Platform Experience: Experience in using platforms like Xamarin, Flutter, or Ionic for cross-platform app development.

Whether you’re targeting iOS, Android, or both, understanding the nuances of each platform and the skills required for development is crucial. While iOS and Android developers bring specialized expertise to the table, cross-platform developers offer a broader approach. Your choice will ultimately hinge on your target audience, budget, and specific app requirements.

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1.4. Backend Developers: The Backbone of App Development

In the intricate tapestry of app development, if frontend developers paint the canvas that users see and interact with, backend developers are the artisans working behind the scenes, ensuring the entire framework stands strong and functions seamlessly. They are the unsung heroes who ensure that the data users interact with is processed, stored, and managed effectively.

Role Definition: A backend developer is the powerhouse behind the app’s server operations, database management, and the implementation of the app’s operational logic. They ensure that the data the frontend requires is available, processed, and delivered efficiently.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Server Management: Ensuring the server’s optimal performance, security, and responsiveness to frontend requests.
  • Database Administration: Designing, creating, and maintaining the database to ensure data is easily retrievable, up-to-date, and stored securely.
  • Operational Logic Implementation: Crafting the algorithms and business logic that process the app’s data and ensure its functionality aligns with requirements.
  • API Integration: Building and maintaining the necessary APIs to facilitate communication between the frontend and backend.
  • Security: Implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure the app’s resilience against potential threats.

Essential Skills:

  • Language Proficiency: Mastery in one or more backend programming languages such as Java, .Net, Python, PHP, or Ruby. Each language offers its own set of advantages, and the choice often depends on the specific requirements of the project.
  • Database Expertise: Proficiency in database technologies like SQL, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL, ensuring data is structured, stored, and retrieved efficiently.
  • Server Management: Familiarity with server environments like Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS.
  • Tool Mastery: Hands-on experience with code versioning tools, especially Git, which is pivotal for tracking changes, collaborating with other developers, and ensuring code integrity.
  • API Development: Skills in creating and managing RESTful services.
  • Security Protocols: Knowledge of encryption techniques, authentication protocols, and other security best practices.

The role of a backend developer, while not always visible to the end-user, is absolutely critical to an app’s success. They lay the foundation upon which the entire app operates. When hiring a backend developer, it’s essential to look beyond just their coding skills; their understanding of data management, server operations, and security protocols will play a pivotal role in the app’s performance, scalability, and resilience.

1.5. QA Engineer

A Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer holds a pivotal role in the mobile app development sector, acting as the vigilant gatekeeper who ensures that each segment of the development process adheres to the stringent quality standards and requirements that are expected in today’s technological landscape.

Role Definition: This diligent professional is a critical component in the seamless transition from the conceptual stage to a flawless, market-ready application. Their deep involvement throughout the development process not only guarantees the functionality and reliability of the product but also has a significant impact on the budget optimization and timely delivery of the project.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and Software Monitoring: Diligently overseeing every stage of mobile app development to ensure that both the design and software conform to all outlined requirements and standards. Their analytical eye helps in maintaining the blueprint’s integrity and its successful transition to a well-developed app.

  • Flaw and Bug Detection: Unveiling the app’s potential flaws and bugs in a timely manner, which is vital in adhering to project timelines and budgetary constraints. Their expertise in identifying these elements early on can potentially save the project from costly setbacks.

  • Collaboration and Communication: Acting as a vital link between the development team and stakeholders, facilitating effective communication and collaboration to ensure that the project is aligned with the organizational objectives and customer expectations.

Essential Skills:

  • Expertise in QA Testing Tools: Demonstrating strong proficiency in utilizing QA testing tools such as TestComplete, Robotium, and Appium. These tools are instrumental in facilitating efficient and accurate testing processes.

  • Proficiency in Tracking Systems: A deep understanding and experience in utilizing feature and bug tracking systems like Jira. This knowledge is crucial in managing the workflow and ensuring that all issues are tracked and resolved in a timely manner.

  • Analytical and Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze complex data and processes critically is fundamental in identifying potential issues before they escalate, thus maintaining the project’s quality standards.

  • Adaptability and Continuous Learning: In a field that is constantly evolving, a QA engineer should be adaptable and keen on continuous learning to stay abreast with the latest trends and developments in the industry.

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2. App Development Stages & Team Roles: A Guided Tour

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Are you ready to bring your app idea to life? Embarking on an app development journey is an exhilarating experience, much like crafting a masterpiece. But where do you start, and who do you need by your side? Dive into this comprehensive guide that not only highlights the key stages of app development but also emphasizes the pivotal team roles that drive each stage. Let’s build that dream app, step-by-step!

2.1. Discovery – Laying the Foundation

Taking the first step is crucial. Before any coding begins, there’s a whole world of research and strategy that shapes the blueprint of your app. This foundation ensures that your app not only looks good but also serves a purpose.

  • Goals: Define app’s purpose, values, and functionalities.
  • Research: Study competitors, identify your target audience.
  • Output: Create a low-fidelity app prototype.
  • Team roles:
    1. Project Manager: Navigates the entire development process.
    2. Product Manager: Understands user motivations and in-app desires.
    3. UI/UX Designer: Transforms discoveries into visual mockups.

2.2. Idea Validation – Making Sure It Clicks

With your blueprint in hand, it’s now time to test the waters. This stage is all about ensuring your app resonates with your target audience and meets their needs.

  • Focus: Understand your primary user base and gauge app’s significance.
  • Output: Develop a medium-fidelity prototype, emphasizing the user experience.
  • Team roles:
    1. Project Manager: Ensures alignment among all stakeholders.
    2. Product Manager: Bridges the gap between the app idea and its development.
    3. UI/UX Designer: Adds depth to the app’s visual representation.

2.3. UI/UX Strategy – Adding Life to Design

An app’s success largely depends on its user experience. As the saying goes, “First impressions last.” This stage ensures that your app doesn’t just function but delights the users at every touchpoint.

  • Mission: Detail out the user interface.
  • Output: An interactive high-fidelity prototype.
  • Team roles:
    1. Project/Product Manager: Overlooks the design strategy.
    2. UI/UX Designer: Focuses on user-centric design.
    3. iOS/Android Developer: Lays the groundwork for platform-specific nuances.
    4. Backend Developer: Ensures smooth backend operations.

2.4. Design and Development – Bringing Ideas to Life

The real action begins now! Your app starts to take its full shape here, transforming from a concept to a tangible product. But remember, it’s not just about creating; it’s about crafting with precision.

  • Endgame: Craft a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – functional yet concise.
  • Team roles:
    1. UI/UX Designer: Polishes app aesthetics.
    2. iOS/Android Developers: Dive deep into platform-specific coding.
    3. Backend Developer: Keeps everything running behind the scenes.
    4. Project Manager: Streamlines the entire process.
    5. Product Manager: Provides consultation when required.

2.5. Testing and Improving – Pursuit of Perfection

After all the hard work, it’s time to refine and polish. Testing is not just about fixing bugs; it’s about optimizing, improving, and ensuring that your app stands out in the market.

  • Goal: Analyze, tweak, and refine to make your app top-notch!
  • Output: A fully functional and successful app.
  • Team roles: The full app development team collaborates here to ensure every aspect of the app shines.

With this roadmap, you’re well-equipped to navigate the app development journey. From initial ideation to final testing, having the right team and process in place ensures a seamless transition from an idea to a successful app launch. Here’s to your app’s success! 🌟📱🎉

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3. Deciding on Your App Development Team Size

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Determining the perfect size for your app development team can be a pivotal decision. With too few developers, you risk lengthy delays and compromised quality. On the flip side, an overpopulated team could see costs skyrocketing.

When gearing up to kick-start your app, understanding the project’s scope is key. Below are some paramount considerations:

  • Platforms: On how many platforms do you plan to launch your app?
  • App Complexity: From basic to intricate, where does your app stand?
  • Team Expertise: How skilled and experienced are your team members?
  • Development Timeline: What’s the projected time frame for your app’s completion?
  • Budget Constraints: How much are you willing and able to invest?

To offer clarity on app complexity, apps generally slot into one of three categories:

  1. Simple Apps: Basic features, straightforward screens, standard buttons, and minimalist design.
  2. Medium Apps: Enhanced functionality, diversified features, additional screens, and richer graphics.
  3. Complex Apps: Advanced capabilities like interactive graphics, chatbots, payment gateways, and more.

Using a holistic mobile application development team (consisting of a project manager, UI/UX designer, iOS/Android developer, backend developer, and a QA engineer) as a benchmark, project timelines could be:

  • Simple App: A span of 2-4 months.
  • Medium App: A time frame of 6-10 months.
  • Complex App: Generally, 8 months or more.

If launching your app swiftly is top priority and you have the budget to back it up, consider hiring more IT mavens to speed up the process. On a tighter budget? Opt for streamlining your app’s features, focus on one platform initially, or recruit a limited number of experts.

Still in a quandary about budgeting and selecting the perfect team size? Reach out to us for a complimentary consultation, and let’s pave your path to success!

Learn More On: How to Launch a Mobile App Successfully | The Complete Guide

4. Staffing Your App Development: Your Comprehensive Guide

App Development Team 2

Diving into the app development world is exhilarating! Knowing your app development team structure, roles distribution, and ideal team size is the initial step. Now, let’s zero in on selecting the right professionals for your dream project.

Here are five distinct models to employ the best talent for your app:

In-house Developers:

  • What is: Experts stationed in your office, dedicated full-time to your project.
  • Pros: Strong long-term employee relationships, total quality & deadline control, utmost confidentiality, ideal for extensive projects.
  • Cons: Pricier, elongated hiring phase, potentially sluggish project kickoff, reduced self-learning motivation due to limited competition.


  • What is: Independent professionals for specialized, one-off tasks, reachable via platforms showcasing their portfolios.
  • Pros: Cost-effective, direct communication, rapid task-specific adaptation, perfect for single tasks or urgent needs.
  • Cons: Quality & management concerns, efforts needed for specialist search, potential hiring mishaps, increased confidentiality risks.

Dedicated Team:

  • What is: A remote ensemble of IT experts from third-party providers inclusive of designers, developers, and QA specialists led by a project manager.
  • Pros: More economical than outsourcing/in-house teams, complete quality & deadline control, efficient for ongoing or short-duration projects.
  • Cons: Potential time zone hitches, language barriers, confidentiality concerns.
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  • What is: Acquiring one/multiple experts from an external company to amplify your existing team’s capabilities.
  • Pros: Economical, minimal hiring exertion, swift project initiation, direct oversight.
  • Cons: Calls for added management, language challenges, privacy worries.


  • What is: Entrusting your app’s entire development to an external agency.
  • Pros: Budget-friendly compared to in-house teams, avails cohesive, ready-to-go teams, organized development, broad expertise, rapid commencement, suitable for full-fledged projects.
  • Cons: Constrained development control, potential communication glitches, confidentiality risks.

Snapshot Comparison: To give you a clearer picture, let’s glance over a summarized table of the models:

Model Pros Cons
In-house Team Strong employee bonds, top-tier control, great for long-term projects Cost-intensive, prolonged hiring
Freelancers Cost-efficient, swift task adaptation, ideal for one-time needs Quality control issues, confidentiality threats
Dedicated Team Budget-friendly, project manager-led, efficient for short projects Time zone & language issues
Outstaffing Economical, quick to start, direct oversight Needs more management, language barriers
Outsourcing Ideal for end-to-end projects, cohesive team availability Limited control, potential communication challenges

Navigate these options thoughtfully, and you’re on the road to assembling a stellar team that can bring your app idea to life! For more information about Outsourcing vendors, visit: 10 Best Mobile App Development Companies in Vietnam.

Delving into tech consulting, end-to-end product development, and software outsourcing, Savvycom taps into the potential of digital technologies to drive business growth across industries. Crafting high-quality software solutions and products is our forte, complemented by a wide array of related professional software development services tailored to your specific needs.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com

The cost of an app development team varies widely, depending on factors such as project complexity, team size, geographic location, and expertise level. Generally, it ranges from $20,000 to $500,000, with more complex or specialized projects can potentially cost more.

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Top 15 Software Development Trends for 2024 https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/top-software-development-trends/ Thu, 09 May 2024 09:02:06 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=31558 Software development is a dynamic field, always adapting to new technologies and user needs. As we look ahead to 2024, considering the ever-evolving nature of the industry, it’s essential to be mindful of the prominent software industry trends that are poised to shape the software landscape. Read to explore the top 15 software industry trends to watch for, curated by our expert team at a leading software development company.

1. Emphasis on Cloud

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards cloud services. These services allow businesses to scale up or down as needed, providing flexibility in uncertain times. According to Gartner, worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services is projected to grow by 18.4% in 2021. As businesses continue to digitalize their operations, this trend is likely to persist into 2023 and beyond.

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2. Growing Use of Blockchain

Software Development Trends

Blockchain technology has potential applications well beyond cryptocurrency. It offers a secure method for recording transactions, making it valuable for preventing fraud. According to Statista, the blockchain market is expected to reach $39.7 billion by 2025, indicating a growing demand for this technology.

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3. Evolution of AI

AI continues to evolve, offering new possibilities for business innovation. The rapid advancements in AI bring forth a wave of opportunities driven by new software technologies. Natural Language Processing (NLP), which enables computers to understand and interpret human language, is a particularly promising area of AI. According to a report by Stanford University, AI patenting has grown by 34% annually since 2000. Additionally, there is growing interest in ethical AI, which aims to ensure AI systems behave in a way that is ethical and beneficial to humanity.

4. A Surge in Low-Code/No-Code Development

Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC) programming has emerged as a crucial trend in software development process. It enables non-technical users to create applications, helping to alleviate the shortage of software engineers. According to Gartner, LCNC development is projected to increase by 23% in 2021. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, further democratizing software development.

5. The Ascendancy of React, Go, Kotlin, JavaScript, Swift And TypeScript

Modern programming languages like React, Go, Kotlin, JavaScript, Swift, and TypeScript are becoming increasingly popular. They offer features like type inference, null safety, and expressiveness that can make software development services or process more efficient and enjoyable.

JavaScript and TypeScript, in particular, continue to dominate the web development landscape. According to Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language, while TypeScript is rapidly gaining popularity.

Python’s ascendancy also continues unabated, largely due to its simplicity and versatility. It’s widely used in data analysis, machine learning, web development, and automation.

React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has become the go-to choice for many developers due to its flexibility, efficiency, and robust ecosystem.

Go and Kotlin, although newer, are also gaining traction. Go, developed by Google, is prized for its simplicity and efficiency. Kotlin, on the other hand, is fully interoperable with Java and is the preferred language for Android app development.

Swift, the successor to Objective-C, has become the standard for iOS app development due to its performance and safety features.

6. Progress in Use of Modern Languages

Emerging languages like Rust, Go, and Kotlin are attracting developers with their modern features and capabilities, reflecting a significant programming trend in 2024. Rust, for example, is gaining attention for its focus on performance, reliability, and productivity. It was named the “most loved” language in GitHub’s 2020 Report, indicating a potentially bright future.

7. Uptick in Native App Development

With the proliferation of mobile devices, native app development is more important than ever. Native apps offer a superior user experience compared to hybrid apps, as they are designed specifically for the platform they’re on. Statista reports that mobile ad spending is expected to surpass $240 billion by 2022, further reinforcing the importance of mobile apps.

8. Rise in Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are hybrid applications that combine the best of web and mobile apps. They are accessible via web browsers but offer functionality traditionally associated with native apps, such as offline access andpush notifications. Google has been a major proponent of PWAs, suggesting that they will likely continue to grow in popularity.

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9. Emphasis on Cybersecurity

With the increase in cyber threats and data breaches, cybersecurity will remain a top concern for companies. Implementing robust security measures, staying up-to-date with the latest threats, and training employees on secure practices are critical steps to ensure data protection. The global cybersecurity market size is expected to grow to $345.4 billion by 2026, reflecting the importance of this trend.

10. Internet Of Behavior (IoB) For Personalization

The Internet of Behavior (IoB) is an emerging trend that extends the Internet of Things (IoT) by not only gathering data from devices but also tracking and analyzing people’s behaviors as they interact with apps and devices. Although IoB has yet to gain mainstream traction, Gartner predicted that 40% of the worldwide population will have their behaviors tracked by 2023.

The data gathered via IoB can be used to create a more personalized user experience. Startups can look at how platforms like YouTube and Facebook use IoB to provide personalized content and advertisements based on users’ behaviors and preferences. As personalization becomes increasingly important in the digital experience, the use of IoB is likely to grow.

11. Total Experience For Improved Conversion

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Customer experience is pivotal in today’s software development and IT Outsourcing trends. Forbes reports that 96% of customers cite experience as a key factor in establishing brand loyalty. This leads us to the concept of Total Experience (TX) in app development.

TX amalgamates different aspects of a business – customer experience, user experience, employee experience, and multi-experience – into a central point of intersection. With a TX approach, startups can provide an optimal experience for their customers while also empowering their support teams.

The essence of TX lies in unified communication, which necessitates the integration of effective customer support technologies. It’s crucial to ensure seamless communication between customers and support personnel, even when the latter are working remotely.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) providers that offer round-the-clock, responsive live-chat support exemplify the concept of total experience. Their approach underscores the importance of having a support team that can respond promptly and effectively, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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12. Edge Computing

Edge computing processes data closer to where it’s created (the “edge” of the network), reducing latency and bandwidth use. According to Grand View Research, the global edge computing market size was valued at USD 3.5 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.4% from 2020 to 2027. This is particularly important for IoT devices, which generate huge amounts of data. Edge computing can also improve privacy and security by keeping data local.

13. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are changing the way we interact with digital environments. From gaming to training, these technologies are being used to create immersive experiences. According to Statista, the global market size for AR and VR is expected to reach $72.8 billion by 2024, indicating a growing interest in these technologies. As the technology improves and becomes more accessible, the use of AR and VR is expected to grow.

14. Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture breaks down applications into small, independent services that communicate with each other. This makes it easier to update or scale parts of an application without affecting the whole system. According to Market Research Future, the global microservices architecture market is expected to reach USD ~$33 Billion by 2023 at a CAGR of ~17%. Companies like Netflix and Amazon have successfully used this architecture, leading to more businesses adopting it.

15. DevOps Adoption

DevOps – a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations – aims to shorten the development cycle and provide continuous delivery of high-quality software. According to a report by Statista, the global DevOps market size is expected to reach $12.85 billion by 2025, showing an increasing trend towards this methodology. As businesses seek to increase efficiency and improve collaboration between development and operations teams, DevOps adoption is expected to rise.


Yes, outsourcing software development can be a beneficial approach for many businesses. Here's why:

  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing can often be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses or startups.
  • Access to Expertise: You can get access to a large pool of talented developers and specialists who are up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends.
  • Flexibility: Outsourcing allows for scaling your team size up or down based on project requirements, without the long-term commitments of hiring full-time staff.
  • Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing technical tasks allows your in-house team to focus on the core business aspects.

The cost of IT outsourcing can vary significantly based on the scope of work, the expertise required, and the pricing model adopted. Two common pricing models include team-based pricing and fixed-cost pricing. Regarding IT outsourcing models and project estimation:

  • Dedicated Team Model: A long-term partnership where the outsourcing company provides a dedicated team to work exclusively on your projects. This model is beneficial for large projects with evolving requirements.
  • Fixed Price Model: The project scope and timeline are well-defined, and the outsourcing company delivers the project for a fixed price. This model is suitable for small-to-midsize projects with clear specifications.
  • Time and Material Model: This model provides the greatest flexibility, as you pay for actual work hours spent on the project. This model is ideal for projects where requirements may change frequently.

Project estimation in outsourcing involves determining the time and resources required for the project. It includes assessing the project size, complexity, and potential risks. Accurate project estimation is crucial for setting realistic deadlines and budgets.

The software's scale significantly influences its development cost, whether produced in-house or outsourced. The scale varies based on the needs of an organization and its user base.

  • Small Scale: This involves crafting straightforward software with minimal custom coding requirements.
  • Mid Scale: This pertains to the development of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) featuring a singular functionality in its simplest form.
  • Large Scale: This entails the creation of comprehensive software, featuring a myriad of functionalities, API integrations, and database components.
  • Enterprise Scale: This refers to the generation of internal or customer-facing applications designed for enterprises servicing tens of thousands of users, with a focus on delivering an outstanding user experience.

Partner with Savvycom to elevate and streamline each phase of your SDLC:

  1. Planning: Savvycom strategizes with you, defining clear objectives aligned with your vision.
  2. Analysis: Our team conducts thorough requirements analysis, ensuring feasibility and optimal solutions.
  3. Design: Savvycom's expert designers create intuitive and aesthetically pleasing software structures.
  4. Development: Our developers, proficient in the latest technologies, construct robust software.
  5. Testing: Savvycom's rigorous testing processes verify functionality and identify potential issues.
  6. Implementation: We ensure smooth deployment of your software, minimizing disruption.
  7. Maintenance: Savvycom provides regular updates and troubleshooting, ensuring your software remains efficient and effective.

Software development plays a pivotal role in the success of modern businesses and organizations, offering a multitude of benefits. Here are some key reasons why software development is crucial:

  1. Increased Efficiency
  2. Improved User Experience
  3. Enhanced Security
  4. Cost Savings
  5. Streamlined Collaboration
  6. Data Collection & Analysis
  7. Increased Mobility & Accessibility
  8. Scalability & Flexibility of Solutions

A dedicated development team is a model where an outsourcing company provides a team that works exclusively on your project. They act as an extension of your in-house team. Benefits of this model include:

  • Focus: The team is entirely dedicated to your project.
  • Flexibility: It's easier to manage changes in project requirements.
  • Cost Efficiency: You get a full team without the overhead of hiring in-house.

Looking for a top-notch dedicated development team? Savvycom offers excellent value, providing high-quality dedicated development teams at attractive prices.

Offshore Software Development is when you outsource work to a company in a different country, usually one with a significantly different time zone. Benefits include:

  • Cost Efficiency: Lower operational and labor costs.
  • Access to Global Talent: Bigger pool of skilled developers.

Nearshore Software Development is outsourcing to a company in a nearby country, often in the same or a similar time zone. Benefits include:

  • Cultural Similarity & Time Zone: Easier collaboration and communication.
  • Quality Work at Competitive Prices: High value for investment.

Savvycom, with robust capabilities and a global presence, is the perfect partner to scale your business, both nearshore and offshore. Get in touch today to kickstart your journey to success.

Savvycom offers a spectrum of services ranging from tech consulting and end-to-end product development to software outsourcing. Leveraging digital technologies, we support business growth across diverse industries. Our expertise lies in crafting high-quality software solutions and products, accompanied by a comprehensive suite of related professional services designed to meet your unique requirements.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com


All You Need To Know About Software Development Process https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/software-development-process/ Thu, 09 May 2024 08:56:56 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=24333 In software product development, you never act on a hunch unless you’re planning to fail. You always follow a step-by-step plan to move from one stage to another, making sure you don’t slip as you proceed from an idea to an actual working product rollout. This plan underpins the complete Software Development Process. While it may vary from vendor to vendor, it’s universally essential to put things in order when kicking off a new project.

Follow us as we’ll go over the basics of your Software Development Process, how everything goes during Software Development Life Cycle, and the 05 different management methodologies available out there. Trust our expertise as a leading software development company to guide you through this journey. 

What are basic steps of software development process?

You’re probably already familiar with the software development process steps if you’re a project manager. You must consider everything from requirements to stakeholder communication, development, and ongoing maintenance as the shepherd of a digital project.

These steps are essentially the same regardless of which software development method you use. However, as we’ll see later, the order and sequence in which they occur can vary depending on your needs, goals, and the size of your project and team (for example, some steps might be combined, duplicated, or run in parallel).

1. Analysis and Planning

Once a customer or stakeholder has requested a project, the first phase of software development is planning. This usually means looking into:

  • Alignment: How does this project connect to your company’s larger mission and goals?
  • Resource availability and allocation: Do you have the people and tools you need to take this on? Or do you need to outsource development?
  • Project scheduling: How does this project fit your company’s goals and other tasks?
  • Cost estimation: How much is it going to cost?

The planning phase ensures you’re starting off on the right foot. So try to make sure you include all of the departments that will be impacted by this project, including project managers, developers, operations, security, and key stakeholders.

You should have enough information at the end of the planning phase to put together a detailed scope of work (SOW). This plan details what’s being built, why, and how you see it coming together.

Learn More On: Why Do Companies Outsource Software Development?

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2. Requirements

The next step is to understand the technical requirements of this project. Every piece of software, tech-stack, whether it’s an app, website redesign, or new feature needed to solve a customer problem.

As you move on from the planning phase and continue to fill out the SOW, ask yourself and your IT Partner if you are going for software outsourcing company to route these questions about the specifics around this project, such as:

  • What problem does this solve?
  • Who’s going to use it and why?
  • What sort of data input/output is needed?
  • Will you need to integrate with other tools or APIs?
  • How will you handle security/privacy?

Once the development team gets the answers, they can scope out technical requirements and testing terms and decide on a technology stack. This phase is also where you might start sprint planning (if you’re using an Agile software development process) or break down large tasks into more actionable steps.

3. Design and Prototyping

Software Development Process Savvycom 3

With all the requirements in place, it’s time to start designing what this software will look like and how it will function.

Depending on the software development process you’re following, this phase of the SDLC might mean you create simple wireframes to show how interactions will be included or make more full-fledged prototypes to test with users. Alternatively, you might decide you need more user feedback and create a design sprint to quickly get a feature or idea in front of your users.

This stage helps your team and client validate ideas and get valuable feedback before committing your thoughts to code.

Have a Project Idea in Mind?

Get in touch with Savvycom’s experts for a free consultation. We’ll help you decide on next steps, explain how the development process is organized, and provide you with a free project estimate.

4. Software Development

With everyone on board with the software’s proposed functionality and design, it’s finally time to build it according to the requirements and SOW. This phase is obviously the hardest and potentially riskiest stage of the SDLC (and each software development process we’ll discuss below handles it differently.) However, whether you’re working in Agile sprints, building an MVP, or using the more traditional waterfall method, the goal is to stick to the SOW, avoid deviating from the SOW, and create clean, efficient software.

5. Testing

You’ll most likely be testing, tracking, and correcting issues as your team develops the program. However, once the features are finalized, and the product is declared ready to go, you’ll need to conduct more testing. This could entail giving the effect to a small group of beta testers or tracking how consumers engage with it using UX tools.

While testing may be a lengthy stage of the SDLC, it is critical to avoid selling flawed software to real users. Bugs may ruin your reputation, cost you money, and, worst of all, take up hours of development time that could have been spent on new features, as we explained in our guide on bug tracking tools and workflows.

6. Deployment

Software Development Process Savvycom 2

Now that you’ve completed the heavy work and coding, it’s time to make your software available to all of your users. Pushing your code into production is what we’re talking about here. It’s up to your sales and marketing staff to come up with and implement a go-to-market strategy.

7. Maintenance and Updates

The SDLC isn’t over after your software is released into the open. Remember the term “lifecycle”? The end of one phase heralds the start of the next, and the same is true for post-launch.

Customer wants, and requirements change all the time. People will definitely uncover issues, seek new features, and enjoy additional or different functionality when they begin to use your software. (Not to mention basic application and software upkeep and maintenance to assure uptime and customer happiness.)

All of these requests should be routed back to your product backlog of tasks, where they may be prioritized and included in your product roadmap.

Learn More On: The Essential Guide To Software Development Services

05 Best Software Development Processes (Methodologies)

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a step-by-step process bringing a product’s concept from the ideation stage to implementation and eventually to the market. Typically, the Software Development Life Cycle covers the following stages: 

  • Requirement analysis
  • Planning
  • Software design, such as architectural design
  • Software development
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Maintenance and Updates

The Waterfall framework introduced the basic software development algorithm in the last century. The end-to-end software development life cycle has evolved significantly over time. The most significant shift occurred in the 1990s when the Software Development Life Cycle shifted from Waterfall to Agile approach.

The primary purpose of the Software Development Life Cycle is to provide high-quality software development within the time and price constraints. Therefore, software development procedures vary depending on management methodologies such as Waterfall or Agile. And we are going to learn more about the top 05 Methodologies down below.

1. Waterfall

The Waterfall software development process (also known as the “linear sequential model” or “Classic lifecycle model”) is one of the oldest and most traditional models that is used in building software. In its most basic form, you can think of the Waterfall method as following each step of the SDLC sequence and that you have to finish each one sequentially before moving on to the next. However, in most nowadays applications, the phases overlap slightly, with feedback and information being passed between each steps.

To many, this methodology is often known as the “plan-driven” process as to complete a project, you first need to know everything that needs to be done and in what order. Hence the name “Waterfall” as each section flows into the next one.

a/ Waterfall SDLC:

  1. Planning
  2. Requirements
  3. System and software design
  4. Implementation
  5. Testing
  6. Deployment
  7. Maintenance/Updates

b/ Waterfall is best suited for:

Teams with strict organization and documentation requirements

The Waterfall software development approach works well when your goals, needs, and technology stack are unlikely to undergo significant changes during the development process due to its inflexible structure and significant upfront planning time (such as during shorter one-off projects).

In practice, the Waterfall approach is best suited for larger organizations (such as government agencies) that demand sign-offs and documentation on all requirements and scope prior to the commencement of a project.

Learn More On: Software Project Estimation: The First & Foremost Step To Success

c/ Waterfall isn’t best suited for:

If you’re testing a new product, need user feedback in the middle of development, or want to be more dynamic in your development process, the Waterfall development process is probably not for you.

While simple, the main disadvantage of this procedure is its lack of adaptability. You won’t be generating and testing MVPs or prototypes while changing your mind. As a result, unless your scope is well stated, you may find up committing to the wrong path without realizing it until launch day.

2. Agile and Scrum

The Agile software development process (and its most prominent methodology, Scrum) favors an iterative and dynamic development approach.

In contrast to the waterfall approach’s tight, sequential flow, cross-functional Agile teams work in “Sprints” of 2 weeks to 2 months to build and distribute useable software to customers for feedback.

Agile is all about moving quickly, releasing frequently, and responding to the genuine demands of your users, even if it contradicts your initial strategy. This means you don’t need complete requirements and a detailed SOW before beginning work. Instead, you’re effectively traveling in one direction with the expectation of changing direction along the way.

Assume you’re developing a new feature for one of your products that may have X, Y, and Z features. Rather than spending months producing everything, you would create the bare minimum that is both functional and usable (in what is known as a “Agile Sprint”) and then release it to your consumers.

This enables tighter feedback loops throughout the software development process, allowing you to adjust and respond to real consumer needs.

a/Agile SDLC:

  1. Product Backlog
  2. Sprint backlog
  3. Sprint (Design & Develop)
  4. Release working software
  5. Feedback and validation (add to backlog)
  6. Plan next sprint

b/ Agile is best suited for:

Product changes are made on a regular basis by dynamic teams

Agile is the software development process preferred by most startups and technology organizations for testing new products or making continual upgrades to existing ones due to its dynamic and user-focused character.

Agile allows firms to move faster and test theories without jeopardizing their livelihood on a massive release that their users despise, as it becomes easier to perform minor releases and gain user input. Furthermore, because testing occurs after each tiny iteration, it is easier to monitor defects or roll back to a previous product version if something more severe breaks.

c/ Agile isn’t best suited for:

Teams working with highly constrained budgets and schedules

On the other hand, because Agile is dynamic, projects can quickly go beyond their initial timescale or budget, cause issues with existing architecture, or be derailed by mismanagement. This implies it’s not the most superb option for risk-averse or limited-resource organizations.

Furthermore, utilizing Agile and Scrum requires commitment and a thorough understanding of the underlying methodology. That is why it is critical to have at least one committed Scrum master on your team to ensure that sprints and milestones are met, and the project does not stop.

Savvycom | Agile Development Company

Get in touch with Savvycom for a free consultation. We’ll help you decide on next steps, explain how the development process is organized, and provide you with a free project estimate.

3. Incremental and Iterative

The incremental and iterative software development processes lay somewhere between the structure and upfront planning of the Waterfall process and the flexibility of the Agile methodology.

While both are based on the principle of generating little bits of software and exposing them to people for feedback, they differ in what is created during each release.

Each “incremental” product growth in the incremental software development method adds a rudimentary form of a new function or feature. Consider creating an overarching strategy, creating an MVP with simply the essential functionality, and then adding features based on feedback.

However, under the Iterative software development process, each version released includes a rendition of all anticipated features. Consider creating a v0.1 with the most basic version of each feature and then upgrading it all at once in v0.2, v0.3, and so on.

a/ Incremental and Iterative SDLC

Incremental Phases:
  1. Increment Planning:
    Specifications Development Validation
  2. Repeat for each version
Iterative Phases:
  1. Analysis
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing (Repeat these until you’re ready to release)

b/ Incremental and Iterative is best suited for:

Teams with specific requirements demand more flexibility than the Waterfall technique offers

Both give flexibility to your software development process without throwing out the primary strategy, making them excellent for large projects with defined objectives (or teams with less risk tolerance).

You obtain early feedback on your core feature with the incremental method, which can help you prove your business case immediately. The iterative approach, on the other hand, gives users an early view of what the final product could be, allowing you to collect better and more targeted input.

In both cases, you’re talking to users early on about what they want, which may save you time, money, and headaches compared to waiting until later in the development cycle.

c/ Incremental and Iterative isn’t best suited for:

Team that operates without a long-term technology strategy

Unfortunately, attempting to add structure to a flexible method has its own problems. Perhaps your company’s goals, strategies, or technologies evolve with time, rendering previous editions obsolete or inoperable. Perhaps your codebase has become cluttered and bloated due to adding functionality without considering efficiencies.

Furthermore, both approaches (particularly the iterative approach) necessitate extensive planning and architecture development early on. As a result, they are not suitable for smaller projects or teams who are still evaluating use-cases and attempting to identify product-market fit.

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4. V-Shaped

The V-shaped software development process is a twist on the traditional Waterfall method that compensates for its main flaw: a lack of testing. Rather than working sequentially through the development process and leaving all testing until the end, each stage of the V-shaped process has a strict “validation and verification” step where requirements are tested before moving on.

a/ V-Shaped SDLC

  1. Requirements
  2. Specifications
  3. High-level design
  4. Low-level design
  5. Development
  6. Unit testing
  7. Integration testing
  8. System testing
  9. Acceptance testing

b/ V-Shaped is best suited for:

Smaller teams working on projects with a limited scope

Suppose you have a small project with relatively precise (and static) requirements and scope. In that case, the V-shaped software development process is ideal. Instead of risking following a plan only to discover flaws at the end, it gives you plenty of opportunities to test along the way.

c/ V-Shaped isn’t best suited for:

Teams that require more flexibility and early user input

Even the best-laid plans go astray from time to time. And the process’ drawbacks are essentially the polar opposite of its benefits.

For starters, you don’t have much control because you’re following a strict structure and testing schedule. You still run the risk of building the wrong software for your business if you don’t get early input and feedback from your users. Finally, if you’re working on anything other than a small, simple project, it’s nearly impossible to create a detailed development plan ahead of time.

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5. Spiral

The V-shaped process’ focus on testing and risk assessment is combined with the incremental nature of Iterative, Incremental, and Agile in the Spiral software development process. Once a plan for a specific iteration or milestone has been established, the next step is to conduct a thorough risk analysis to identify any errors or areas of high risk.

Let’s say you develop a feature that hasn’t been validated with customers as part of your strategy. You could create a prototype to test with users before moving into the full development phase, rather than just adding it to your current milestone. After each milestone is completed, the scope expands out (like a spiral), and you begin planning and another risk assessment.

a/ Spiral SDLC

  1. Planning
  2. Risk Assessment
  3. Development and validation
  4. Evaluate results and plan next “loop”

b/ Spiral is best suited for:

Working on large projects with risk-averse teams

Clearly, the main goal of such a procedure is to lower risk. Following a path like this might make sense if you’re working on a large or critical project requiring much documentation and validation. It’s also helpful if a customer isn’t sure exactly what they want and expects a lot of changes as the product develops.

c/ Spiral isn’t best suited for:

The majority of people

The spiral software development process, while unique in principle, is rarely used in practice due to the time and costs associated with taking such a measured approach. Instead, it’s usually utilized as an example of how to critically consider an iterative development strategy.

Savvycom – Your Trusted Tech Partner

Since 2009, Savvycom has been utilizing digital technologies to drive business growth across diverse industries. Specializing in tech consulting, end-to-end product development, and IT outsourcing services, we offer high-quality software solutions and products. Additionally, we provide a wide range of professional software development services tailored to your needs.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com


At its most basic level, the software design process involves five stages: research, ideation, design, development, and iteration. These five aspects correspond to the most basic "who, what, when, where, and how" inquiries that must be answered in order to fully answer any collection of questions.

When it comes to software development, the cost can vary widely based on several key factors. These include the complexity of the software, the technology stack used, the geographic location of the development team, and the level of expertise required. For a detailed analysis tailored to your specific project needs, you might want to consult with a professional software development company. For a deeper dive into this topic, including a breakdown of costs by project type and tips on how to budget effectively, check out: How Much Does Software Development Cost?

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What Are The Steps of the Software Development Lifecycle? nonadult
How To Create Fitness App: A Step-by-step Guide In 2024 https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/how-to-create-fitness-app/ Thu, 09 May 2024 08:48:19 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=26480 Fitness and sports apps are designed to promote physical activity and encourage users into building training habits, and they have become incredibly popular in recent years. The main reason for this is that individuals are paying more attention to their health and well-being. Because of changes in lifestyle and increased demand for more convenient workout methods, the fitness sector has also turned to digital transformation to suit the needs of its clients.

However, in order to create your own fitness app, you must be familiar with both general and particular information, such as app kinds, monetization tactics, and, most significantly, the development process. This article will go through several aspects of fitness app development, such as industry insights, costs and features, and the comprehensive procedure. Thereby, we’ll ensure that you’re well-equipped to navigate the intricacies of software development services.

Fitness App Market Overview

Create Your Own Fitness App 1The fitness app industry had progressively increased, but with the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, it received the greatest push since the digital transformation era started. With over 385 million users, over 400 million fitness app downloads were recorded in 2021, producing $5.35 billion in revenue (Business of Apps). 

The fitness app industry is massive and continues to expand at an incredible rate. According to Statista, this industry is projected to reach US$19.33 billion by 2023. With a 14.34% annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027), the expected volume by 2027 is US$33.04 billion.

Below are some of the most downloaded fitness apps and their revenues in 2021:

  • Fitbit: 111 million registered users – $1.21 billion 
  • MyFitnessPal: 200 million users – $171 million
  • Strava: 76 million users – $167 million 
  • Peloton: 5.9 million users – $4.02 billion
  • AllTrails: 30 million users – $3.8 million
  • Sweatcoin: 120+ million users – $19.3 million

As can be seen, the fitness app business is quite promising. Those that enter the market with a well-thought-out plan are almost certain to succeed.

Have a Project Idea in Mind?

Get in touch with Savvycom’s experts for a free consultation. We’ll help you decide on next steps, explain how the development process is organized, and provide you with a free project estimate.

Types Of Fitness Apps

Looking at the leading fitness apps mentioned above, do you realize that they belong to specific categories of fitness applications? One of the most important questions to ask yourself is what type of fitness app you want to create. An app self-built or provided by app making companies can benefits its users depending on its category.

Activity tracking apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 3This app is created to keep track of the activities or workouts that a user chooses to do. In order to estimate the calories burned during activities, they will frequently monitor the number of steps taken, pace, distance traveled, activity duration, and so on. Some apps can suit the needs of runners and cyclists who want more precise metrics measurements. E.g: Strava, Nike Run Club, RunKeeper

Diet & Nutrition apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 6These apps are designed to assist users in tracking and creating a personal meal plan. They can calculate the calories consumed using a large database after the user logs the food and drinks they have consumed. Based on the particular information provided, the applications can also generate diet plans and recommend appropriate exercises for a person (such as gender, age, height, and weight). E.g: MyFitnessPal, Waterlogged, Lose It!

Workout apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 5The third most common fitness app type is apps for workouts. They are like a mini personal fitness trainer on your phone that offers exercises, training plans, and workout guides. To personalize the user’s experience, there are usually options for levels of exercise, frequency, music, and notifications. Some apps also let users customize exercises in a training session or what body parts they wish to focus on. E.g: Sworkit, Tone It Up, Freeletics

A number of providers today have integrated all features from the three groups into one in order to deliver a comprehensive user experience and keep customers on the app for longer. Fitbit and MyFitnessPal, for example, track a user’s activity, provide training instructions, and measure dietary intake. More fitness applications are expected to join this trend in the future.

Essential Features In A Fitness App

Each fitness app serves a particular purpose and provides various benefits to its users. Nevertheless, the following are the indispensable key components that your custom workout app must have in order to be more user-friendly and accommodating.

Sign up/Log in

This feature lets a user create their personal account and log in with their app account or other social accounts like email, Facebook, or other platforms.

User profile

After creating their account, the person inputs their health information and fitness objectives. With this data, the app will be able to offer the most effective and relevant fitness program to them. The more details the app gets, the better suggestions it offers. 

Third-Party Device Connectivity

Nowadays, the concept of a fitness app extends far beyond the confines of a mobile phone. With the introduction of smart wearables such as the Apple Watch, companies have learned that their applications must also advance, therefore connecting with third-party devices has become a critical component that a workout app must have. Wearable devices assist fitness apps in collecting data and extending their connection with their users.

Blog or diaries

Depending on the app type, this feature may work like a diary (for diet tracking) or blog (for workout and health improvement). Users who use health and fitness apps are probably concerned about their general health and lifestyle. A blog is a great way to help your users, grow your brand, and deliver necessary information while encouraging loyalty.

Social media sharing

Integrating social media with your app is a brilliant move that can help in various ways. By sharing their achievements with their family and friends, users feel more motivated and at the same time encourage others to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Thus, you can acquire new users through their recommendations.

App integration

Mobile devices like iPhones and Samsung have their own health app, so it’s best that your app can integrate with these apps for smooth data sharing. 

Notifications & reminder

Want users to keep coming back to your app? Then this feature is the best way to do so. By sending them notifications and reminders (for exercises, data input, etc), you pursue them to open and interact with your app again.

To enhance the user experience for your app and set you apart from competitors, consider adding these extra features:

  • Heart-part tools integration
  • Motivational goal tree
  • Game elements
  • App community
  • Competition or practice-together mode
Learn More On: A Complete Guide On Women’s Health App Development

Monetization Strategies For Fitness Apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 2Figures indicate that the fitness app market is a promising land, and there is a list of apps with high revenue in recent years. Want to follow their path? Then you need to understand how a fitness app makes money.


Users must purchase your fitness app to reap its benefits. An approach you may use is to give a free trial, and if people see the value of your app, there’s a good chance they’ll pay for it or subscribe to keep using it.

In-app purchases

Provide your users with basic features in the free mode, and advanced ones in the premium version like access to more training programs, or talks to experts.


When using this method, you integrate ads in your fitness app and create an income stream. Yet, always consider the ads’ quantity, placement, and duration to avoid annoying users.


This strategy entails associating your fitness app with online fitness coaches. Users accessing a training program on your platform will be charged a fee.

Learn More On: The Best Mobile App Monetization Strategies For Your Upcoming Project

How To Create A Fitness App: 6 Steps 

Step 1. Research your market

During this step, you must research the targeted fitness app market and pick which fitness app to develop. Before you begin the development process, you must first identify your rivals, their strengths and limitations, and how they address user concerns. Use the acquired data to conduct a thorough analysis and pick which type to construct.

Step 2. Decide on the app’s monetization model, platform, and features

Create Your Own Fitness App 4With the gained market insights, you can verify which platform your app will be on – iOS or Android. If your target market is Android-centric, focus on releasing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) first and thinking about iOS later. It is best practice to have your app available on both platforms. Despite that the cost doubles when having your app on both platforms, it helps reach twice the number of users. So your investment will be worth it.

The next thing to do is consider how you will make a profit from this app. You may choose among the discussed strategies or combine them if appropriate. 

You already know the key features a fitness app must have. However, based on the nature of your app and the expectations of your target audience, do more research and test some additional features. They can be the ones that help you win over users. 

Step 3. Prototype and user testing

To testify whether your app idea will work or not, the best way is to create an MVP first. Since it is an MVP, only essential features are required.

Then, have a group of people you considered in your target segment interact with the MVP. Collect feedback from them and define changes to be made. An MVP allows you to understand the user-app interaction and avoid expensive adjustments during the development process.

Step 4. Choose your tech stack

After the solution is approved, time to decide on your workout app’s tech stack. Your decision will have an impact on the budget for custom health and fitness app development. Not only that but your app’s capabilities may also be expanded or limited by the chosen tech stack. 

So, what technologies you can choose to build your own fitness app?

Native app

Native apps are developed with Swift (iOS) or Java/Kotlin (Android). Since these programming languages are used for a particular platform, the created app can gain access to all device’s features, resulting in the best app performance. 


Native apps provide a top experience, but developing an app with them is time-consuming and expensive. To allow businesses to build an app that works on multiple platforms simultaneously, React Native, Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform and other app frameworks are the solution. 

Progressive web app (PWA)

Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a type of web app that can function on any device as both a web page and a mobile app. This tech stack is an alternative option when you want to start small and don’t need to connect to any external or platform hardware.

No-code/low code

There are solutions on the market that allow you to create fitness apps without having any app development skills. The downside is that the app created with these technologies only has minimal features and can’t provide a complete user experience.

Learn More On: Mental Health App Development 2023 | Features, Costs And Monetization

Step 5. Develop, test and repeat

In this step, the app is built according to the specifications that have been approved. This includes frontend and backend development. In short, the frontend is the interface that a user interacts with, and the backend takes care of data processing, storage, and security. 

Another significant part of development time is spent on testing and bug fixes. Quality assurance engineers assess the whole user experience of the project and whether the features perform as planned, in addition to inspecting the code for bugs.

Step 6. Launch and maintain your app

Create Your Own Fitness App 7As you near the end of the process, your custom fitness app is ready to be released on app marketplaces.

However, your responsibilities do not end there. Unexpected problems may occur during operation. In such cases, always monitor the app’s performance and resolve any issues as soon as possible. Analytics tools that you can use are Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc.

Another consideration is that a robust marketing strategy and support services must be developed in order for your app to be popular and profitable. Promote your software through different media, keep training sessions up to date, and listen to feedback.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Fitness App?

The answer to this varies regarding several factors, including the app’s platforms, tech stack, complexity, and the location of your development team.

Your app development team calculates the required working hours, thus estimating the total cost. 4-6 months is the average time to build a custom fitness app with medium complexity.

If the hourly rate is $50, then the development costs for a full-featured fitness app range from $60,000 to $160,000.

For an accurate quotation, contact Savvycom and provide us with more details about your app idea.

Build Your Fitness App With A Reliable Partner

Understanding the market and the fundamental concepts of fitness app development is the first step in making your own mobile app.

If you want to secure success with your fitness app, a trusted tech partner plays a key role. Not only we will be responsible for the app development stage, but with our expertise in building healthcare app, we can offer advice and best practices to make your app stands out to users.

From Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development to IT Outsourcing Services! Since 2009, Savvycom has risen as a top software development company harnessing the power of Digital Technologies that support business’ growth across the variety of industries. We can help you to build high-quality software solutions and products as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com



Registration, a user profile, a dashboard, a workout menu, a fitness database, and a connection with third-party apps and wearables are all required. Leaderboards, live streaming, and video instructions might also be included.


There are various methods for monetizing your app. You can incorporate the following strategies in your fitness app to generate income:

  • Subscription: Users must buy your fitness app in order to benefit from it.
  • In-App Purchases: Users pay to use advanced features of your app
  • Advertisements: Ads can be integrated into your app, and you generate income from there.
  • Fees: Users accessing a training program on your platform will be charged a fee.


A custom fitness app of medium complexity takes an average of 4-6 months to develop.

If the hourly rate is $50, the development costs for a fully functional fitness app range between $60,000 and $160,000.



On-demand Laundry App Development: Cost And Key Features https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/on-demand-laundry-app-development-cost/ https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/on-demand-laundry-app-development-cost/#respond Thu, 09 May 2024 05:12:06 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=17333 The increased awareness and desire for eco-friendly laundry detergents and promoting a safe and balanced lifestyle among the consumers are driving up the demand for laundry products. With the high competitiveness in the laundry market, many businesses opt for launching laundry app development. According to Verified Market Research, the Global Online On-Demand Laundry Service Market was valued at $9.72 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $113.24 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 35.9% from 2020 to 2027.

With the goal of assisting businesses in their digital transformation journey, this written piece will serve as a comprehensive guide to developing an on-demand laundry app.
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1. On-demand Laundry App Development – Why would you need it?

There is no doubt that technology is revolutionizing how the world operates, and the laundry business is not an exception. An increasing number of laundry apps have been launched, helping to reach more customers, provide better customer services, and generate more revenue. Technavio reported that the COVID-19 could not slow the laundry sector’s growth. Here are some apps in this sphere that have stable revenue and proceed to grow:

Company Annual Revenue
Rinse $93 million
FlyCleaners $39 million
Pressed Garments $1 million

Source: Zoominfo

A laundry app is beneficial for both business owners and customers. These are the things that a laundry app will do for a laundry business:

  • Manage booking effectively: scheduling might be a problem when there are too many orders coming at the same time. Developing a laundry app is an effective solution with all the illustrations, tables to arrange the bookings logically, lessening the efforts spending on booking management.
  • Smartly maintain client communications: business owners can know customers better over a period of time through feedback or customer insight when the customer data collection is big enough, and keep in touch for the future comeback.
  • Store important client information: all the information of app users throughout all sessions is stored within the app. The data of customer experience collected can be analyzed to help the business improve the existing services or release more services fitting the customer needs.
  • Manage staff and review performances effectively: each staff has their own accounts or codes on the laundry app so the clients can feedback or rate the service they got. These data attribute to business management and will be the basis of the staff assessments. 

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Besides, when using the laundry service, customer benefits a lot if the business has an app:

  • Easy booking: clients can place an order for laundry anytime or even schedule laundry pickup, delivery through the app. The app might have reminders so they will not miss the booking.
  • Track the laundry process: people always feel more rest assured when they are well-informed, it goes for tracking the laundry process. People pay special attention to luxury clothes and the fact that they know what is happening to their clothes makes the service better.
  • Feedback about the service: Client feedback is essential to guide, inform decision-making, influence innovations and changes to the service. On the client-side, the form in the app encourages them to feedback, and while doing so, they also feel important, involved and tend to be attached to the brand.
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Accelerate your laundry business with Savvycom

Build Your App The Professional Way With Savvycom?
Our team can help you with the development of your application. Contact us to get a free initial consultation regarding your project and its estimation in terms of cost, timeline, and needed technical talent.



2. Concepts of On-demand Laundry App Development

Developing an app has never been easy. The laundry app needs to be designed to fit at least three subjects: customer, delivery, and laundryman/admin panel. Each side has its own customized features. Even though they are only slightly different, they, in fact, taking a lot of time for planning the app structure.

2.1. Customer Side

The customer interface includes customer profiles with personal info such as full name, address, and phone number. In the app for customers, they are enabled users to:

  • Sign up and sign in
  • Choose the desired service and add details (fabric, detergent preferences, clothes types, etc.)
  • Schedule pickup and delivery
  • Pay online and receive an e-invoice.
  • Track order process and get notifications.
  • View history and review the service

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2.2. Delivery Side

When customers place an order, it is transferred to the delivery side. Within this app, after receiving information, employees can:

  • Confirm the orders
  • Put the preferred pickup and delivery times in the schedule
  • Set up tracking and update the order status when needed
  • Map a suitable route for pickups and deliveries

2.3. Laundryman Side

The laundryman side needs to be closely connected to the delivery side. The laundryman gets detailed information about clients’ orders, such as the order number, service type (Laundry Care, Dry Clean, or Duvet Clean), fabric and detergents, etc. Each step of laundry needs to be marked on the app to keep the clients updated. In the case there are any problems occur, the laundryman has to inform and discuss with the clients to find out the solutions When laundry is completed, systems will send the notice to the delivery.
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Another role on the laundryman side is admin. Admin is the one controlling everything that happen on the app, ensure the laundry service runs smoothly and clients get the best experiences. The entire processes are managed by the admin panel, which consolidates:

  • Order histories
  • Data of clients, employees
  • Map and calendar
  • Dashboard (Statistics and analytics)
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Reach out to us for a complimentary consultation on software development, and gain comprehensive insights from our team of expert technical professionals. Our software development company will guide you on optimal development approaches and provide a preliminary cost estimate for your project concept.

3. Key Features in On-demand Laundry App Development

The app needs to include key features that meet the demands of app users from all three aforementioned sides. Here are some recommended functionalities, divided based on usability:

3.1. On-demand Laundry App Development: Customer Side

3.1.1. Easy And Quick Sign up/Sign in

The easy register enables the customers to sign up through various options such as phone numbers, email, or social media accounts like Google, Facebook, etc. It saves users time by not going through validation steps. The password saving function should also be added to laundry app development, helping users get rid of retyping passwords.
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3.1.2. Service Options

There are multiple options for app users to select for the laundry. Some fabrics require special treatment. For instance, if the customers need the laundry service for cottonwear, they choose the ‘Cotton’ option, and the laundryman will know what treatment should be given for the clothes.
A small note is that the ‘Other’ option is essential in the laundry app development because it is impossible to list all existing fabric. This option allows app users to note the fabric not in the mentioned options but also the laundry instructions.

LEARN MORE: The Essential Guide To Software Development Services

3.1.3. Schedule

In on-demand laundry app development, this is one of the most important features. The clients can book the pickup time of their preference in the scheduling function. After the date and time are set, the laundry will be picked up and delivered in time. This makes laundry much more convenient for the busy who is not always available at home.

3.1.4. Estimated Cost

After filling in the services options, type and number of clothes, clients can see the laundry’s estimated cost in the total payment. The costs are calculated basing on the selected services. For example, services for ‘Cotton’ material may cost less than that for ‘Linen’ material, which requires cautious washing and ironing.
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3.1.5. Notifications

Customers will receive notification relating to the order status updates, order cancellation, promotion offers. This function benefits both service sellers and buyers. The customers will not miss any updates while the laundry service provider stays more connected to customers and motivates them to come back later.

3.1.6. Order Status

This is another indispensable feature. With the help of this feature, customers can track their orders’ progress in real-time. The laundryman needs to update the order status periodically to keep the customers updated with their orders’ status. The customers will feel more assured when they know what is happening with their clothes.
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3.1.7. Order Cancellation

In the on-demand laundry app development process, developers need to assume any possible situation, and some order cancellation is inevitable. The cancel button is usually placed at the bottom of the order. After customers cancel any orders, the laundry app system will automatically send notifications to the admin, laundry, and delivery. Questions about canceling reasons should also be added for service improvement purposes.

3.1.8. Offers

Customers love offers. When they start an order, checking the promotion code is almost a habit. Therefore, if the app has “My Offers”, showing personalized rewards or offers for the users, it will encourage them to utilize the code. Besides, the admin can organize some campaigns and giveaway vouchers. They can attract customers’ attention and increase interaction.
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3.1.9. Payment

The payment gateway within the laundry app development is vital, especially in this digital era, when the e-wallet becomes indissoluble. It takes less time and be convenient for customers. They can complete the payment with a few taps, connecting their bank accounts or any e-wallet after finishing the orders. However, the cash payment option is unremovable as some older people prefer the traditional methods.

3.1.10. Review and rating

Allowing customers to give feedback and rating only after the order is finished ensures all the reviews are from the real users, avoids the rivals’ spams. These reviews will be transferred to admin, laundryman, and delivery as they are valuable for service improvements.

LEARN MORE: How to Write a Top-Notch Press Release for Your New Mobile App Launch

3.2. On-demand Laundry App Development: Laundryman/Admin Side

3.2.1. Login

The admin or laundry workers need their own account type to differentiate them from customers. In these accounts, they can get access to the dashboard to manage the business. Also, these accounts have control of the app overall. For example, the admin can decide which notifications the customers will receive or change the order status.

3.2.2. Dashboard

The dashboard is the paramount tool for the admin to manage the app and make business decisions. The dashboard contains all the figures, such as the detailed information of each order, total number of orders, real-time analytics like business growth, profit per order, staffs’ performance, etc. The laundryman also will not miss the customers’ booking date if they keep on track with the dashboard.
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3.2.3. Order History

Order History is essential to keep the clients’ loyalty. Admin can develop personalized offers for loyal ones and find out the clients’ taste by statistics. In some apps, Order History is integrated into the Dashboard and synchronized with other data. This makes all statistics are in one place and convenient for the management.

3.2.4. Reminders

This feature is quite beneficial in on-demand laundry app development. It helps the laundryman not miss the tasks and admin to keep the whole system run as scheduled. For example, if there is any coming deadline for ironing, the system will automatically send a reminder about the task so the laundryman will arrange a time for it.
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3.3. On-demand Laundry App Development: Delivery Side

3.3.1. Login

The shippers need a customized interface, so there should be a shipper login option when signing in. In this account, shippers will organize their workload based on the information about the orders’ schedule and location to ensure everything is on track. 

3.3.2. Map

This is one of the most important features for shippers in laundry app development. It shows the precise customers’ location so the shippers can create the shortest delivery or pickup routes. This function’s interface can base on Google Map, so the app can take advantage of the tremendous data source of Google to increase the location’s accuracy, and shippers will not take too much time to familiarize themselves with it. 
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3.3.3. Schedule

The delivery men need to adjust their working time according to orders’ date and time. Therefore, the app needs to provide them a schedule of what time they need to pick up or deliver to have an overview of their future working schedule to arrange the time reasonably. This schedule also needs to be equipped with reminders to ensure everything runs in time.

3.3.4. Customer Contact

This feature allows shippers to contact the customer directly. Many unpredictable cases are happening while shippers are on the road that they need to inform customers. For example, shippers cannot find the address, or there is a sudden traffic jam, making shippers do not make it in time. The shippers need to commit that they will not leak the customers’ personal information.
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4. Trendy Designs for On-demand Laundry App Development

4.1. Rounded Corners

Rounded corners have been mobile app design trends accelerated from mobile devices such as iPhone 12 or Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. These curves gradually get reflected in the design of mobile apps. This mobile app design is aesthetically pleasing and positively impacts user experience, making it easier for the human eye to see and more quickly for users to input data and carry out transactions.

READ MORE: Great Ideas For Mobile App Design in 2021

4.2. Neatly Organized Contents

Too many texts on the screen can disperse the users’ focus and decrease efficiency. Keeping the app interface simple and minimal, using different font sizes, highlighting the key points or frequently-used features are suggested solutions. Focusing on one or two actions at once proves for a better user experience. This also helps to deliver more accurate messages of app developers to the customers.
Besides, white space and bright colors are recommended to be used widely and wisely. White space is an effective tool for separating different sections, especially in on-demand laundry app development, while the colors can attract the users’ focus. However, using too many colors might confuse and exhaust the users’ eyes.
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4.3. Make Use of Visual

According to Taylor & Francis Online, users form their first impression in only 50 milliseconds. In the laundry app development, the design should not only be beautiful but also be a comfort to use. Designers are trying to meet the users’ cravings for a more relaxing experience that can reduce eye strain by creating comprehensive designs joined with soothing visuals easy on the eyes. The app designs contain natural colors and simple layouts that don’t overwhelm users, enabling them to look at the screen longer without getting uncomfortable.

5. On-demand Laundry App Development Cost

In laundry app development, the app’s cost is calculated based on various factors, including the app development platform, design, and function complexity.

READ MORE: App Pricing: How Much Does An App Cost?

5.1. Laundry App Development Platform

The man-hours vary depending on the platforms, which makes the difference between development costs. The time to develop an app on iOS is usually longer than that for Android. For on-demand laundry app development, approximately 800 hours are needed for an Android app and 750 hours for an iOS app.

5.2. Laundry App Design

The design might take approximately 140-200 hours. This estimation might vary a lot due to the amendment. There should be an advanced discussion between designers and customers about the color, theme, designing style, etc., to reduce the editing time later on. 
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5.3. Laundry App Function Complexity

This factor depends mostly on customers’ requirements about the laundry app. If the app is integrated with other functions such as entertainment or chatbot, it will take more man-hours and raise the overall cost. However, complex apps should be considered as they might attract more users and generate better profit.
Additionally, admin panel and backend development require 60 hours and up to 200 hours, correspondingly. Altogether, a native, on-demand laundry app development takes around 1000 hours. The hourly rate is different in each country and company. It might come between $12000 to $30000 for developing a laundry app for a single platform.

Looking To Find A Trusted Tech Partner?
Since 2009, Savvycom has been leveraging digital technologies to serve businesses, mid-sized and large enterprises, as well as startups across diverse industries with its software outsourcing services. Offering Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development, Cloud & DevOps Services, we specialize in crafting high-quality software solutions and products, along with delivering a broad spectrum of associated professional services.
Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +1 408 663 8600 (US); +612 8006 1349 (AUS); +84 32 675 2886 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com


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What Is Mobile App Development And How To Perform Mobile App Development Services? https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/what-is-mobile-app-development/ https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/what-is-mobile-app-development/#respond Thu, 09 May 2024 03:00:13 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=16284 The mobile app market is projected to generate $188.9 billion in revenue via app stores and in-app advertising, according to Statista. Furthermore, enterprise mobility is estimated to be worth $510.39 billion by 2022. While many companies are trying to take advantage of this trend, many do not know how to successfully approach mobile app development services. Success within the competitive landscape of these growth projections can become a reality for you only if your business is supported by a precisely cultivated mobile app development team from the best software development company.

An adequate mobile app development process flow spans over six important stages. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at each one in-depth. Regardless of your project’s size and scope, following our guide can make your enterprise mobile app development initiative a success.

1. What Is Mobile App Development?

Mobile App Development Services | Savvycom | Definition

Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacturing platforms, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing (e.g., JavaScript) to provide an “application-like” experience within a Web browser.

Application software developers also must consider a long array of screen sizes, hardware specifications, and configurations because of intense competition in mobile software and changes within each of the platforms. Mobile app development has been steadily growing, in revenues and jobs created.”Wikipedia

In short, here is what you should first have in mind when it comes to mobile app development. Mobile App Development Services is a complicated process to create an application that runs on mobile devices to meet a particular business or personal objective.

This process consists of various development stages: Define Strategy, Analysis & Planning, App Design, App Development, Testing, Deployment & Maintenance.

2. Mobile App Development Methodology

Mobile App Development Methodology | Savvycom

Agile Mobile App Development – a set of methods and practices where solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing

Mobile application development is the product of a large amount of the work done by specialists from various fields. Most importantly, it is the constant negotiation between the client and the Mobile app development company. Any software, including mobile applications, can be considered as an outcome of good communication.

2.1. What exactly is Agile Methodology?

The exact meaning of agile is to be fast and make quick changes. The same goes with the Agile Methodology. It relates to a project management method characterized by the division of tasks into short phases of work and frequent reassessment and adaptation of plans.

Agile Methodology’s characteristics do an easy job for mobile app development so that the mobile application outcome is adaptable after its release. According to the manifesto, there are 12 principles for Agile Methodology:

  • Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software
  • Welcome changing requirements, even in late development
  • Working software is delivered frequently
  • Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers
  • Projects are built around motivated individuals
  • Face to Face conversation is the best form of communication
  • Working software is the primary measure of progress
  • Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
  • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
  • Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential
  • Best architectures, requirements, procedures emerge from self-organizing teams
  • Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective and adjust accordingly.
Learn More: The Essential Guide To Software Development Services

2.2. Agile Methodology vs. Waterfall Methodology

Agile Methodology vs. Waterfall Methodology | Savvycom

Agile VS. Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall Methodology is pretty much like construction and manufacturing workflows, a sequential design process. This means that as each of the mobile app development stages are completed (conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, and maintenance), the developers can move on to the next step.

This process is entirely sequential; only after a step is completed will the team implement the next step, a developer cannot go back to a previous step. If a developer wants to go back to an earlier stage, it should all start from the beginning. There is absolutely no room for errors or changes, so a project outcome and an extensive plan must be set initially, and then it should be followed carefully.

2.3. Agile Methodology in Mobile App Development, why?

Therefore, if you plan to develop a software, or a software development services that would require frequent overhauls and keep up with the technology landscape and customer requirements, Agile mobile app development methodology is one of the most effective approaches to your business’s software development projects.

It ensures a proper communication channel, which helps both the clients and App Developers execute the desired mobile application or, in fact, any software.

Learn More: Insourcing vs Outsourcing Software Development: Which Is Better?

3. Custom Mobile Application Development Services

Savvycom is currently the best mobile app development services company in Vietnam by The Manifest in native and cross-platform technologies in the healthcare app industry. We can offer the best solution for your particular situation as our software development consulting services can determine the proper equilibrium between price, quality, and project requirements.

3.1. Android App Development Services

Android App Development Services | Savvycom

The number of people who own Android devices is growing year over year. According to Statista, The number of Android smartphone users in the United States increased to 120.5 million in 2018, and this figure is forecast to reach more than 130 million in 2021. Not to mention the rise of popular budget smartphone series that are using android like Oneplus, Xiaomi. You certainly want to offer your unique solution to this broad user base! We develop Android apps for various machines using the Java and Kotlin programming languages and Google’s development tools and guidelines.

We build apps for multiple Android devices:

  • Phones
  • Wearables
  • Tablets
  • TV

3.2. iOS Application Development Services

iOS Application Development Services | Savvycom

An exciting fact you should know before mobile app development is that Apple users show higher brand loyalty than Android users. Apple’s brand value has seen some tumultuous changes throughout the last decade, but in 2020 it stood at an impressive 352 billion U.S. dollars. That year Apple managed to secure the second spot in ranking the most valuable brands worldwide, second to Amazon, and ahead of Google and Microsoft.

An iOS app will undoubtedly pay off if you are going in the right direction! At Savvycom, we do iOS mobile application development from scratch and port your Android application to iOS. We use Swift and Objective-C as well as other top performing mobile app development technologies to build our top-rated iOS apps.

3.3. React Native Development Services

React Native is the most popular cross-platform mobile framework used by global developers, according to a 2020 developer survey. According to the survey, 42 percent of software developers used React Native. Roughly one-third of mobile developers use cross-platform technologies or frameworks, while the rest of mobile developers use native tools.

We build cross-platform mobile app development for iOS and android from a single code base. Code written in React Native is the operating system–agnostic, yet apps written in React feel like native apps written in Java or Swift. Our experience shows that business owners focusing on bringing the most value in the least time usually prefer cross-platform apps.

If you’re one of them, then React Native Development is worth your attention. We get the most out of React Native’s capabilities to build excellent products.

Interested In Custom Mobile App Development?

Contact us for a free consultation on Software Development and you will get all of the insights from our professional technical perspectives. Our Developers will advise you on the best approaches to the development process, as well as roughly estimate your project concept cost.

4. Mobile Application Development Technologies

Mobile Application Development Technologies | Savvycom

The shift to remote work and home education during the coronavirus pandemic in the United States has led to app downloads’ explosive growth. Between March 2 and 16, app downloads in the remote work category increased by 1,457 percent.

Most downloaded apps include popular video conferencing app Zoom and communication platform Teams. Undoubtedly, the pandemic would have a lasting impact on mobile app development trends and technologies in the future, just like how it transformed mobile consumer behavior.

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LEARN MORE: Great Ideas For Mobile App Design in 2021

5. Choose The Right Mobile App development Services Company

5.1. Up-to-date mobile app development and emerging technology

Savvycom is currently rank #1 in the top mobile app development services company in Vietnam as of 2021 on The Manifest. Our app development team and CTO take pride in keeping up to date with the cutting-edge, emerging technology trends in mobile app development, architecture, and methodology. It allows us, developers, to work closely with your every need to build world-leading apps that will grow your users’ install base.

Our number one priority at Savvycom is and has always been quality. Our commitment to quality is solidified by staying on top of the ever-changing mobile landscape. We maintain and apply the latest best practices with iOS and Android application development and other frameworks and libraries.

5.2. Coding Guidelines and Standards

Our successful iOS/Android development teams are intimately familiar with the expansive list of practical frameworks and libraries that can speed up the app development process and know when and how to leverage them for the best results. 

We apply industry-leading guidelines and best practices for mobile app development, allowing us to bring to life a fast-to-load mobile app by utilizing resources efficiently, compliant with mobile security standards. All in all, we develop an overall mobile app of the highest quality.

5.3. Cost-effective solutions & End-to-end development

We design and implement cost-effective mobile application solutions to help you to capitalize on your resources to fully achieve maximum ROI, whether it be by opening up new revenue streams, increasing your current productivity with a solution. Or countless other mobile app development opportunities.

Savvycom Outsourcing Guide

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Looking To Find A Trusted Tech Partner?

Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development, Cloud & DevOps Service! Since 2009, Savvycom has been harnessing digital technologies for the benefit of businesses, mid and large enterprises, and startups across the variety of industries. We provide high-quality mobile app development services as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +1 408 663 8600 (US); +612 8006 1349 (AUS); +84 32 675 2886 (VN)
  • Email: contact@savvycomsoftware.com

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How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App in 2024? – Comprehensive Guide https://savvycomsoftware.com/blog/how-much-does-it-cost-to-develop-an-app/ Wed, 08 May 2024 10:49:18 +0000 https://savvycomsoftware.com/?p=34978 Creating an app has the potential to bring in some serious cash, but it also comes with a price tag upfront. So, how much does it cost to develop an app? Well, it really depends on how fancy and complicated you want your app to be. The fancier and more jam-packed with features your app is, the more it’s gonna cost you to develop. As you start mapping out your app’s journey, it’s a smart move to nail down a budget and timeline early on. That way, you can make smart money moves and stay on track to reach your goals.

Priding itself as Asia’s leading software development company, Savvycom endeavors to provide comprehensive insights into development costs in this article. Let us delve into the intricacies of this subject matter.

6 Keys Factors Affecting App Development Cost

Developing an application incurs various expenses influenced by specific factors crucial for budgeting and planning. Let’s delve into these pivotal elements shaping application development costs:

  • Complexity of features: Advanced functionalities or intricate algorithms drive up development costs as they demand more resources and expertise.
  • Design requirements: Tailored and elaborate designs consume additional time and effort from designers, thereby impacting overall expenses.
  • Mobile platforms and devices supported: Whether an app will be developed for iOS only or has an Android version as well. What specific devices hardware will it support, e.g. iPhone 13, iPhone 12 Mini, Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus, and so on.
  • Development time: Longer development cycles directly correlate with higher costs, emphasizing the importance of efficiency in the development process.
  • Third-party integrations: Incorporating external services, APIs, or software components amplifies complexity and may necessitate supplementary expenses.
  • Maintenance and support: Post-launch activities such as maintenance, updates, and ongoing support significantly contribute to the overall cost of ownership, influencing expenses over time.

Considering these factors, there are typical benchmarks for app development project costs derived from comprehensive research conducted by various companies. These benchmarks provide valuable insights into estimating costs across different types of applications.

Type Of Application

The type of app you’re creating can really affect how much it costs to develop. Let’s break it down:

  • Social Media Apps: Think Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
  • E-commerce Apps: Like Shoppe, Lazada, eBay.
  • Gaming Apps: Examples include Wildrift, Simcity, Candy Crush Saga.
  • Education Apps: Think Duolingo, Udemy.
  • Healthcare and Fitness Apps: Like Mi Fitness, Medscape, MyFitnessPal.
  • Travel Apps: Examples include Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Travelloka.
  • Productivity Apps: Like Trello.
  • On-Demand Apps: Think Grab, Uber, Postmates.

Each of these categories comes with its own set of requirements and complexities, which affects both time and cost. Below, you’ll find estimates for how much time and money it generally takes to develop each type of app, based on calculations from an app development cost calculator.

App Type

Time to develop


Social Media

6-12 months



4-12 months



2-12 months or more

$10k-$500k or more


3-6 months


Healthcare and Fitness

4-6 months



3-8 months



3-6 months



4-8 months


We can see that each type of application, serving a different purpose, will have different timelines and costs for building the application, depending on its intended use.

Learn More On: Top 15 Healthcare App Ideas for Healthcare Startups In 2024

App development costs vary by region

Average price map of mobile application outsourcing

Average price map of mobile application outsourcing

The costs of app development vary significantly across regions, reflecting the diverse economic landscapes worldwide. In North America, developers typically charge between $60 to $200 per hour, reflecting the region’s higher living standards and operational expenses. Similarly, Western Europe and the UK maintain rates ranging from $25 to $160 per hour.

Conversely, Eastern Europe offers more competitive pricing at $17 to $150 per hour, attributed to a growing talent pool with lower living costs. In Asia, particularly India, rates can be as low as $13 to $80 per hour, making it the most economical option. These variations arise from factors such as economic conditions, living expenses, access to skilled labor, and market demand. Understanding these regional distinctions is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their app development budgets while ensuring high-quality outcomes.

Cost of hiring an app developer

When considering hiring an app developer, several factors affect the total cost and the choice of pricing model. Skilled developers charge higher rates due to their experience and expertise. There are different pricing models to choose from, such as fixed-price and hourly rates, which offer flexibility depending on project requirements and budget.

Experienced developers ensure a higher quality end product but may come with a higher cost. Conversely, less experienced developers may offer lower rates but could result in a less refined final product. For instance, hiring an in-house development team is one of the costliest options, with the average salary for a US-based app developer being approximately $113,125 per year. On the other hand, freelancers offer a more cost-effective solution, with average hourly rates ranging from $13 to $60, making them suitable for smaller projects or when specific expertise is required.

Ultimately, the choice of hiring option depends on the budget, project needs, and the desired level of involvement in the development process.

App maintenance cost

Application maintenance fees are also a necessary expense

Application maintenance fees are also a necessary expense

Maintaining your app is like keeping your car in good shape—it’s crucial for its long-term performance and relevance. Usually, maintenance costs fall between 15% to 20% of what you initially spent on development. This includes things like updates, fixing bugs, beefing up security, and making sure the app runs smoothly.

Consistent support is key to keeping users happy and adjusting to their feedback and any new tech trends. As the digital world keeps changing, regular maintenance not only fixes problems now but also sets your app up for future success and keeps your users satisfied.

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Cost for Each OS Platform

Each operating system comes with its own price tag. In this section, we’ll furnish you with cost estimates for various operating system platforms, including Android, iOS, and Hybrid.

IOS app

The cost of developing an iOS app can vary significantly, influenced by several factors. These factors include the complexity of the app, design specifications, and the necessity for custom algorithms. Moreover, given that iOS app development necessitates a Mac system and proficiency in Xcode, the availability of skilled developers familiar with these technologies can further influence the total cost. On average, the expenses associated with iOS app development typically fall within the range of $75,000 to $500,000 or higher, contingent upon the project’s scope and unique demands.

Android app

When it comes to developing an Android app, the average cost is subject to several influencing factors. These factors encompass the complexity of development, feature prerequisites, and the challenge posed by platform fragmentation due to the diverse array of Android devices. Ensuring compatibility across numerous devices and screen sizes can extend development timelines and inflate costs. Generally, Android app development expenses range from $50,000 to $500,000 or beyond, contingent upon project specifications and the degree of customization involved.

Hybrid app

A hybrid app is a mobile application that blends features of both native and web apps. It’s crafted using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, yet it’s enclosed within a native container. However, it’s essential to note that while hybrid apps offer cost benefits, they may not always match the performance and user experience standards set by native apps.

Additionally, optimizing hybrid apps across various platforms might incur additional expenses. On average, the costs associated with hybrid app development typically fall within the range of $90,000 to $700,000, making it a compelling and cost-effective choice for businesses seeking cross-platform compatibility.”+

Learn More On: Top 15 Mobile App Development Trends To Keep Tab On In 2024

Real-World App Cost Breakdowns

Now that we have a solid grasp of the key considerations in “How much does it cost to develop an app?”, let’s delve into two practical examples for your reference in this section.


Developing an app akin to Tinder involves several considerations like the features included, the complexity of the app, and how long it takes to build. Typically, the cost for such a project ranges from $25,000 to $120,000. Key features encompass login pages, user authentication and authorization, user profiles, in-app messaging, GPS location services, push notifications, and an in-app payment gateway. This cost estimate covers everything from design and development to testing, server infrastructure, backend setup, and ongoing maintenance. Features like user profiles, swiping, messaging, geolocation, and push notifications all factor into the overall cost. Additionally, integrating advanced features like AI-driven matchmaking or video chat functionalities can further increase development expenses.

Tinder, which launched in 2012 with an initial funding of $485,000, has enjoyed tremendous success. In 2021, the company raked in revenue exceeding $1.6 billion, with projections indicating it will surpass that figure in 2024.


Developing an app similar to TikTok entails various factors such as complexity, features, and development duration. On average, this can range from $20,000 to $100,000 and may require approximately 1,200 hours to build. This estimate covers design, development, testing, video streaming infrastructure, user authentication, content management, and backend work. Features like video recording, editing tools, filters, effects, social sharing, and user engagement mechanisms all contribute to the overall cost. Additionally, integrating features for user-generated content moderation, real-time analytics, and scalability to handle high traffic volumes may entail extra expenses.

Tips And Tricks On Rating An App Developer

When considering an app developer, there are some important things to remember. Firstly, it’s crucial to be clear about what features you need. This means figuring out what your app requires, how much you can spend, when you need it done, and which platforms it should work on. It’s also helpful to learn about common mobile development technologies to understand what kind of app you’re looking for and to help pick the right development company.

Secondly, you should look at the full range of services the developer offers. Choosing a well-respected company with a good track record means you’ll have access to skilled professionals who can handle every aspect of making your app, from designing it to testing it thoroughly.

Consider the following factors when choosing an application development partner

Consider the following factors when choosing an application development partner

Thirdly, it’s a good idea to talk to developers in person. This lets you see how much they know and how well they understand your app idea. Also, checking out their previous work gives you an idea of how good their work is and whether they’ve done anything similar before.

Lastly, it’s important to think about security and following the rules. Making sure developers are willing to keep your information safe by signing agreements and talking about who owns the app’s ideas upfront helps protect sensitive information and keeps data private while you work together.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can assess and choose the right app developer for your project.

Furthermore, we’d like to introduce you to a top-notch and reliable option: Savvycom. The company, with headquarters in the USA, Australia, and Vietnam, is renowned for delivering high-quality software outsourcing solutions. Simply reach out to us, share your ideas, and let Savvycom’s team of experts strategize and develop the perfect app for you efficiently and with the utmost quality assurance. Explore Savvycom today for a seamless experience!

Recap: How Much Does It Cost to Develop An App?

In wrapping up, figuring out how much it’ll cost to develop an app is like untangling a bunch of threads. There are a bunch of factors that come into play, like how complicated the app is, which platform it’s meant for, and where the developers are based. What kind of app it is—whether it’s for social media or gaming—also makes a big difference in the price tag. Plus, there’s a noticeable gap in costs between making apps for iOS, Android, or going with a mix of both.

Savvycom has been harnessing the power of digital technologies since 2009 to support business growth across a variety of industries with end-to-end software development services. We can help you build high-quality software solutions and products, as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

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