Healthcare & Wellness Sat, 11 May 2024 16:02:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthcare & Wellness 32 32 Fitness App Development: Features, Trends and Costs Sat, 11 May 2024 04:00:30 +0000 Everyone’s top priorities have always included healthcare and fitness. Back in the day, however, staying fit and on-trend was more difficult due to the difficulty of finding fitness coaches who you would enjoy working with. Fortunately, since the dawn of the digital era, the fitness industry has undergone a full digital transformation makeover as well. Since then, health and fitness app development have marked a variety of approaches, from cultivating healthy diets to weight loss exercises with only one tap on their smartphones.

Follow us and you’ll learn about the latest features and get a step-by-step guide to creating a fitness app. You’ll also get an estimate for the cost of developing a fitness app, with insights from leading software development companies. But first and foremost, let’s talk about the basics.

1. Fitness App Industry

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The pandemic has certainly turned our world upside down, but it’s also paved the way for some exciting advancements in the fitness world. More than ever before, fitness app developers have become our go-to fitness companions, helping us stay healthy and active right in the comfort of our homes. This transformative shift has added a vibrant digital hue to the global fitness landscape.

Here are some fitness app project reports that showcase the burgeoning influence of digital fitness platforms like fitness apps:

  • The United States is leading the digital fitness revolution. In 2022, eight out of the top 10 apps by consumer spending were based in the US, with the top three being MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, and Calm.
  • The 2023 Wellness Index reveals that over half of US consumers are going for a blend of virtual and real-life fitness experiences, creating a dynamic hybrid fitness culture.
  • This year, an impressive 44.5 million US adults are set to use a connected fitness platform like Peloton at least once a month.
  • Gym apps are receiving a big thumbs up, with around 70% of consumers viewing them as an engaging supplement to their in-person gym workouts.
  • The virtual fitness landscape is also encouraging users to step out of their comfort zones. Over a third of consumers have started attending an in-person fitness class that they first discovered online.
  • The fitness app industry is booming, with revenue set to hit a whopping $19.33 billion in 2023.

1.2. Fitness App Types & Casestudies

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Fitness App Example

Each type of fitness app has a notable casestudy that we would like to show you:

  • In 2020, Fitbit led the activity tracking category in terms of new installs (4.8 million) and average daily active users (1.5 million).
  • Since September 2020, MyFitnessPal has been the revenue leader among nutrition and diet apps, bringing in over $1.44 million.

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2. Fitness App Development: Key Features

Are you unsure what features to include in your exercise app? Each fitness app development serves a different purpose and provides its users with special features. However, there are some basic features that a fitness app must have in order to be more user-friendly and accommodating. We’ve put together a list of fitness apps’ must-have features.

2.1. Onboarding

When you need to explain app features or give instructions to new users, onboarding really comes in handy. (If your app is straightforward, you can skip this step.) When users interact with your app, you can provide onboarding by showing two to eight screens, adding a 60- to 90-second video tutorial, or sending in-app prompts. On Dribbble, you can see examples of onboarding.

2.2. Sign-up & Login

Allow users to sign up using their Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram accounts or other social media accounts that suit your target audience, as well as their own personal email addresses.

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2.3. User profiles

Users enter personal information such as their name, age, height, weight, gender, and fitness level when creating a profile. Both app developers and users will benefit from this information. It assists app developers in creating apps that match users with customized workout routines and track their sporting activity. A user’s profile gives them easy access to subscription plans, as well as a history of completed exercises, progress, bonuses, and other information.

2.4. Goals

Setting goals is an important aspect of any fitness app. Allowing users to set objectives and goals is motivating because it translates into a goal tracker that will help them achieve their fitness goals without fail.

2.5. Synchronization with wearable devices

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Smart watches have became increasingly popular for the past few years

Which the rise of smart watch and other wearable devices like Apple, Samsung and Xiaomi, your Fitness App should ultimately be able to connect and synchronize with them. To combine data from fitness trackers and your fitness app, you can use the HealthKit and GoogleFit APIs. Apple Watch and Android smartwatches can be synced using the watchOS and Wear OS operating systems.

2.6. Workouts & exercises

Photos, 3D animated models, and video illustrations can all be used to illustrate exercises and workouts. Allow users to make their own workouts, use a standard set of exercises, or combine the two. You’ll need an organized and searchable content library for this.

2.7. Activity tracking

Your app can obtain activity tracking data in one of two ways: from smartphone sensors or by integrating with any wearable tracker. Smartphones allow your app to show the number of steps taken, the number of stairs climbed, the distance traveled, the speed, and the direction traveled – a noteworthy app can be mentioned here is Samsung Health. To sync with fitness wearables and measure other parameters like heart rate, sleep quality, or body temperature, you’ll need to add third-party APIs. You should also inquire about the parameters that users want to track.

2.8. Audio/video player

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Exercises, workouts, running, yoga classes, meditation — audio/video podcasts with a trainer’s voice, a soundtrack, or a video tutorial can guide you through a variety of fitness activities. Users should be able to leave feedback, bookmark/favorite/like tracks, and return to them later in your fitness app player.

2.9. Product & recipe database

Access to a large database of products and healthy recipes, analysis of nutrition values, and data on ingredients received through a barcode scanner are some of the most compelling features of nutrition apps. Nutrition APIs are required to provide this functionality to users. Allow users to manually add goods to your app that they don’t see.

2.10. Workouts customization

Within your app, users can make their own workouts, meditations, exercise sets, recipes, or diet plans using a customization feature. This feature on paper might take a lot of work but in a user-centric world, your customer should be put in top priority.

2.11. Push notifications & reminders

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Push notification is probably the most important feature to have in any app

The right text delivered at the right time will boost an app’s retention rate by three to tenfold. Push notifications for fitness apps should contain no more than 90 characters and be sent between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. or 12 a.m. and 2 p.m., according to Business of Apps. If your app allows users to customize the timing of reminders and push notifications or in some cases to turn off notifications completely, that’s a plus.

2.12. Recommendations

Machine learning algorithms can be used to provide personalized recommendations based on a user’s preferences and/or viewing history. Artificial intelligence (AI) enables an app to build customized fitness programs with dietary plans, and it has a good chance of outperforming any human personal trainer when it comes to accurately adjusting personal workouts.

2.13. Profile Settings

Users can change their passwords and emails, alter their notification settings, and deactivate their accounts using this feature.

2.14. Support & Customer Services

Users will appreciate a chat feature in a workout app where trainers provide real-time advice or consultations. If your app doesn’t have live chat options, consider combining a chatbot with pre-programmed responses. Nevertheless your app should include contact information that users can have access to at anytime, it not only increase your trust but also help at gathering much needed feedbacks. Consider incorporating fitness app development services to enhance these features.

2.15. Payment feature & method

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A secure payment method greatly increase trust

The need for a payment feature is actually self-explainatory. How can you make money from your app if you don’t have it? Integrate a payment gateway into your app, such as PayPal, Visa, etc.

3. Choose The Monetization Model For Your Fitness App

Of course, you must ensure that the fitness application you are creating can provide you with positive results. You can monetize your app in a variety of ways. You should include the following in your fitness app to generate profit or income:

  1. Paid Apps – Users must first purchase your fitness app in order to benefit from it. Offering a free trial is one strategy you can use, and if they know the value of your app, there’s a good chance they’ll pay for it or subscribe to keep using it.
  2. In-app Purchases – If you want to create a free fitness app for users, you can still make money by encouraging them to buy something in the app, such as an advanced feature setting or premium content that they can only get if they buy the feature.
  3. Advertisements – Other fitness companies may be interested in partnering with you and running advertising campaigns in your app, which you can charge a cost-per-mile commission for.
  4. Free Apps – It’s a freemium model. Your users can use the basic features of your app for free, but you can charge for the premium features. A premium subscription model is another name for this type of business model. Basic features are free, but advanced fitness plans or personal coaching services are not.

Fitness App Monetization | Savvycom
The paid subscription model is, according to Statista, the most useful and profitable monetization model. However, you are free to make your decision based on your company’s objectives and app. In any case, during the discovery phase of development, you can choose a business model for your app.

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Get in touch with Savvycom for a free consultation. We’ll help you decide on next steps, explain how the development process is organized, and provide you with a free project estimate.

4. The Cost To Develop A Fitness App

An outsourcing fitness app development company will only give you a rough estimate of your workout app development cost based on their previous experience with similar projects at first. After you’ve gone through the concept validation and UX strategy stages of development, they’ll be able to give you an accurate estimation. Regardless, here at Savvycom we’ll talk about the price.
Your minimum requirements with software outsourcing companies for a fitness app should include:

  • QA engineer
  • Project manager
  • UI/UX designer
  • iOS developer
  • Android developer
  • Backend developer

So, how much does it cost to make a fitness app? Fitness App Development cost on average is $63,770, based on a $35 hourly rate and 1822 hours of work. But that is just for MVP (Minium-viable-product), contact us to get your free consultation now!

5. Fitness Application Development Stages

Stages of Fitness App Development | Savvycom

5.1. Discovery

At this point, your mobile app development team performs preliminary market research to determine whether or not your fitness app idea is marketable, and if so, what can be done to make it so. You’ll brainstorm with a product manager, designer, and project manager to:

  • Make a vision for your app that includes challenges, solutions, requirements, rivals, acquisition channels, your app’s unique value proposition, and revenue sources.
  • Consider the logic behind your fitness app.
  • Make a list of epics based on the main functionality of your app.
  • Make a drawing of your prospective customers.
  • Create a table with epics and potential user stories.
  • Make an idea for your fitness app’s navigation.

5.2. Idea validation

Validation of an idea You analyze problems that your app will be able to solve during the discovery stage. You should check the solutions your app can provide during the idea validation stage. A product/project manager, UI/UX designer, iOS and/or Android developer, backend developer, and quality assurance engineer are all required to accomplish this.

5.3. UX strategy

At this point, your development team is working on a comprehensive app interface and screen relationships. You’ll need to recruit the entire app development team for the UX strategy stage to:

  • Create a data structure and interconnections in an information diagram.
  • Make a high-fidelity app prototype with an interactive interface that shows where all of your app’s control elements are.
  • Make a rough project plan with assignments and deadlines.
  • In terms of details and functionality, a high-fidelity prototype is the closest match to the final design.

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5.4. Design and development

Your app development backlog is split into sprints during the design and development period, which are typically two weeks long. A project manager’s job is to prioritize tasks, track their progress, and keep track of the backlog.

  • The style guide is approved for use in any part of your project during the design concept sprint.
  • The team describes the design of functionality, refines documents, and sets up the technical environment for the next sprint during the technical setup sprint.
  • The app is developed during a development sprint, and a project manager plans the next sprint and creates documentation.

5.5. Testing and improvement

This stage also necessitates the participation of the entire app development team. When you get a fully functional fitness app, the testing and improvement stage ends, but it resumes if you decide to make a change.

  • KPIs for mobile apps are being tracked.
  • Taking input from users and analyzing it
  • Identifying the faults in an app
  • Fixing flaws
  • Enhancing the app’s functionality

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6. Final Words on Fitness App Development

Remember the following when developing a fitness app:

  • To keep attracting and retaining users, provide the best fitness app features.
  • In terms of exercise variation, tips, and techniques, workout apps must be adaptable.
  • Integrate wearable fitness devices and cooperate with their manufacturers for improved fitness results, not to mention the cost-effectiveness of this method.

Fitness app development, like any other type of app development, can be difficult. It is, nonetheless, effective and worthwhile if you ensure that the fitness app of your choice includes the best features that will be of value to users in the long run. To do so, make sure you can provide people with customized workout plans that are tailored to their specific needs. It’s more likely that your fitness app will stand out and succeed if you have the sincere intention of assisting users in achieving their fitness goals through various features. Consider incorporating yoga app development to broaden the range of fitness activities offered.

Savvycom – Your Trusted Tech Partner

Savvycom offers expertise in tech consulting, end-to-end product development, and software outsourcing, leveraging digital technologies to drive business growth across various industries. Our dedication to delivering high-quality software solutions and products is complemented by a diverse range of related professional services tailored to your unique requirements.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email:


Basic steps to create a successful workout or fitness app:

  1. Explore the fitness apps market
  2. Choose the fitness app type you need 
  3. Pick the monetization model
  4. Hire a team of professionals. i.e. "Savvycom"
  5. Communication between all parties
  6. Define fitness app key features
  7. Technical documentation and design
  8. Application development
  9. Quality assurance
  10.  Marketing and further updates as well as improvements

Choosing the right software development company is a crucial factor in project success.

There are different ways of monetizing your app. To get profit or income from the fitness app, you can include:

  • Paid Apps
  • In-app Purchases
  • Advertisements
  • Free Apps
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How To Create Fitness App: A Step-by-step Guide In 2024 Thu, 09 May 2024 08:48:19 +0000 Fitness and sports apps are designed to promote physical activity and encourage users into building training habits, and they have become incredibly popular in recent years. The main reason for this is that individuals are paying more attention to their health and well-being. Because of changes in lifestyle and increased demand for more convenient workout methods, the fitness sector has also turned to digital transformation to suit the needs of its clients.

However, in order to create your own fitness app, you must be familiar with both general and particular information, such as app kinds, monetization tactics, and, most significantly, the development process. This article will go through several aspects of fitness app development, such as industry insights, costs and features, and the comprehensive procedure. Thereby, we’ll ensure that you’re well-equipped to navigate the intricacies of software development services.

Fitness App Market Overview

Create Your Own Fitness App 1The fitness app industry had progressively increased, but with the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, it received the greatest push since the digital transformation era started. With over 385 million users, over 400 million fitness app downloads were recorded in 2021, producing $5.35 billion in revenue (Business of Apps). 

The fitness app industry is massive and continues to expand at an incredible rate. According to Statista, this industry is projected to reach US$19.33 billion by 2023. With a 14.34% annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027), the expected volume by 2027 is US$33.04 billion.

Below are some of the most downloaded fitness apps and their revenues in 2021:

  • Fitbit: 111 million registered users – $1.21 billion 
  • MyFitnessPal: 200 million users – $171 million
  • Strava: 76 million users – $167 million 
  • Peloton: 5.9 million users – $4.02 billion
  • AllTrails: 30 million users – $3.8 million
  • Sweatcoin: 120+ million users – $19.3 million

As can be seen, the fitness app business is quite promising. Those that enter the market with a well-thought-out plan are almost certain to succeed.

Have a Project Idea in Mind?

Get in touch with Savvycom’s experts for a free consultation. We’ll help you decide on next steps, explain how the development process is organized, and provide you with a free project estimate.

Types Of Fitness Apps

Looking at the leading fitness apps mentioned above, do you realize that they belong to specific categories of fitness applications? One of the most important questions to ask yourself is what type of fitness app you want to create. An app self-built or provided by app making companies can benefits its users depending on its category.

Activity tracking apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 3This app is created to keep track of the activities or workouts that a user chooses to do. In order to estimate the calories burned during activities, they will frequently monitor the number of steps taken, pace, distance traveled, activity duration, and so on. Some apps can suit the needs of runners and cyclists who want more precise metrics measurements. E.g: Strava, Nike Run Club, RunKeeper

Diet & Nutrition apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 6These apps are designed to assist users in tracking and creating a personal meal plan. They can calculate the calories consumed using a large database after the user logs the food and drinks they have consumed. Based on the particular information provided, the applications can also generate diet plans and recommend appropriate exercises for a person (such as gender, age, height, and weight). E.g: MyFitnessPal, Waterlogged, Lose It!

Workout apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 5The third most common fitness app type is apps for workouts. They are like a mini personal fitness trainer on your phone that offers exercises, training plans, and workout guides. To personalize the user’s experience, there are usually options for levels of exercise, frequency, music, and notifications. Some apps also let users customize exercises in a training session or what body parts they wish to focus on. E.g: Sworkit, Tone It Up, Freeletics

A number of providers today have integrated all features from the three groups into one in order to deliver a comprehensive user experience and keep customers on the app for longer. Fitbit and MyFitnessPal, for example, track a user’s activity, provide training instructions, and measure dietary intake. More fitness applications are expected to join this trend in the future.

Essential Features In A Fitness App

Each fitness app serves a particular purpose and provides various benefits to its users. Nevertheless, the following are the indispensable key components that your custom workout app must have in order to be more user-friendly and accommodating.

Sign up/Log in

This feature lets a user create their personal account and log in with their app account or other social accounts like email, Facebook, or other platforms.

User profile

After creating their account, the person inputs their health information and fitness objectives. With this data, the app will be able to offer the most effective and relevant fitness program to them. The more details the app gets, the better suggestions it offers. 

Third-Party Device Connectivity

Nowadays, the concept of a fitness app extends far beyond the confines of a mobile phone. With the introduction of smart wearables such as the Apple Watch, companies have learned that their applications must also advance, therefore connecting with third-party devices has become a critical component that a workout app must have. Wearable devices assist fitness apps in collecting data and extending their connection with their users.

Blog or diaries

Depending on the app type, this feature may work like a diary (for diet tracking) or blog (for workout and health improvement). Users who use health and fitness apps are probably concerned about their general health and lifestyle. A blog is a great way to help your users, grow your brand, and deliver necessary information while encouraging loyalty.

Social media sharing

Integrating social media with your app is a brilliant move that can help in various ways. By sharing their achievements with their family and friends, users feel more motivated and at the same time encourage others to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Thus, you can acquire new users through their recommendations.

App integration

Mobile devices like iPhones and Samsung have their own health app, so it’s best that your app can integrate with these apps for smooth data sharing. 

Notifications & reminder

Want users to keep coming back to your app? Then this feature is the best way to do so. By sending them notifications and reminders (for exercises, data input, etc), you pursue them to open and interact with your app again.

To enhance the user experience for your app and set you apart from competitors, consider adding these extra features:

  • Heart-part tools integration
  • Motivational goal tree
  • Game elements
  • App community
  • Competition or practice-together mode
Learn More On: A Complete Guide On Women’s Health App Development

Monetization Strategies For Fitness Apps

Create Your Own Fitness App 2Figures indicate that the fitness app market is a promising land, and there is a list of apps with high revenue in recent years. Want to follow their path? Then you need to understand how a fitness app makes money.


Users must purchase your fitness app to reap its benefits. An approach you may use is to give a free trial, and if people see the value of your app, there’s a good chance they’ll pay for it or subscribe to keep using it.

In-app purchases

Provide your users with basic features in the free mode, and advanced ones in the premium version like access to more training programs, or talks to experts.


When using this method, you integrate ads in your fitness app and create an income stream. Yet, always consider the ads’ quantity, placement, and duration to avoid annoying users.


This strategy entails associating your fitness app with online fitness coaches. Users accessing a training program on your platform will be charged a fee.

Learn More On: The Best Mobile App Monetization Strategies For Your Upcoming Project

How To Create A Fitness App: 6 Steps 

Step 1. Research your market

During this step, you must research the targeted fitness app market and pick which fitness app to develop. Before you begin the development process, you must first identify your rivals, their strengths and limitations, and how they address user concerns. Use the acquired data to conduct a thorough analysis and pick which type to construct.

Step 2. Decide on the app’s monetization model, platform, and features

Create Your Own Fitness App 4With the gained market insights, you can verify which platform your app will be on – iOS or Android. If your target market is Android-centric, focus on releasing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) first and thinking about iOS later. It is best practice to have your app available on both platforms. Despite that the cost doubles when having your app on both platforms, it helps reach twice the number of users. So your investment will be worth it.

The next thing to do is consider how you will make a profit from this app. You may choose among the discussed strategies or combine them if appropriate. 

You already know the key features a fitness app must have. However, based on the nature of your app and the expectations of your target audience, do more research and test some additional features. They can be the ones that help you win over users. 

Step 3. Prototype and user testing

To testify whether your app idea will work or not, the best way is to create an MVP first. Since it is an MVP, only essential features are required.

Then, have a group of people you considered in your target segment interact with the MVP. Collect feedback from them and define changes to be made. An MVP allows you to understand the user-app interaction and avoid expensive adjustments during the development process.

Step 4. Choose your tech stack

After the solution is approved, time to decide on your workout app’s tech stack. Your decision will have an impact on the budget for custom health and fitness app development. Not only that but your app’s capabilities may also be expanded or limited by the chosen tech stack. 

So, what technologies you can choose to build your own fitness app?

Native app

Native apps are developed with Swift (iOS) or Java/Kotlin (Android). Since these programming languages are used for a particular platform, the created app can gain access to all device’s features, resulting in the best app performance. 


Native apps provide a top experience, but developing an app with them is time-consuming and expensive. To allow businesses to build an app that works on multiple platforms simultaneously, React Native, Flutter, Kotlin Multiplatform and other app frameworks are the solution. 

Progressive web app (PWA)

Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a type of web app that can function on any device as both a web page and a mobile app. This tech stack is an alternative option when you want to start small and don’t need to connect to any external or platform hardware.

No-code/low code

There are solutions on the market that allow you to create fitness apps without having any app development skills. The downside is that the app created with these technologies only has minimal features and can’t provide a complete user experience.

Learn More On: Mental Health App Development 2023 | Features, Costs And Monetization

Step 5. Develop, test and repeat

In this step, the app is built according to the specifications that have been approved. This includes frontend and backend development. In short, the frontend is the interface that a user interacts with, and the backend takes care of data processing, storage, and security. 

Another significant part of development time is spent on testing and bug fixes. Quality assurance engineers assess the whole user experience of the project and whether the features perform as planned, in addition to inspecting the code for bugs.

Step 6. Launch and maintain your app

Create Your Own Fitness App 7As you near the end of the process, your custom fitness app is ready to be released on app marketplaces.

However, your responsibilities do not end there. Unexpected problems may occur during operation. In such cases, always monitor the app’s performance and resolve any issues as soon as possible. Analytics tools that you can use are Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc.

Another consideration is that a robust marketing strategy and support services must be developed in order for your app to be popular and profitable. Promote your software through different media, keep training sessions up to date, and listen to feedback.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Fitness App?

The answer to this varies regarding several factors, including the app’s platforms, tech stack, complexity, and the location of your development team.

Your app development team calculates the required working hours, thus estimating the total cost. 4-6 months is the average time to build a custom fitness app with medium complexity.

If the hourly rate is $50, then the development costs for a full-featured fitness app range from $60,000 to $160,000.

For an accurate quotation, contact Savvycom and provide us with more details about your app idea.

Build Your Fitness App With A Reliable Partner

Understanding the market and the fundamental concepts of fitness app development is the first step in making your own mobile app.

If you want to secure success with your fitness app, a trusted tech partner plays a key role. Not only we will be responsible for the app development stage, but with our expertise in building healthcare app, we can offer advice and best practices to make your app stands out to users.

From Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development to IT Outsourcing Services! Since 2009, Savvycom has risen as a top software development company harnessing the power of Digital Technologies that support business’ growth across the variety of industries. We can help you to build high-quality software solutions and products as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email:



Registration, a user profile, a dashboard, a workout menu, a fitness database, and a connection with third-party apps and wearables are all required. Leaderboards, live streaming, and video instructions might also be included.


There are various methods for monetizing your app. You can incorporate the following strategies in your fitness app to generate income:

  • Subscription: Users must buy your fitness app in order to benefit from it.
  • In-App Purchases: Users pay to use advanced features of your app
  • Advertisements: Ads can be integrated into your app, and you generate income from there.
  • Fees: Users accessing a training program on your platform will be charged a fee.


A custom fitness app of medium complexity takes an average of 4-6 months to develop.

If the hourly rate is $50, the development costs for a fully functional fitness app range between $60,000 and $160,000.



Medical Web Development: Design, Features and Technologies Wed, 08 May 2024 05:00:57 +0000 The coronavirus epidemic has increased the market for medical specialists. Hundreds of millions of people search the internet for health-related information. The number of searches regarding Healthcare Services has risen by 20% in the last few months. As they try to adjust to this new reality, many businesses are in desperate need of healthcare website development. The business’s website is the face of its medical practice. Because people these days are very demanding, having a website for medical services is almost a requirement. The medical site must be convenient and user-friendly in order to have a pleasant experience for patients. We’ve put together a detailed guide on medical website development, design, and growth to address all of these concerns. This article will discuss medical website development and design, as well as the associated challenges and costs. As a reliable software development company, we base our knowledge on extensive research gathered while working on various health-related web and mobile projects. Continue reading to learn more about the processes, or scroll down to get a reasonably accurate quote.

1. Why Would You Need an Up-to-Date Medical Website

Medical Website Development Savvycom 1

There is no doubt that healthcare providers require websites — of course, they do. A website is an excellent investment for any business these days. It’s almost as if you don’t exist if you don’t have an online presence. While one can debate the truth of this statement regarding a personal Facebook page, there is no second opinion when it comes to growing a business.

Medical website development can provide numerous advantages to a healthcare facility:

  1. Increased accessibility – A website is more accessible than a call center because it does not require as many employees, provides patients with visual information, and does not have phone queues. While you may keep your call center for those, who do not use the internet for whatever reason, having a website will significantly reduce the workload on your employees.
  2. New marketing opportunities since patients can find your clinic online, which is where most people look for information these days. People who aren’t your patients will be able to find your clinic with professional search engine optimization and a solid medical information database on your website.
  3. You can provide all of your clinic’s information in one location – This includes information about the doctors you employ, their credentials, your clinic’s services, and so on.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, but these advantages would be enough reason to create a great website and app for your clinic. That was prior to COVID-19.

As the pandemic demonstrated, one of the most critical services is online access to healthcare. For many businesses, this was the final push toward digitization, but for healthcare providers, the COVID-19 impact was so massive that it’s still difficult to comprehend.

From now on, the digitization of healthcare will almost certainly be much faster, and no clinic can afford to fall behind.

Whether it’s the general difficulty of moving large amounts of data from paper to computer or government-imposed bureaucracy, the medical industry still has a long way to go in terms of digitization. However, the procedure has begun. More hospitals and clinics are implementing electronic health record/electronic medical record (EHR/EMR) systems and telemedicine.

  • EHR/EMR systems: Healthcare facilities use these systems to keep track of their patient’s medical records.
  • Telemedicine Websites: On-demand Doctor Websites / App (Aka, Telemedicine) is a branch of medicine that focuses on delivering healthcare services over the internet, including scheduling, consultations, and prescriptions. Developing a telemedicine platform is similar to developing an online medical website, although there are several variations.
Learn More On: Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Update Your Website Now

2. Main Usage of Medical Websites

Aside from the accessibility and marketing requirements mentioned above, developing a healthcare website can help your medical establishment — a clinic, a hospital, a lab, or a doctor’s practice — perform better. We want to go over a few of them here.

Medical Website Development Savvycom 3

2.1. Communication Channels Between Doctors and Patients

A clinic web portal can provide more than just a phone number for patients to call in order to schedule an appointment with a doctor. You can also set up a chat and/or video call with the doctor on a regular basis. This will reduce the need for at least some personal visits and improve the experience for busy patients.

2.2. Means of Automating Specific Features

When it comes to certain tasks, a chatbot can be even more efficient than a human employee. A machine-powered assistant, for example, will make fewer mistakes, such as mishearing a patient’s preferred date and time for an appointment. A bot can also assist patients in renewing or ordering prescriptions.

Non-urgent questions can be submitted via an online form; doctors will review and respond to them later. No form will be accidentally misplaced with proper design and sorting features.

All of this will free up time for your employees to perform administrative tasks that robots cannot yet perform.

2.3. Educational Resources

A health portal of some kind is a massive win for a medical establishment. Instead of relying on search engines and social networks, you can post scientifically supported health information so that patients have a reliable source.

Simultaneously, a health portal accessible to doctors can be used to create a database of clinical decisions for future reference. This will undoubtedly be beneficial in many cases, shortening the time required to treat patients.

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3. Healthcare Website Development | Key Considerations before starting

Nowadays, there’s no doubt that all healthcare providers need a website. It’s almost as if you don’t exist if you don’t have an online presence. Although one can debate the truth of this statement when it comes to a personal Facebook page, there isn’t much space for debate when it comes to growing a company, especially in the healthcare sector. Your healthcare solution will be reliable and quick thanks to the best medical website development practices combined with new technology.

3.1. HIPAA and HITECH compliance

Patient care providers deal with protected health information (PHI) on a regular basis. PHI refers to all health-related information that is covered under HIPAA rules. Data on health conditions, symptoms, insurance, patient forms, and financial qualifications are all examples of confidential data.

HIPAA compliance is required for a medical service provider’s website. HIPAA defines the protocols for handling, storing, and transmitting personal health information. HIPAA is based on four basic rules:

  • The Privacy Rule
  • The Security Rule
  • The Enforcement Rule
  • The Breach Notification Rule

An organization must meet all of the required data handling requirements, appoint a HIPAA compliance officer, prepare and publish a policy, and ensure data encryption to become HIPAA compliant. HIPPA is augmented by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), which offers patients additional protection.

They must, first and foremost, have online access to their Secure Health Records and be informed of any data breaches. Furthermore, if a data breach involves the personal details of 500 or more patients, the medical provider must notify the US Department of Health and Human Services or similar.

Similar requirements have been in place in Europe since 2018 in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. The GDPR applies to all websites that handle user data, not just health-related platforms. Depending on where you’re launching your medical website, you’ll need to check local medical and personal data legislation.

3.2. Detailed Privacy Policy

A strict privacy policy is required for a medical website because it processes a lot of confidential and sensitive data. All users should be able to see the policy, which should outline the types of data you receive, the methods you use, and how you process, encrypt and store data. If you work in the European Union, you can employ a GDPR lawyer to assist you in developing your privacy policy.

3.3. The Use of SSL Certificate

You can use HTTPS and SSL certificates whether or not your medical website sells anything. This security protocol ensures a reliable server link. All data traveling from your website to the servers is encrypted using this protocol. SSL certificates are available in a wide price range, ranging from free of charge to $4,000 per year. The price is determined by the level of security offered and the number of domains for which SSL certificates are available.

3.4. Website Responsiveness (Mobile)

Medical Website Development Savvycom 5

Website responsiveness became more critical than ever before as the internet migrated from PC to other devices. Any website should look fantastic on a large computer monitor as well as a tablet or smartphone.

If a website fails to have a positive user interface on all platforms, the service provider risks losing clients. Consumers are unlikely to trust any healthcare providers with a badly built website or mobile platform.

According to Statista, around half of all web traffic is generated by mobile devices. Mobile devices (excluding tablets) produced 50.81% of global website traffic in the third quarter of 2020, having steadily hovered around the 50% mark since the beginning of 2017.

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3.5. Quick Loading Time

Health websites should be lightning fast when it comes to loading times. Users expect a website to load in under 2 seconds on average. If they wait any longer, you risk losing future customers. For medical web growth, fast load times should be high on the priority list. These pages are more likely to rank higher in Google search results and appear near the top.

Google has its own Website Speed Checker that you can verify and identify the reasons which cause your website to become slow.

3.6. Content Rich Websites

The goal of creating a website for a medical IT solutions should be to build one that is full of useful information. At each point of the customer journey, you must provide patients with relevant content. Pricing information, patient testimonials, contact and location information, a FAQ section, and so on should all be included on the website. Pay careful attention to how the “About us” page is built.

According to Business2Community, 70% of small business websites lack a simple Call to Action (CTA) on their homepage. Don’t follow in the footsteps of these companies. Make your medical practice website one of the 30% of businesses with successful CTAs.

3.7. Improve Website with SEO Practices

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is critical to the success of any website. That is yet another reason to have a knowledge base. Relevant information presented by professionals using current SEO best practices will raise your website’s ranking in Google, increasing the frequency with which it appears in search results. More frequent appearances in search results will result in more visitors to your website. Some will click on the link, and some will decide to visit your clinic. That is, if your website is visually appealing and up to date.

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4. Medical Web Design Trends

Clients are easily distracted by the cluttered and disorganized website. Users want to find details quickly and conveniently, so the website should be clear and easy to navigate. Nowadays, patterns shift rapidly, making it impossible to keep up with them all. The most recent developments in medical practice website design are listed below.

4.1. Responsive Website Design

A responsive website is one that is user-friendly. It means that the design of medical websites takes into account various screen sizes and resolutions. Patients nowadays use smartphones and tablets to access information about the hospital. According to Statista, mobile devices account for roughly half of all web traffic.

4.2. Flat Design

The use of minimalistic and succinct elements in user interface design is known as flat design. As a result, you get a simple but striking interface that helps you to concentrate on the website’s content. Furthermore, since flat design uses basic design elements, it can speed up the loading time of a website.

4.3. Micro Animation 

Micro animations, as the name suggests, refer to tiny animated portions of the user interface. Micro animations help to attract users’ attention to your website and make it easier to navigate. Micro animations, on the other hand, should not be used in abundance on your website. They can be used in conjunction with apps.

4.4. Hamburger Menu 

The use of minimalistic and succinct elements in user interface design is known as flat design. As a result, you get a simple but striking interface that helps you to concentrate on the website’s content. Furthermore, since flat design uses basic design elements, it can speed up the loading time of a website.

4.5. Bright colors

Medical Website Development Savvycom 4

The use of minimalistic and succinct elements in user interface design is known as flat design. As a result, you get a simple but striking interface that helps you to concentrate on the website’s content. Furthermore, since flat design uses basic design elements, it can speed up the loading time of a website.

As you can see, users anticipate seeing clean, vibrant websites with animation in the near future. There are numerous medical website design firms that can create a website that meets all of your needs and objectives. Additionally, Savvycom also provides UI/UX design services. If you’re interested, you can learn more about our best work in Medical Website / Mobile App Development by visiting our Behance Account.

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4.6 Accessibility

The goal of web design accessibility is to make websites easier to use for people with disabilities. This is even more important for clinic websites than for other types of websites. When it comes to websites, accessibility features are typically aimed at users with vision impairments and physical limitations, though steps can be taken to assist people with other challenges as well.

Some websites have separate versions of pages designed specifically for people with various types of disabilities. This version is accessible via a button on the home screen or in the menu. However, an increasing number of businesses are incorporating accessibility into the basic design of their websites.

To comply with accessibility guidelines, use high-contrast icons and buttons that are easy to see and understand, as well as keyboard and voice navigation. Inquire with your software outsourcing company about their designers’ familiarity with accessibility principles.

4.7. Progressive web application

Progressive web applications, or PWAs, are a web development trend used by businesses that do not see the need for or cannot afford to create a mobile app for their business. A PWA is a web page that can be placed on the home screen of a mobile device and accessed similarly to a mobile app. At the same time, because they are web pages, PWAs are more accessible to build than mobile apps and don’t require a lot of storage space or processing power.

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5. Technologies For Developing Medical Website

Websites for healthcare providers vary greatly, and much of the technology used will depend heavily on the exact list of features you wish to implement and the healthcare webs developers with whom you will collaborate. Our developers have compiled the technology they employ when working on healthcare projects. If you want to see an example, look at the table below.

Front-end JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Vue.js, React.js, Bootstrap, Highcharts
Backend Ruby on Rails, Elixir/Phoenix, Node.js, Sidekiq
Sign-up/sign-in Facebook API, Google API, Amazon SES
Data storage Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage
Databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
Scheduling Google Calendar API
Notifications Twilio
Video calls WebRTC, RTMP
Chat Firebase, Twilio
Payments PayPal, Stripe
Video/audio playback AWS Lambda, FFMpeg, m3u streams

6. Key Features of Medical Website Development

Medial Website Development 2

Whether you run a general practice hospital or a specialized clinic, you’ll need certain basic features.

The most basic option for a clinic website consists of only a few pages and virtually no on-site interactions. Here are the essential features for a basic healthcare website:

  1. The home page – This is where you introduce your facility and highlight everything important — the most popular procedures, any events, or information about your highly qualified doctors.
  2. Contact information – Provide a phone number, email address, and a contact form for your facility.
  3. The address of your clinic, as well as a map of its location.
  4. A page introducing your doctors and detailing their qualifications and work experience.
  5. Photos will enhance the page’s as well as your website’s professional and trustworthy appearance.
  6. Hours of operation – If your doctors have different schedules, providing hours for each doctor will be beneficial.
  7. Testimonials – As previously stated, most people look up information about doctors and clinics online. Positive reviews on your website may influence potential patients’ decisions.
  8. Pricing – Your prospective clients will want to know how much they will have to pay for your services. It may be advantageous to provide discounts, such as for the first visit, or to hold events. However, you must proceed with caution so as not to appear erratic.

The above information can even be implemented on a single scrollable page. A single-page application can also be created (SPA). An SPA is a website that rewrites content dynamically on a single page rather than reloading entire pages when a user moves between them. SPA content reloads faster than traditional website content, making this type of website more appealing to people with slow internet access or limited traffic.

However, if you want to gain a competitive advantage in the medical market, you’ll need a more sophisticated website. You’ll need a patient and doctor side, as well as an admin panel, on your website. A designated employee or a team of employees can manage the clinic’s side of the website in most modern clinics. These workers could be receptionists or medical assistants, and they could also be doctors.

According to experienced healthcare web developers, the following features are beneficial for any modern clinic.

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6.1. Individual patient profiles

When someone becomes (or wishes to become) a patient of your clinic, they will appreciate the dedicated space where all interactions with your clinic can be stored: all records of a patient’s previous and planned visits, issues that brought them to seek medical assistance, sample results, payment history, prescriptions, and more.

Even if your clinic specializes in one type of medical care, such as a dentist’s office, you still provide a variety of procedures and activities.

Having a personal space necessitates the inclusion of a signup/login feature in your medical practice website development. You might consider integrating registration via Facebook or Google for user convenience, but be cautious not to allow third parties access to your patient’s health information.

6.2. Scheduling

The ability to schedule an appointment online without making a phone call is beneficial to both patients and doctors. It reduces the workload of receptionists who schedule appointments for patients who call or visit the clinic.

To schedule appointments through a website, your medical website developers must create an interactive calendar that syncs with servers and updates frequently to avoid double bookings.

6.3. Notifications

Implement notifications to remind users of upcoming appointments, blood test results, or prescriptions that are ready for pickup. Push notifications are an option if you’re creating a PWA. You can use notifications in a personal space or an automatically triggered email or text message on a traditional website.

6.4. Base of knowledge

When they suspect they or someone they know is ill, they look for a doctor. You can create a knowledge base for the ailments you treat to make it easier for users to find doctors. This knowledge base’s information must be true and verified. It may include a general overview, symptoms, and treatment methods, among other things. People should always learn from a reputable source that is informed by the World Health Organization and compliant with health-related legislation rather than from a random person on Instagram who may or may not make things up.

6.5. Search

Users should be able to search for information on a large hospital’s website if they’re creating one.

  • Names of doctors
  • Departments
  • Procedures and tests
  • Symptoms
  • Keywords

A smaller specialized clinic, such as a dentist’s, gynecologist’s, or therapist’s office, will have fewer categories, but some.

6.6. Video consultations via the internet

Medical Website Development Savvycom 2

Telemedicine has been on the rise for some time now; it saves time for people who are always on the go, as well as people with disabilities who may have difficulty visiting a hospital. With the COVID-19 outbreak, telemedicine has become the primary option for healthcare, as hospitals have become overcrowded, sometimes quarantined, and people have been confined to their homes.

There are several methods for managing online consultations. The best option is to have a video chat option right on the website, but incorporating this type of functionality may prove to be a financial and technical challenge. Another option is to use an API to integrate a third-party video conferencing service, and this is less expensive, faster, and just as effective.

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A Dedicated Team might be the best solution in your case. Get in touch with us and we’ll help you choose the best IT outsourcing model based on your business needs and requirements.

6.7. Chat

Chat functionality can be used in conjunction with (or instead of) video conferencing functionality. For many people, on-site consultation with a medical specialist is more convenient than a phone call. Patients can also use a chat to book appointments and obtain prescriptions, as well as by clinics to notify patients of new appointment times and test results, send payment reminders, and so on.

6.8. Online transactions

If you’re delivering prescriptions or integrating online consultations into your website — whether through video, chat, or both — you’ll need to provide your users with ways to pay for services without having to visit the clinic. You’ll need to integrate a payment gateway for this. Choosing a payment service is critical. Such services have varying fees and terms of service, and your development firm can conduct research and present you with several options.

6.9. Admin Interface

Your clinic’s website will need to be managed. Designated employees, such as assistants or receptionists, will be responsible for checking and updating schedules, as well as sending patients any relevant information, such as test results. Administrators should also have the ability to add and remove doctors and other employees.

An admin panel’s design is typically much simpler than a client-side website’s. There’s no reason to make an admin panel look flashy, and a functional and efficient user experience is far more important than a beautiful interface.

7. Cost For Healthcare Website Development

You’ll need to know exactly what features you need, settle on a template, and select an outsourcing web development company to estimate the exact cost of medical clinic website development. Rates vary from one IT Company to the next. Based on the features mentioned above and our own design and development speeds, Savvycom can give you a very rough estimate.

The following experts would be required for a medical website development project:

  • Project manager
  • Web designer
  • Frontend developer
  • Backend developer
  • Quality assurance specialist

A hospital website development will take about 5 to 7 months to create. The development cost can start at $50.000. And you can hire more than one designer, frontend/backend developer, or QA specialist to expedite development. Of course, the price will rise under these circumstances.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can skip features you believe can wait and implement them later. However, we recommend preliminary research to determine whether certain features are essential. While the medical industry is still in its early stages of digitization, your competitors are also preparing. Proper research will assist you in prioritizing which features to implement.

8. Step-by-Steps Guide To Medical Website Development With Savvycom

Medical website design and development usually take several subsequent steps to ensure the most efficient product creation. Let’s consider them in detail.

Step 1: Initial Contact

  • Submit a project description on the our website.

  • The Delivery Manager will contact you within 24 hours to schedule a consultation.

  • Arrange a meeting with the team and request an NDA for confidentiality if necessary.

Step 2: Solution Design Stage

  • Meet with the medical web development team which includes a business analyst, a solution architect, and a designer.

  • Define your key business goals, work scope, main constraints, concerns, and basic quality attributes.

Step 3: Discovery Phase

The team translates agreed-upon requirements into a development plan, including:

  • Regulatory requirements depending on the region,
  • Creating a detailed feature list,
  • Analyzing business processes and creating documentation,
  • Conducting a quality attributes workshop,
  • Preparing an exact cost estimate for the project.

Step 4: Design and Prototyping

  • A UI/UX team creates a design concept for an intuitive user experience.

  • The team creates a prototype of the future medical website, considering all minor details.

  • After your approval, the design is forwarded to the development team.

Step 5: Development and Quality Assurance (QA)

  • Frontend and backend developers ensure the site functions correctly and quickly.

  • Frontend developers use JavaScript and TypeScript and the Angular and React frameworks.

  • Backend developers use languages like Ruby, Elixir, Python, PHP, Java, and use frameworks like Ruby On Rails and Phoenix.

  • Developers integrate cloud server platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and use APIs for third-party integrations.

  • QA accompanies each development stage and conducts regression testing upon completion.

Step 6: Release and Support

  • The team moves the completed site to the live server on the release day.

  • You receive all project materials, including links, specifications, and design details.

  • Post-release, you can continue cooperation with the provider for updates, new features, and bug fixes.

Covering everything from technology consulting to full-cycle product development and IT outsourcing, Savvycom has been harnessing the potential of digital technologies since 2009 to propel growth across multiple industries. Our expertise lies in building top-tier software solutions and products, complemented by a comprehensive suite of professional software development services tailored to your needs.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
  • Email:

A medical website should at least have these features: the homepage, contact information, location, a page for doctors' profiles, photos, operation hours, testimonials and a pricing page.

These are the most basic features that a medical website needs, so that its customers can have enough information about your healthcare facility.

The upcoming trends for medical website designs include: Responsive design, Flat design, Micro animation, Hamburger menu, Bright colors, Accessibility and Progressive Web App (PWA). 

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What Is Outsourcing in Healthcare? (2024): Comprehensive Review Tue, 12 Mar 2024 10:53:42 +0000 Outsourcing in healthcare involves the delegation of specific tasks or services to external providers, enabling healthcare organizations to streamline operations and focus on core functions, which has been used by numerous health organizations and facilities. By outsourcing non-core activities, healthcare institutions can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve patient care. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the topic of ‘What is outsourcing in healthcare?‘ Our aim is to provide you with valuable information about this essential support, including the types of services, benefits, and categories. Let’s get started!

What Is Digital Healthcare?

The importance of digital healthcare

The importance of digital healthcare

Digital healthcare combines technology like computers, connections, software development services, and sensors to transform how healthcare is provided. It includes things like electronic health records (EHRs), remote healthcare services, health apps for mobile devices, and wearable gadgets. These advancements make patient care more efficient, enable remote appointments, and help people take charge of their health before problems arise. The growth of digital healthcare shows a move towards personalized, data-based medicine, making treatments more accurate and involving patients more in their care. With its ability to improve results and make healthcare operations smoother, digital health solutions are changing the industry, promising better access, efficiency, and quality care for everyone.

Learn More On: What Is Healthcare Solution?

Overview Of Healthcare IT Outsourcing Market

According to Mordor Intelligence, a website specializing in healthcare IT outsourcing market research and analysis, digital healthcare is on the rise. The healthcare IT outsourcing market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 8.3% during the forecast period (2022-2027). The Covid-19 pandemic led to an increased demand for healthcare IT solutions. These solutions were crucial for maintaining accurate patient information, connecting patient records, and ensuring interoperability and cybersecurity.

Outsourcing healthcare market statistics table

Outsourcing healthcare market statistics table

Digital technology is crucial in modern healthcare, revolutionizing patient care and making healthcare organizations more efficient. Some of these technologies include Electronic medical record solution (EHRs), which simplify how data is managed, giving clinicians immediate access to complete patient information. Telemedicine allows remote consultations, making healthcare more accessible and convenient for patients. 

Moreover, AI diagnostics help detect diseases accurately and promptly, improving treatment results. Additionally, blockchain technology ensures that patient data exchange is secure, protecting sensitive medical information. These digital innovations transform how healthcare is delivered, leading to better patient outcomes and operational efficiency.

Overview Of Healthcare IT Outsourcing Market

According to Mordor Intelligence, a website specializing in healthcare IT outsourcing market research and analysis, digital healthcare is on the rise. The healthcare IT outsourcing market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 8.3% during the forecast period (2022-2027). The Covid-19 pandemic led to an increased demand for healthcare IT solutions. These solutions were crucial for maintaining accurate patient information, connecting patient records, and ensuring interoperability and cybersecurity.

Outsourcing market data statistics table in healthcare

Outsourcing market data statistics table in healthcare

For example: A study titled ‘Generation of a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)-based Ontology for Federated Feasibility Queries in the Context of COVID-19: Feasibility Study,’ published in the JMIR publication in April 2022, highlighted the significance of standardized data for COVID-19 patients across German hospitals using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) profiles. The study demonstrated the feasibility of automatically generating FHIR profiles for COVID-19 patients. As a result, COVID-19 had a significant impact on the growth of the healthcare IT outsourcing market during the pandemic period.

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Types Of Healthcare Process Outsourcing

In this section, we’ll explore various types of healthcare IT consulting processes, discussing each type in detail and illustrating how it enhances the overall efficiency of software outsourcing companies in healthcare.

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Healthcare coding and financial management

Types of healthcare process outsourcing

Types of healthcare process outsourcing

Managing healthcare coding and financial aspects poses significant challenges for hospitals and healthcare professionals. Unlike other industries, medical coding and billing involve complex processes that require a deep understanding of universal numeric and alphanumeric codes, such as the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), International Classification of Diseases (ICD), and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). Errors and delays in coding medical services and processing patient bills can occur without skilled personnel, potentially affecting revenue and compliance with regulations.

Outsourcing these functions to third-party coders provides a solution. These professionals have the expertise, tools, and resources to ensure accuracy and efficiency in billing processes. By delegating coding and billing tasks, healthcare providers can prioritize delivering quality patient care and advancing medical research, while also optimizing financial management practices within their clinics.

Claims management and processing

Managing claims is a vital part of healthcare administration, involving complex tasks like handling new insurance policies, gathering information from policyholders, ensuring account accuracy, and submitting claims to clearinghouses. Yet, maintaining error-free claims processing amidst the daily influx of multiple claims can be challenging. Outsourcing emerges as a solution to ensure accuracy and efficiency in this essential medical activity.

Healthcare outsourcing services have the technology and expertise required to swiftly and accurately handle large volumes of insurance claims. By outsourcing claims processing, healthcare organizations can streamline procedures, reduce errors, and speed up payment processing. With claims processing as their main focus, outsourcing firms alleviate concerns about distractions affecting claim accuracy, allowing healthcare professionals to focus on delivering quality patient care and managing other critical aspects of their practice.

Data input services in healthcare

In healthcare, accurate data entry is crucial because of the vast amounts of information generated daily by healthcare providers. From patient insurance details to test and lab reports, prescription and drug inventory, and other medical records, healthcare workers must manage this data meticulously while delivering patient care. Outsourcing data entry services in healthcare not only ensures accuracy but also helps manage the overwhelming volume of information efficiently.

By entrusting this task to specialized providers, healthcare organizations can save valuable time and resources for more critical activities. However, it’s essential to recognize that medical encoding is highly technical and complex, requiring expertise in healthcare processes. Therefore, partnering with a reliable healthcare process outsourcing provider with knowledgeable staff is crucial to ensure accurate and secure data management.

Medical record transcription

Medical transcription is crucial for maintaining detailed patient records. Often, medical professionals find themselves short on time for paperwork, resulting in audio files being stored for later transcription. These transcribed records encompass surgery notes, clinical summaries, and physician findings, serving as valuable references for physicians.

However, the traditional in-house transcription method poses risks of burnout and inaccuracies. Outsourcing medical transcription services to healthcare Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firms offers significant benefits. It saves costs linked to full-time assistants and ensures timely and accurate transcriptions. Moreover, outsourcing enhances efficiency by allowing medical professionals to focus on patient care rather than administrative tasks.

Receivables management

The last point is that outsourcing receivables management can significantly benefit healthcare providers by enhancing cash flow and reducing the administrative burden associated with chasing payments. Receivables management involves various tasks, such as following up on pending payments, investigating reasons for late payments and claims denials, providing accounts receivable recovery services, identifying deductible amounts, and generating routine reports for patients.

With changes in the healthcare system, managing accounts receivable has become increasingly challenging, prompting many hospitals to opt for healthcare process outsourcing for A/R management. Outsourcing finance and accounting services enables medical companies to maintain a healthy cash flow by preventing unpaid receivables from accumulating, thereby ensuring financial stability.

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A Dedicated Team might be the best solution in your case. Get in touch with us and we’ll help you choose the best IT outsourcing service based on your business needs and requirements.

What Are The Benefits Of Outsourcing In Healthcare?

Top 5 benefits of outsourcing in healthcare

Top 5 benefits of outsourcing in healthcare

Outsourcing in healthcare offers significant advantages that streamline operations and enhance patient care. Here’s a breakdown of its key benefits:

  • Cost savings and operational efficiencies: By delegating tasks, healthcare organizations trim expenses related to staff hiring, training, and overheads.
  • Access to specialized expertise and resources: Partnering with external providers grants access to specialized skills and resources not readily available in-house, which elevates service quality.
  • Focus on core competencies and strategic initiatives: Delegating non-core functions allows healthcare entities to concentrate on essential activities like patient care and research, fostering innovation and growth.
  • Scalability and flexibility in resource allocation: External partnerships enable healthcare facilities to adjust resources based on demand fluctuations, avoiding the commitments of permanent staff.
  • Improved compliance and regulatory adherence: External partners often specialize in regulatory compliance, ensuring healthcare organizations meet industry standards, minimizing the risk of penalties and legal issues.

Overall, IT outsourcing services in healthcare streamlines operations, enhances patient care, and improves organizational performance, making it a strategic choice for modern healthcare management.

Bottom Line: What Is Outsourcing In Healthcare?

Ensuring a positive and lasting patient experience is essential for healthcare companies. Healthcare process outsourcing offers a way to save time and resources while providing excellent patient care. By outsourcing tasks like medical billing, coding, and claims processing, companies can reclaim time and focus on their core strengths.

However, it’s important to remember that medical business process outsourcing requires careful consideration. It’s crucial to evaluate outsourcing vendors thoroughly and choose the one that best fits your needs. If you’re prepared to elevate your healthcare services, outsourcing may be the next step for your business. We hope our article, ‘What Is Outsourcing in Healthcare?’, will clarify things for you. Thank you!

From Tech Consulting to End-to-End Product Development and IT Outsourcing Services, Savvycom has been leading the charge since 2009. Our expertise in Digital Healthcare Technologies has driven business growth across diverse industries. Let us assist you in crafting top-notch software solutions and products, along with a comprehensive suite of professional services tailored to your needs. Partner with Savvycom and unlock the full potential of your healthcare endeavors today!

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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What Is Healthcare Solution? Can It Change The Medical Care Industry? Fri, 08 Mar 2024 09:55:36 +0000 With the rise of digital technology, healthcare solution providers have unprecedented opportunities to enhance patient outcomes and optimize operational processes. Yet, do we truly grasp the extent to which technology has revolutionized the medical field? Delve into our article titled “What is healthcare solution?” for a comprehensive understanding. Let’s dive in on this journey together and unravel the transformative impact of technology in healthcare.

What Is Healthcare Solution?

Healthcare Solutions: Numerous mobile solutions for health management

Healthcare Solutions: Numerous mobile solutions for health management

Healthcare solutions cover a wide range of technologies and methods aimed at improving patient care and simplifying healthcare processes. Here are some common types in digital healthcare:

  • Electronic health records (EHRs): These make data management efficient, allowing healthcare providers to access patient information easily.
  • Telemedicine: It uses the internet to provide remote consultations and medical services, breaking down geographical barriers and making healthcare more accessible.
  • Healthcare apps: These apps offer personalized health monitoring, medication reminders, and access to medical resources, empowering individuals to manage their health better.
  • Wearable technology: Devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches gather real-time health data, encouraging preventive healthcare practices.
  • Artificial intelligence: AI-powered diagnostic tools improve diagnostic accuracy, enabling early disease detection and personalized treatment plans.

Together, medical IT solutions help create a more integrated and patient-centered healthcare system by enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and the quality of care.

Learn More On: Integrating AI Into Healthcare Software Solutions: Benefits & Use CasesIoT Healthcare: The Future Landscape Of Healthcare Industry

Rethinking Traditional Healthcare: Is It Enough?

Traditional healthcare: Excellent but limiting

Traditional healthcare: Excellent but limiting

Traditional healthcare, rooted in age-old practices, garners both ardent supporters and vocal detractors. As we reassess our healthcare strategies, it’s crucial to consider the strengths and weaknesses of these time-tested methods. Below are pros and cons of traditional healthcare, these will be evidence of the need for intervention from digital solutions in healthcare.

Advantages of traditional healthcare

  • Reliability of Established Protocols: Traditional medicine benefits from centuries of accumulated knowledge. Its proven protocols offer a sense of reassurance, especially for ailments with historical remedies.
  • Personalized Consultations: The personal interaction in face-to-face consultations builds trust. Patients value individualized attention, which can significantly influence their healing process.
  • Hands-On Therapies: Traditional methods often involve tactile interventions like acupuncture, massage, or herbal remedies. These hands-on treatments resonate with patients seeking holistic care that goes beyond symptom management.

Limitations of traditional healthcare

  • Accessibility Challenges: Traditional healthcare isn’t universally accessible. Rural and remote areas, as well as underserved communities, face difficulties in accessing skilled practitioners and necessary treatments.
  • Time Constraints: Face-to-face consultations may result in long wait times. Patients may experience delays in receiving essential care, impacting their outcomes.
  • Potential for Misdiagnosis: Traditional medicine, relying on intuition and experience, may occasionally conflict with evidence-based diagnosis. This can lead to misdiagnosis and delayed or inappropriate treatments.

In our pursuit of a comprehensive healthcare system, it’s important to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of traditional practices. While face-to-face consultations and hands-on therapies are invaluable, addressing accessibility issues and integrating evidence-based approaches can propel us toward a more effective and compassionate healthcare model.

Are you in search of the perfect partner for healthcare app development?

Look no further! At Our Savvycom, a software development company, we take pride in our track record of collaborating with numerous startups in healthcare IT outsourcing. Let us assist you in analyzing, evaluating, and creating an effective roadmap tailored to your unique ideas. Our team is dedicated to building applications that align perfectly with your vision. Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation and take the first step towards bringing your healthcare app idea to life!

The Importance Of Digital Solutions In Healthcare

Digital solutions are essential in healthcare

Digital solutions are essential in healthcare

Well, in today’s world of healthcare, digital healthcare is really shaking things up and making a big difference in how patients are cared for and how their health gets better.

First off, they’re making healthcare more accessible by letting patients get care from wherever they are, breaking down those old barriers of distance. Besides, they’re making things run smoother by helping doctors diagnose, treat, and manage patients more efficiently.

But it’s not just about logistics. These solutions are also bringing patients into the picture more, giving them tools to monitor themselves, personalized care plans, and ways to chat with their healthcare team. It’s all about making healthcare feel more personal and tailored to each person.

Of course, there are challenges too, like making sure people’s private information stays safe and that everyone has equal access to these digital tools. But even with these challenges, there’s no denying the amazing potential of digital solutions in healthcare. They’re shaping a future where healthcare is easier to get, runs better, and focuses more on the person at the center of it all.

Can Healthcare IT Software Change The Medical Industry?

The answer is yes, but how can it change? In this section, we’ll explore the positive impacts of IT on medical support.

Learn More On: IoT Healthcare: The Future Landscape Of Healthcare Industry

How can IT solutions for the healthcare industry improve healthcare compliance?

The power of IT solutions for the healthcare

The power of IT solutions for the healthcare

Well, IT healthcare solutions play a vital role in improving healthcare compliance by offering sophisticated tools and systems to meet regulatory standards effectively. Whether it’s adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe, compliance is essential. Here’s how technology rises to the occasion:

  • Streamlined Reporting: Manual paperwork is a thing of the past. IT solutions automate compliance tasks, such as managing patient consent and maintaining audit trails. Real-time reporting enables healthcare providers to address deviations promptly, reducing the risk of non-compliance.
  • Enhanced Data Security: Patient information is highly sensitive. IT systems strengthen data security through robust encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection mechanisms. Regular vulnerability assessments and proactive threat monitoring protect against breaches.
  • Privacy Protection: IT solutions empower healthcare organizations to safeguard patient privacy. Adhering to GDPR guidelines ensures that personally identifiable information (PII) remains confidential. Consent management tools facilitate transparent communication with patients, giving them control over their data usage.

Thus, IT solutions are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring that healthcare compliance goes beyond mere checkboxes—it’s a commitment to patient well-being.

Unlocking insights from the COVID-19 crisis: The vital role of telehealth

Telehealth: Rising beyond the pandemic

Telehealth: Rising beyond the pandemic

“The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the pivotal role of Advanced Telehealth within Healthcare Technology Solutions in addressing global health challenges” affirmed by National Institutes of Health (NIH). In response to the imperative for social distancing and reduced in-person interactions, Healthcare IT consulting services have emerged as a critical resource. Through the implementation of healthcare technology solutions, the facilitation of remote consultations, monitoring, and treatment has been significantly enhanced.

The surge in telehealth utilization during this period highlights its potential to mitigate infection rates by effectively monitoring symptoms, promoting physical distancing, and ensuring uninterrupted patient care. As the healthcare landscape evolves amidst the pandemic, telehealth assumes an increasingly indispensable role. Anticipated advancements in technology herald improved patient-provider interactions and expanded healthcare accessibility.

Therefore, amidst the challenges posed by COVID-19, the significance of telehealth emerges as a beacon of hope for revolutionizing healthcare delivery and enhancing patient outcomes.

Forging the future: The dynamic pole in vaccine and medical product development

Healthcare and technology share a longstanding bond, with technology playing a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of healthcare solutions. In recent times, healthcare IT solution providers have been focusing their efforts on leveraging technological advancements to enhance the industry. The marriage of biotechnology and innovative supply chain solutions has propelled the healthcare sector forward, ensuring swifter and safer delivery of medical services. Biotechnological breakthroughs have revolutionized vaccine development, resulting in more effective vaccines. Simultaneously, innovations in supply chain management have optimized logistics, facilitating the timely distribution of vaccines and medical products worldwide.

Furthermore, we can be assured that digital healthcare plays a critical role in monitoring vaccine efficacy and patient responses, thereby streamlining healthcare systems’ operations. By integrating cutting-edge technologies, healthcare systems can effectively tackle global health challenges and improve access to life-saving vaccines and medical products. This seamless integration of technology into healthcare not only enhances efficiency but also ensures that vital healthcare resources reach those in need promptly and efficiently.


Our discussion on “What is healthcare solution?” has shed light on the vital integration of technology in healthcare. In essence, healthcare solutions represent a groundbreaking approach for the medical sector, merging state-of-the-art technology with compassionate patient care. Throughout our exploration, we have delved into the core of these solutions, assessed the merits and drawbacks of traditional healthcare practices, and highlighted the pivotal role of digital innovations. 

The emphasis on compliance, improved patient care, and the advancing realm of telehealth serves as evidence of this transformative journey. As we stand at the threshold of change, it is imperative to navigate these advancements with mindful equilibrium, ensuring that patient well-being and strict adherence to regulations remain paramount amidst progress. 

Since 2009, Savvycom has been at the forefront of healthcare solutions companies, leveraging the power of technology to support business growth across various industries. From Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development to IT Outsourcing Services, we specialize in delivering high-quality software development services and products tailored to your needs.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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Top Healthcare Analytics Companies: 2024 Comprehensive Review Wed, 06 Mar 2024 10:47:33 +0000 The healthcare data analysis industry has seen significant advancements over the past decade, as technology companies and software developing companies collaborate with medical centers to establish a comprehensive care data warehouse. This initiative aims to expand the options available for health analysis. However, with numerous companies operating in this field, finding what best fits your needs can be challenging. Not to worry, though! The article Top Healthcare Analytics Companies” will address all your concerns. Let’s dive in together!

What are healthcare analytics?

Healthcare analytics involves turning medical data into useful insights to enhance patient outcomes and operational efficiency. It employs statistical methods and technology to uncover patterns and trends within extensive health data. An essential aspect of predictive analytics in healthcare is its utilization of machine learning and algorithms to forecast future outcomes using past data.

For example, predictive healthcare analytics solutions can pinpoint patients with a high risk of chronic diseases, enabling early intervention and preventive measures. Consequently, healthcare analytics, especially predictive analytics, are crucial for promoting proactive and tailored patient care.

Quick look at data analysis in the healthcare industry: Market value

Before we introduce you to the top healthcare analytics companies, we want to share some information about the market value that this field has achieved.

According to Precedence Research, a renowned name in market research and data analysis in the healthcare industry, has analyzed that the global healthcare predictive analytics market experienced substantial growth, reaching USD 14.43 billion in 2023. Projections suggest it will soar to approximately USD 98.54 billion by 2032, marking a notable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 23.80% during the forecast period spanning from 2023 to 2032.

Access Big Data in Healthcare Intelligence Tool with a Database of 10,000+ Entries.

Source: Precedence Research

Access Big Data in Healthcare Intelligence Tool with a Database of 10,000+ Entries. Source: Precedence Research

This analysis underscores the thriving nature of the healthcare analytics market, attributable to several factors including the swift integration of new technologies, significant investments from the healthcare sector, and supportive governmental initiatives. Healthcare analytics plays a pivotal role in enhancing various facets of healthcare delivery, encompassing operational efficiency, population health management, quality enhancement, cost mitigation, and improved patient outcomes.

Learn More On: IoT Healthcare: The Future Landscape Of Healthcare Industry

Key components for healthcare analytics companies

Health data analysis companies play a crucial role in providing health information to individuals and organizations, yet each operates differently in analyzing this data. Whether you’re considering building your analytics platform in-house or opting for external solutions, the initial step remains consistent: understanding your organization’s goals. This clarity helps streamline options and pinpoints why a supplier is needed and why the timing is crucial. Is it about cost, reclaiming time, or something else? The rationale should reflect thorough research, time allocation, and budgeting for change.

So, when selecting a provider, several key points merit considerations:

  • Experience and Expertise: Seek a company with a track record in delivering successful healthcare analytics solutions across diverse clients and sectors. Look for expertise that matches your specific data and analytics requirements, ensuring valuable insights and recommendations.
  • Customizable Applications and Integrations: Prioritize a provider capable of tailoring solutions to your goals and seamlessly integrating with existing data sources and systems. Ensure they can manage your data volume and complexity while maintaining quality and accuracy.
  • Warehousing Capabilities: Choose a provider adept at securely managing your data and owning a big healthcare data warehouse, making it accessible and usable. Look for capabilities in data cleaning, standardization, and providing necessary tools for analysis.
  • Reporting Capabilities: Opt for a provider offering timely, relevant reports and dashboards showcasing key performance indicators and metrics. Seek actionable suggestions and evidence-based feedback for performance enhancement.
  • Maintenance and Security: Ensure the provider can maintain and update solutions as your needs evolve while safeguarding data from cyber threats and complying with relevant regulations.
  • Training and Customer Support: Look for comprehensive training and customer support offerings to facilitate effective utilization of healthcare analytics solutions, with responsive assistance for any encountered issues or challenges.

By considering these business analytics in the healthcare industry, you can select the most suitable healthcare analytics company for your organization, leveraging the benefits and advantages of healthcare analytics effectively and efficiently.

Are you in search of the perfect partner for healthcare app development?

A Look no further! At Our Savvycom, an IT Outsourcing Company, we take pride in our track record of collaborating with numerous startups in the healthcare analytics industry. Let us assist you in analyzing, evaluating, and creating an effective roadmap tailored to your unique ideas. Our team is dedicated to building applications that perfectly align with your vision. Reach out to us today for a complimentary consultation and take the first step towards bringing your healthcare app idea to life!.

Top healthcare analytics companies you need to know about

After discussing the important considerations for selecting a digital healthcare company, this section aims to simplify your decision-making process by providing researched and compiled reviews of the top healthcare analytics companies. These evaluations encompass the following criteria:

  • Customer Reviews: A dependable gauge of reliability.
  • Range of Services: The variety of services offered.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendliness of the platform.
  • Cost Efficiency: Affordability and value provided.
  • Popularity Among Healthcare Providers: The level of acceptance and utilization within the healthcare community.
Learn More On: Top 15 Healthcare App Ideas For Healthcare Startups In 2024

IBM Watson Health

IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is a global technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States

IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) is a global technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States

IBM Watson Health is a standout in the world of healthcare analytics, using the incredible potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to uplift performance, outcomes, and cost-effectiveness for healthcare organizations. What sets IBM Watson Health apart is its knack for offering comprehensive and adaptable solutions tailored to meet a range of challenges and opportunities within the healthcare sector. From aiding clinical decision-making to managing population health, promoting value-based care, driving research and development, and even advancing personalized medicine, IBM Watson Health covers it all.

Who benefits from IBM Watson Health? Well, just about anyone in healthcare—whether providers, payers, researchers, life sciences companies, or government agencies—looking to tap into the transformative power of AI and data to revamp and refine their healthcare services. Born in 2015 as part of IBM, a global tech powerhouse known for pushing boundaries and fostering innovation, IBM Watson Health is dedicated to reshaping the health provision landscape through groundbreaking healthcare technology and insights.

Science Soft

Advanced healthcare made personal

Advanced healthcare made personal

Established in 1989 by a team of medical data analysts and computer science experts, ScienceSoft stands out as a premier healthcare analytics company. Specializing in tailored and off-the-shelf solutions, ScienceSoft caters to diverse healthcare sectors including hospitals, clinics, labs, pharmacies, and health insurance providers. 

The strength lies in delivering adaptable and scalable healthcare analytics solutions that precisely target the unique challenges and objectives of each client. Whether it’s enhancing clinical outcomes, streamlining operational efficiency, cutting costs, or elevating patient satisfaction, ScienceSoft is the go-to choice. The solutions are designed to accommodate healthcare organizations of all sizes and types, empowering them to harness the transformative potential of data and analytics to elevate their healthcare services and processes.


Achieving better health care one patient at a time

Achieving better health care one patient at a time

Established in 2002, Arcadia Analytics, headquartered in Boston, leads the way in revolutionizing healthcare experiences with data-driven insights. Through its cloud-based data platform, Arcadia empowers healthcare providers to elevate care quality, foster strategic growth, and attain financial success. Services encompass EHR integration, financial optimization for value-based care and FFS payment models, STARS/HEDIS performance, and precise risk adjustment. Furthermore, Arcadia’s customer insights team facilitates seamless scalability, integration, and customization, tailored to each organization’s unique requirements.

Health Catalyst

A transforming, healing presence

A transforming, healing presence

Established in 2008 by Steven C. Barlow, Health Catalyst is a leading provider of data and analytics technology for healthcare organizations. Their machine learning-driven solutions streamline data integration across the healthcare ecosystem. Health Catalyst focuses on reducing report building time and enhancing cost efficiency by eliminating redundant data. Key services offered include EHR integration, health informatics, and risk and revenue cycle management, catering to diverse healthcare needs with precision and efficiency.


A family of hospitals for your family

A family of hospitals for your family

Founded in 1993, MedeAnalytics stands out for its user-friendly platform, seamless interoperability, and adaptable approach, fostering strong client relationships and a comprehensive viewpoint. Tailored for global healthcare organizations, MedeAnalytics provides real-time data integration and cloud computing solutions.

MedeAnalytics’ platform features intuitive visualization, predictive analytics, and benchmarking tools, empowering users to make informed decisions across the healthcare spectrum. Their MedeAdopt program facilitates seamless onboarding with comprehensive training materials and integrated, in-app messaging, elevating user proficiency and experience.


Increase speed to value. An ecosystem of healthcare data at your fingertips

Increase speed to value. An ecosystem of healthcare data at your fingertips

Established in 2010, Prognos leads the way in advancing business intelligence for healthcare institutions. It specializes in converting diagnostic and transactional data into actionable insights, utilizing state-of-the-art technology to streamline healthcare analytics. With a focus on prioritizing analysis over data ingestion, its health data marketplace and clinical solutions deliver quicker results. 

Prognos serves organizations in need of pre-integrated, patient-specific data, making it perfect for customizing research analytics and enhancing existing datasets. This tailored integration enables teams to efficiently address various healthcare research requirements.


Statistical Analysis System

Statistical Analysis System

SAS has been around since 1976, blazing a trail in business analytics solutions for a variety of industries, from agriculture to banking and healthcare. In the realm of healthcare, SAS is especially noteworthy for its use of cutting-edge technologies like AI, image analytics, and machine learning. These innovations enhance the precision of clinical practices.

Thanks to its collaboration with Microsoft, SAS ensures that users have quick access to the latest advancements while enjoying the convenience of using familiar Microsoft tools for seamless data management. SAS solutions cater to various healthcare needs, including population health, healthcare operations, and financial management.

UnitedHealth Group

UnitedHealth Group is renowned for its presence among the top healthcare analytics companies

UnitedHealth Group is renowned for its presence among the top healthcare analytics companies

UnitedHealth Group has been a key player in healthcare since 1977, known for shaking things up and making healthcare more accessible and better in quality. They’re famous for their top-notch health insurance and managed care services, serving everyone from individuals to families, and even big employers and government bodies. Plus, working at UnitedHealth Group comes with perks like paid time off, help with tuition, and parental leave, creating a workplace that’s supportive and caring.

When it comes to digital healthcare, UnitedHealth Group is all about using fancy tech stuff like data analytics, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence to make sure patients get the best care possible and to make healthcare operations run smoothly.


Explore one of the top healthcare analytics companies

Explore one of the top healthcare analytics companies

Merative is a trusted partner in the healthcare industry, focusing on data, analytics, and technology to transform decision-making and performance. Although the exact founding year isn’t specified, Merative brings almost five decades of experience in blending reliable technology with deep industry knowledge.

Specializing in healthcare analytics solutions, Merative creates personalized care experiences by using health data to provide actionable insights. Their technology stack includes cutting-edge tools and platforms like Health Insights, MarketScan, Clinical Development, and Social Program, giving healthcare organizations comprehensive data-driven solutions.


McKesson's friendly website interface

McKesson’s friendly website interface

McKesson Corporation has been a cornerstone in healthcare services since 1833, originally starting with pharmaceutical distribution. Known for its wholesale medical supplies, pharmaceutical distribution, and healthcare technology solutions, McKesson serves a broad range of healthcare needs. Its services are especially valuable for healthcare organizations looking for complete management and distribution solutions.

Thus, McKesson stays ahead with cutting-edge technology in digital healthcare, offering advanced solutions for optimized operations and improved patient care.


Throughout the article, we’ve delved into healthcare analytics, offering insights into key considerations and the global market value it holds, alongside highlighting the top healthcare analytics companies for 2024. With all this information at your disposal, selecting the right healthcare analytics company hinges on your organization’s specific objectives. It’s crucial to strategize beforehand to proactively weed out any options that may not align with your needs.

From Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development to IT Outsourcing Services! Since 2009, Savvycom has been harnessing the power of technologies that support business’ growth across the variety of industries. We can help you to build high-quality software solutions and products as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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Top 15 Healthcare App Ideas for Healthcare Startups In 2024 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:00:49 +0000 Over the past three years, the healthcare app development sector has experienced an unprecedented surge, largely fueled by advancements in digital technologies and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The onset of the global health crisis underscored the need for remote, on-demand healthcare services, giving birth to an explosion of telehealth and remote monitoring applications. From 2020 to 2023, the healthcare app development market evolved at an accelerated pace, experiencing technological innovations, regulatory changes, and new consumer expectations in rapid succession.

The State Of Healthcare App Development

Healthcare App Ideas Savvycom 1

The COVID-19 pandemic was a key driver in this transformation. With lockdowns and social distancing measures restricting face-to-face medical consultations, patients and healthcare providers rapidly adopted digital platforms. Telemedicine apps became crucial for remote diagnoses, consultations, and follow-up appointments, providing a lifeline to medical solution services for millions of people worldwide. Similarly, mental health apps saw a significant increase in usage, as the pandemic took a toll on global mental health.

Additionally, there was an increased interest in fitness and wellness apps, as people sought to maintain their physical and mental well-being while confined to their homes. Overall, the pandemic has not only driven the rapid growth of the healthcare app market but also reshaped the future trajectory of healthcare, making digital healthcare an integral part of medical care delivery. It’s clear that healthcare app development will continue to be a dynamic, high-growth sector as we move beyond the pandemic era.

Indeed, it’s crucial to have quantifiable data to understand the growth and impact of healthcare app development over the last three years. So, here are some key statistics and trends:

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  • The global digital health market, which includes healthcare apps, was valued at $96.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $295.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 15.1% during this period.
  • Telemedicine Apps: The telemedicine market size was valued at $49.9 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $396.76 billion by 2027. This shows a tremendous growth of telemedicine apps due to the pandemic.
  • Mental Health Apps: With the increased stress and anxiety levels due to COVID-19, the global mental health apps market witnessed a spike, projected to reach $3.9 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 17.6% from 2021 to 2027.
  • Fitness and Wellness Apps: In 2020, health and fitness app downloads grew by 30% according to App Annie. The pandemic led to an increased awareness of health and fitness, making these apps more popular than ever.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: The number of patients monitored remotely rose by 44% in 2020 according to Berg Insight. The pandemic has underscored the importance of monitoring patients outside of traditional healthcare settings.

These statistics highlight the massive shift towards digital healthcare solutions in recent years, a trend which is poised to continue beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Top 15 Healthcare and Medical App Ideas 

1. Telemedicine Apps

Healthcare App Ideas Savvycom 3

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine apps have gained widespread popularity. They connect patients with healthcare professionals digitally, allowing for remote consultations, prescription renewals, and follow-ups.

Telemedicine apps, such as Amwell, bring medical care right into your living room. Amwell connects users with board-certified doctors 24/7, allowing them to get immediate medical attention without having to leave home. Standout features include real-time video consultations, immediate appointments, and specialty care access.

Learn More On: Telemedicine App Development

2. Mental Health Apps

Mental health awareness is on the rise, making apps that offer therapy sessions, stress management techniques, and mindfulness practices an ideal venture for healthcare startups. Headspace is a mental health app providing mindfulness and meditation sessions. Its standout features include sessions tailored for stress, sleep, focus, and anxiety, and it also provides “SOS” sessions for crisis situations.

3. Fitness Tracking Apps

Healthcare App Ideas Savvycom 6

These applications provide personalized diet plans, track calorie intake, and offer healthy recipes, assisting users in maintaining a balanced diet. An app like MyFitnessPal not only tracks physical activity but also integrates with over 50 other fitness apps and devices to provide a comprehensive view of your health. Its standout features include personalized workout plans, an extensive food database, and a supportive user community.

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4. Diet and Nutrition Apps

These applications provide personalized diet plans, track calorie intake, and offer healthy recipes, assisting users in maintaining a balanced diet. Noom uses psychology-based approaches to help users make healthier food choices. Standout features include personalized meal planning, one-on-one coaching, and easy food logging.

5. Medication Reminder Apps

Non-adherence to medication can lead to serious health complications. Apps that send reminders to take medicine on time can be a game-changer in healthcare management. An app like Medisafe sends users reminders to take their medications on time. It also provides information about each medicine, tracks doctor appointments, and monitors health measurements like blood pressure and weight.

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6. Chronic Disease Management Apps

Apps specifically designed to monitor and manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma can help patients manage their health better. MySugr is an app dedicated to simplifying life for people with diabetes. Its standout features include automatic blood sugar logging, insulin bolus calculator, and integration with other diabetes monitoring devices.

7. Women’s Health Apps

Healthcare App Ideas Savvycom 5

Apps focusing on women’s health, including menstrual cycle tracking, fertility predictions, and pregnancy guidance, are increasingly sought after. Clue provides cycle tracking and predictions for your menstrual cycle, fertility window, and PMS. Standout features include reminders for your period or contraceptive, integration with health apps, and an educational content database on female health.

Learn More On: Guide On Women’s Health App Development

8. Elder Care Apps

These apps provide features such as medication reminders, emergency contact services, and health checkup schedules, aimed at ensuring the well-being of the elderly.

CareZone makes it simpler to take care of aging parents. Features like a shared calendar, medication reminders, a place to store important health information, and the ability to coordinate with other caregivers make it a standout choice.

9. Healthcare Provider Directory Apps

An app that lists healthcare providers, rates them based on user feedback, and offers appointment booking features would be an invaluable resource for patients.

Zocdoc allows users to find and book doctors based on specialty, location, and insurance. Standout features include real patient reviews, in-app appointment booking, and reminders for check-ups and follow-ups.

10. Medical Learning Apps

These can be a treasure trove of information for medical students and professionals, offering access to study materials, journals, case studies, and interactive content.

Medscape is a leading resource for medical students and professionals. Standout features include access to medical news, drug information, medical calculators, continuing medical education (CME) activities, and a community of healthcare professionals.

11. Health Insurance Apps

Healthcare App Ideas Savvycom 2

Making health insurance plans, claims, and processes easily accessible via an app can significantly simplify healthcare finance management. An app like Oscar Health brings transparency to health insurance. Standout features include digital healthcare ID, doctor on-call feature, and easy tracking of deductible and out-of-pocket maximums.

Learn More On: Mental Health App Development 2023

12. EHR (Electronic Health Records) Apps

Digitizing patients’ health records can streamline healthcare services, enabling easy access to records for both patients and doctors.

MyChart offers patients personalized and secure online access to their medical records. Standout features include secure messaging with your care team, appointment scheduling, and access to test results.

13. Health and Wellness Gaming Apps

Combining gaming with health and fitness can result in engaging apps that motivate users to stay active and healthy. Zombies, Run! makes fitness fun by turning your run into a zombie survival mission. Standout features include an immersive audio experience, personalized training plans, and the ability to track your runs.

14. Personal Health Assistant Apps

These apps can analyze health data and provide personalized health tips, risk assessments, and lifestyle recommendations. Ada is a personal health assistant app that uses AI to help users understand and manage their health. Standout features include an AI-powered symptom checker, detailed health reports, and the option to share reports with healthcare professionals.

15. Sleep Tracker Apps

Healthcare App Ideas Savvycom 4

A quality sleep tracker can help users understand their sleep patterns, identify issues, and improve their sleep hygiene. SleepScore uses patented sonar technology to measure the quality and quantity of your sleep. Standout features include a comprehensive sleep analysis, personalized insights and tips, and product recommendations based on your sleep patterns.

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How an App Development Team from Savvycom will look like

Creating a successful application (app) development team requires assembling individuals with a diverse set of skills. Depending on the complexity and size of the project, teams can vary significantly in size and structure. However, here is a general breakdown of the key roles involved in an app development team:

  1. Product Manager: This person oversees the entire project, setting the vision, strategy, and goals for the product. They prioritize feature development based on market research, user feedback, and business needs. They also coordinate with all members of the team to ensure everyone is working toward the same objectives.
  2. Project Manager: Unlike the product manager who focuses on the product’s success, the project manager focuses on the process. They create the project schedule, manage resources, mitigate risks, handle communication between team members, and ensure the project stays on track and within budget.
  3. UX/UI Designers: These professionals are responsible for the app’s design and interface. The UX (User Experience) designer researches and creates the app’s structure and flow to ensure a seamless user experience, while the UI (User Interface) designer focuses on the app’s look and feel. They design the graphical elements to make the app aesthetically pleasing and intuitive to use.
  4. Mobile App Developers: These are the people who will actually build the app. You will need iOS developers if you’re building an app for Apple devices and Android developers for Android devices. If you’re developing for both platforms, consider hiring developers who specialize in cross-platform development frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin.
  5. Backend Developers: While the mobile developers focus on the app that users interact with, backend developers work on the server-side technologies that power the app, such as databases and server logic. They ensure that the data exchange between the server and the user-side application is fast, secure, and functional.
  6. QA/Testers: Quality Assurance professionals and testers ensure that the app is functioning as intended. They test the app for bugs, glitches, and any other issues that could negatively affect the user experience. They work closely with developers to identify and resolve these issues.
  7. DevOps Engineer: DevOps engineers are responsible for managing the app’s deployment and ongoing updates. They make sure the process is smooth and without any downtime that could disrupt users. They also work on system improvements and optimizations.
  8. Data Analysts: They analyze user data to measure the performance of the app. They generate insights from this data to help improve the app and make data-driven decisions.
  9. Security Experts: These professionals ensure that the application is secure and that user data is protected. They work on preventing hacking attempts, data breaches, and other security threats.

From Tech Consulting, End-to-End Product Development to best build tech team in Vietnam! Since 2009, Savvycom has been harnessing the power of Digital Technologies that support business’ growth across the variety of industries. We can help you to build high-quality software solutions and products as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services.

Savvycom is right where you need. Contact us now for further consultation:

  • Phone: +84 24 3202 9222
  • Hotline: +84 352 287 866 (VN)
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HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a law in the United States that sets standards for the privacy and security of health information. It is crucial for healthcare apps to be HIPAA-compliant if they handle protected health information (PHI) of U.S. patients to avoid heavy fines and legal consequences.

Features can vary widely depending on the type of healthcare app, but they might include appointment scheduling, medication reminders, telemedicine consultations, health information sharing, patient portals, secure messaging, e-prescriptions, medical records storage, health tracking, and integration with wearable devices.

Healthcare apps can enhance patient engagement by making healthcare more accessible and convenient. Patients can use these apps to schedule appointments, communicate with their doctors, manage their medications, track their health progress, and access educational resources. This increased involvement can lead to better health outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Telemedicine is the remote delivery of healthcare services using technology. It allows patients to consult with healthcare professionals via video call, audio call, or chat within the app, reducing the need for in-person visits. This can be particularly beneficial for patients in remote areas, those with mobility issues, or during public health crises like a pandemic.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in various ways within healthcare apps. For instance, AI can power chatbots that answer patient queries, predictive algorithms that alert to potential health risks, image recognition systems for diagnostic purposes, or personal health assistant features.

The development timeline for a healthcare app can vary based on the complexity of the app, the number of features, the experience of the development team, and other factors. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few months to over a year.

The cost of app development depends on several factors, including the complexity and scope of the app, the rates of the developers, the technology used, and more. It could range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Top 10 Use Cases Conversational AI in Healthcare Sat, 20 Jan 2024 03:00:22 +0000 New instruments and technology have always played a significant role in medicine. One of the more interesting new discoveries is the emergence of artificial intelligence systems such as conversational AI for healthcare.

Conversational AI is changing how healthcare providers engage with patients by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML). From booking appointments to monitoring conditions, conversational AI has multiple uses that improve the healthcare experience for both patients and clinicians. In this article, let’s look at the top 10 use cases of conversational AI in healthcare and considerations for effective implementation.

  • Rising Adoption Rates: According to a study by Grand View Research, the global chatbot market size was expected to reach $1.25 billion by 2025, with businesses across various industries adopting chatbot technology to improve customer service and streamline operations.
  • Customer Service: One of the most significant areas of chatbot implementation was customer service. Gartner predicted that by 2022, 70% of customer interactions would involve emerging technologies such as machine learning applications, chatbots, or mobile messaging.
  • 24/7 Availability: Chatbots provide businesses with the ability to offer round-the-clock customer support, which is especially valuable for global companies serving customers in different time zones.
  • Cost Savings: By automating repetitive tasks and reducing the need for human agents to handle basic queries, businesses can save on operational costs. Juniper Research estimated that chatbots could save businesses up to $8 billion per year by 2022.
  • Improved Customer Experience: As chatbots continue to advance in their capabilities, they offer more personalized and context-aware interactions, leading to enhanced customer experiences.
  • Integration with Messaging Platforms: Chatbots have been integrated with popular messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Slack, making them easily accessible to customers where they already spend much of their time.
  • E-commerce and Sales: Businesses in the e-commerce sector have leveraged chatbots to assist with product recommendations, order tracking, and upselling.
  • Human Resources: Chatbots have also been employed in HR departments to answer employee queries, manage onboarding processes, and provide general HR-related information.
  • Analytics and Insights: Chatbot interactions can provide valuable data and insights into customer preferences, pain points, and frequently asked questions, which businesses can use to improve their products and services.

What is Conversational AI for Healthcare?

Regular chatbot vs. Conversational AI

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It is critical to understand that conversational AI is not a chatbot. While the phrases chatbot, virtual assistant, and conversational AI are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not all made equal.

Chatbots are basically programs that automate conversations. It means that a user may ask the chatbot a question and get a quick response without waiting for someone to assist. Chatbots, however, do not have to use artificial intelligence, and many do not. In fact, the majority of today’s chatbots give straightforward replies to a specific set of questions using scripted, pre-defined responses and rule-based programming.

Conversational AI, on the other hand, uses natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend the context and “parse” human language in order to deliver adaptable responses.

What is true Conversational AI?

Conversational AI combines advanced automation, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing (NLP) to enable robots to comprehend and respond to human language.

Conversational AI in healthcare provides deeper analysis and intent recognition, allowing it to assist patients beyond contextual or grammatical errors. Conversational AI does not require patients to match specific “keywords” in order to receive a comprehensive answer or consultation. NLP enables the model to comprehend the text rather than simply scanning for a few words to get a response.

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Top 10 use cases of conversational AI in healthcare

Let’s take a look at the use cases for conversational AI in healthcare and some examples of its integrations in this section.

1. Answer queries

Patients frequently have pressing inquiries that require immediate answers but may not necessitate the attention of a staff member. The good news is that most customers prefer self-service over speaking to someone, which is good news for personnel-strapped healthcare institutions.

Because it reduces many of the common issues of FAQ sections on healthcare providers’ websites, conversational AI is the best solution for self-service in healthcare. Users may struggle to identify the most appropriate response to their query using the website search tool, for example, since they aren’t using the same vocabulary as the FAQ. Alternatively, they may have a number of queries that need them to navigate to various sites.

Intelligent conversational interfaces address this issue by utilizing NLP to offer helpful replies to all questions without requiring the patient to look elsewhere. Furthermore, conversational AI may match the proper answer to a question even if its pose differs significantly across users and does not correspond with the precise terminology on-site.

2. Symptom checking

When we have minor health problems, many of us turn to Google for answers. Although the internet is an amazing source of medical information, it does not provide personalized advice.

Conversational AI may diagnose symptoms and medical triaging and allocate care priorities as needed. These systems may be used as step-by-step diagnosis tools, guiding users through a series of questions and allowing them to input their symptoms in the right sequence. The benefit is that the AI conversational bot converses with you while evaluating your data. Some symptoms may indicate something dangerous that demands immediate attention.

Conversational AI systems do not face the same limitations in this area as traditional chatbots, such as misspellings and confusing descriptions. Even if a person is not fluent in the language spoken by the chatbot, conversational AI can give medical assistance. In these cases, conversational AI is far more flexible, using a massive bank of data and knowledge resources to prevent diagnostic mistakes.

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3. Appointment scheduling

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Managing appointments is one of a healthcare facility’s most demanding yet vital tasks. While appointment scheduling systems are now very popular, they are sometimes inflexible and unintuitive, prompting many patients to disregard them in favor of dialing the healthcare institution.

  • Conversational AI systems make it easy for patients to schedule appointments without the hassles of a sophisticated user interface. Patients can easily arrange an appointment with their favorite practitioner or reschedule or cancel an existing appointment.
  • The benefit of conversational AI in appointment scheduling is that it serves as a big database of clinics, doctors, and up-to-date schedules, allowing patients to match their specific timetables.
  • It can do more than just create, reschedule, or cancel appointments; it can also send reminders and other important information, such as whether a patient needs to bring a particular document to the appointment or need someone to help them after a procedure.
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4. Medical Triaging

Undertriaging and overtriaging both result in unfavorable conditions for the patient or the healthcare providers. What part does conversational AI play in this situation, then?

In certain situations, conversational AI in healthcare has made better triaging judgments than certified professionals with a deeper examination of patients’ symptoms and medical history.

While an AI-powered chatbot can help with medical triage, it still requires additional human attention and supervision. The outcomes will be determined by the datasets and model training for conversational AI. Nonetheless, this technology has enormous promise and might produce superior outcomes with sufficient funding.

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5. Health & Medication management

Conversational AI has the potential to aid both doctors and patients in terms of medication management and adherence. In healthcare, AI-powered chatbots evaluate your patients’ lifestyle behaviors, preferences, and medical history to produce tailored daily reminders and guidance.

By implementing a conversational AI tool, you can help your patients:

  • Make precise information regarding their medication and regimen freely available
  • Keep track of the remaining medicine and get alerted when a refill is needed
  • Take their medication according to prescription by delivering alerts throughout the day
  • Maintain their motivation to stick to the routine

For doctors, AI’s analytical capabilities provide access to structured dashboards where all information gathered about each patient finds its home. Adherence rates, medication numbers, and treatment check-ins are all available with a single click for each patient.

6. Mental health support and counseling

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AI chatbots that have been upgraded with NLP can interpret your input and provide replies that are appropriate to your conversational style. However, matching the tone of speech is insufficient for mental health.

When AI chatbots are trained by psychology scientists by overseeing their replies, they learn to be empathic. Conversational AI is able to understand your symptoms and provide consolation and comfort to help you feel heard whenever you disclose any medical conditions you are struggling with.

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7. Patient Engagement and Post-Treatment Care

The number of interactions patients have with healthcare experts varies significantly depending on their stage of treatment. For example, post-treatment patients may have frequent check-ups with a doctor, but they are otherwise responsible for following their post-treatment plan.

However, if the patient misunderstands a post-care plan instruction or fails to complete particular activities, their recovery outcomes may suffer. A conversational AI system can help overcome that communication gap and assist patients in their healing process. For example, the patient could submit information regarding what post-care steps they have taken and where they are in their treatment plan. In turn, the system might give reminders for crucial acts and, if necessary, alert a physician.

8. Patient insights 

Conversational AI systems are designed to collect and track mountains of patient data constantly. That data is a true gold mine of vital insights for healthcare practitioners, which can be leveraged to help make smarter decisions that improve the patient experience and quality of care.

For example, the conversational AI system records numerous instances of patients attempting to schedule appointments with podiatrists but failing to do so within a reasonable timeline. A study of the data would reveal this reoccurring pattern, and the healthcare organization may then determine that they may need to hire more podiatrists to meet patient demand.

Furthermore, by watching and evaluating how patients interact with the conversational AI system, healthcare providers may immediately fix any gaps in care. The questions patients ask can reveal a lot about their degree of medical literacy, whether they find certain parts of attending the clinic challenging, and so on. This might help you determine what kind of information you should put in front of patients and what you should leave out to make their encounters more pleasant and enlightening.

9. Automation of Administrative Tasks

On a daily basis, thousands of administrative tasks must be completed in medical centers, and while they are completed, they are not always done properly. Employees, for example, are frequently required to move between applications, look for endless forms, or track down several departments to complete their duties, resulting in wasted time and frustration.

An intelligent conversational AI platform can simplify this process by allowing employees to submit requests, communicate updates, and track statuses, all within the same system and in the form of a natural dialogue.

Conversational AI may simplify and streamline the onboarding process, help patients through the prescription request process, enable them to update crucial information such as their address or a change in circumstances, and much more.

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10. Public Health Information Dissemination

A critical takeaway from the COVID-19 pandemic is that disinformation is the only thing that spreads faster than a virus. Even without a pandemic threat, misleading health information can inflict significant harm to individuals and communities.

Conversational AI has the potential to enable governments and institutions to establish a reliable source of information about the virus’s transmission. For example, in the case of a public health crisis such as COVID-19, a conversational AI system may distribute recommended advice such as washing your hands for 20 seconds, maintaining social distance, and wearing a face covering.

It can also suggest when someone should attend a healthcare institution, when they should self-isolate, and how to manage their symptoms. Advanced conversational AI systems also keep up with the current guidelines, ensuring that the advice is constantly updated with the latest science and best practices.

Considerations for deploying conversational AI in healthcare

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To successfully adopt conversational AI in the healthcare industry, there are several key factors to be considered.

1. Setting goals and objectives

Setting goals and objectives for conversational AI implementation in the healthcare industry involves defining specific actions such as improving patient engagement, reducing administrative workload, and improving care delivery efficiency. Conversational AI implementation requires coordination between IT teams and healthcare professionals, who must frequently monitor and evaluate the technology’s performance. Such information ensures that it continues to accomplish its objectives while also catering to patient demands.

2. Selecting the right communication channels

Conversational AI in healthcare communication channels must be carefully selected for successful execution. Ideal channels are ones that patients easily access and integrate seamlessly with existing systems. Voice assistants, bots, and messaging platforms are some of the most often used choices for meeting the demands of various patients.

3. Ensuring HIPAA compliance

Healthcare providers must guarantee that their solutions are HIPAA compliant to successfully adopt Conversational AI in the healthcare industry. This includes encrypting critical patient data during transmission and storage. To maintain compliance, working with knowledgeable vendors specializing in HIPAA-compliant solutions and conducting regular audits is critical.

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AI and chatbots can enhance healthcare by providing 24/7 support, reducing wait times, and automating routine tasks, allowing healthcare professionals to focus on more complex patient issues. They can also help in monitoring patient's health, predicting possible complications, and providing personalized treatment plans.

Data security is a top priority in healthcare, and AI and chatbot platforms should adhere to HIPAA guidelines and other relevant data protection regulations. Most of these systems use encryption and other security measures to protect data. However, it's important to ensure that any AI or chatbot tool used is from a trusted source and complies with all necessary security regulations.

While AI and chatbots have significantly improved in terms of accuracy, they are not yet at a point where they can replace human healthcare professionals. They serve as a supplemental tool to provide guidance and information based on pre-programmed responses or machine learning algorithms.

In healthcare app and software development, AI can help in developing predictive models, analyzing health data for insights, improving patient engagement, personalizing healthcare, and automating routine tasks. It can also assist in tasks like image recognition for diagnostic purposes.

Most AI chatbots can be programmed to understand and respond in multiple languages. However, the number of languages and the quality of understanding and translation can vary depending on the specific AI technology being used.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, can analyze large volumes of healthcare data and learn from it to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. It can identify patterns and trends that can help in disease diagnosis, drug discovery, patient care, and more.

AI chatbots can be integrated into existing healthcare systems through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), SDKs (Software Development Kits), or custom development. They can be integrated into EHR systems, hospital websites, apps, and more.

AI has the potential to predict disease outcomes and health issues before they occur by analyzing large volumes of data, including medical histories, lifestyle information, and genetic data. However, these are probabilistic in nature and not definitive predictions.

The future of AI and chatbots in healthcare is promising. They are expected to become increasingly sophisticated and better integrated into healthcare systems. Advances in natural language processing and understanding will make chatbots more interactive and human-like, while AI will continue to enhance diagnosis, treatment planning, patient care, and administrative tasks.

Mental Health App Development 2024 | Features, Costs and Monetization Fri, 15 Dec 2023 03:00:10 +0000 Every year, the demand for mental health applications grows, and it has grown more significantly due to the impacts of Covid-19. More and more people have resolved to use stress relievers and meditation apps to get through their day at home. However, given the delicate nature of the issues that these apps address, creating one is no easy task. In this article, we will share our knowledge and experience gained from creating our previously developed Mental Health App.

If you’re thinking about doing anything like this or a start-up owner who just happens to be interested in Mental Health App Development, keep reading for tips, recommendations, and obstacles.

1. Mental Health App Market Overview

The state of mental health in America in 2023 is pretty concerning. According to Mental Health America:

  • 21% of adults are experiencing mental illness – equivalent to 50 million Americans. 
  • 55% of adults with a mental illness in the United States require treatment that is currently unmet.
  • 16% of youth report suffering from one or more major depressive episodes in the past year, equivalent to 2,7 million people. But 60% of them didn’t receive proper treatment. 
  • According to statistics, people suffering from mental health disorders constituted 20.6% only among US citizens.
  • Depression leads to mental health illnesses in 3,8% of the population, and the figures are about to increase as people’s concern about psychological issues have risen by over 28% in Europe and the US.
  • Cost is one of the key reasons people couldn’t access mental health services. 

On a global look, the statistics are also raising great attention:

  • 322 million people worldwide live with depression (The Zebra). 
  • Almost 800 million people are suffering from mental health disorders.
  • The number of women who experience depression is twice the rate of men.

The pandemic has pushed individuals even more into a mental health crisis. Many people have had to deal with depression, anxiety, stress, or any other mental health problems when they have to stay home for a long period of time without interacting with the outside world.

Also according to an article from PRNewswire The development of mental health apps revenue will grow by 23.7% between 2019 to 2027.

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Why Are Mental Health Apps So Popular Today?

Mental health has been at the forefront of the public’s attention in recent years. And the pandemic has only contributed to our already high levels of anxiety. According to Kaiser Family Foundation research, the number of adults in the United States suffering anxiety and/or indicators of depression doubled during the epidemic.

While the importance of mental health is becoming more widely recognized, many people are still hesitant to seek help from a therapist. There are numerous reasons for this:

  • People cannot afford long-term treatment.
  • Individuals can’t see a therapist regularly due to a lack of time.
  • A lack of flexibility and the need to rearrange one’s schedule prevents the person from accommodating sessions.
  • Finding a decent therapist is a difficult task.
  • Some countries have limited access to therapists.
  • Societies still view counseling as something only for “crazy” people and “lost causes.”
  • People fear being found out and mocked for having a mental illness.
  • An apprehension that a therapist will withhold mental health information.
  • Many people feel awkward discussing profoundly intimate problems with a stranger.

Most of the concerns listed above are solved, at least in part, by mobile apps. Mental health applications provide greater flexibility and reduce the need to travel to a therapist’s office. It’s also easier to hide trips to a counselor using an app than hide visits to a counselor. The fact that individuals can have online sessions also makes them feel more relaxed in sharing their information. Not only that, it helps people to access treatment at a more affordable cost. 

All of the above reasons explain why mental health app development is necessary for society. 

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2. Types of Mental Health Apps

Mental health is a broad topic, and no software can pretend to cover everything there is to know about it. Any software, whether an app or a website, should not do so – too much information and functionality do any service, be it an app or a website, clumsy and difficult to use.

Instead, it’s more practical for both users and developers to create mental health apps that fall into several categories. Customers benefit from categorization since it allows them to identify suitable solutions more quickly. The following types can be used to categorize mental health apps:

2.1. Mental Disorder Apps

Mental disorder apps are designed specifically for users fighting severe illnesses like depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, and schizophrenia. Apps of this kind usually use proven treatment methods, including cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), mood monitoring, mindfulness, and cognitive skills training.

Digital psychological help providers have significantly changed the mental health niche, offering alternatives to traditional therapy appointments or clinical treatment. Many patients can now feel free and secure with a 24/7 online doctor on their smartphones. Profound medical monitoring and live person–therapist communication make treatment easy for both parties.

MoodToolsMoodKitTalkspace, and Happify are believed to provide valuable opportunities for dealing with depression. These are excellent examples of mental health app development as they were designed with the help of therapists and coaches.

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2.2. Mental Self-Improvement Apps

Self-improvement apps aim to check general psychological health and relieve slight problems like stress, anxiety, negative thinking, frustration, and bad habits. These apps bet on meditation techniques or connect users with psychologists to ensure proper self-care solutions.

a. General Mental Health Apps

General-purpose apps specialize in maintaining users’ self-care via mood control and successfully implementing healthy habits. Mental health app developers may include varied features in their products, such as specified questions, community features, and checklists.

The best examples of creating a mental health app for this purpose are What’s Up and 7 Cups of Tea.

For $150 per month, 7 Cups offers customers self-care guides, 24/7 chat with volunteers, and confidential communication with licensed specialists. Simultaneously, the What’s Up app provides a variety of self-care activities to help people cope with stress, anxiety, anger, and other negative emotions.

b. Apps for Addiction Recovery

Fighting bad habits on one’s own can become an unbearable load, so many people need external help to healthier their lives. Apps supporting addiction recovery provide trackers, helpful info, daily reminders, meditations, sharing experiences, and a supportive community. Good mental health apps for addiction recovery include Twenty-Four Hours a DayQuit That!and Squirrel Recovery.

c. Stress and Anxiety Apps

Stress, frustration, and anxiety stand among the most common problems modern people experience. Thus apps helping to tackle these issues are in high demand. With numerous relaxation techniques and effective motivational plans, services guarantee positive results that make their users feel comfortable again. The best applications to overcome stress are CBT Thought Record DiaryMind ShiftStop, Breathe & Think, and Smiling Mind.

Educational resources

Online libraries offering mental health-related materials; self-assessment apps

Mental health trackers

Apps that track users’ emotions sleep patterns, habits, and symptoms.

General-purpose self-help apps

Stress and moderate anxiety apps, as well as meditation and mindfulness apps

Mental disorder self-help apps

Apps aimed towards reducing the symptoms of one or more common mental illnesses.

Teletherapy apps

Apps that transfer treatment sessions from offline to online

Therapy supplement apps

When a therapist is involved, trackers and self-help applications are used to treat problems (and can provide therapists access to a user’s data).

Apps connecting patients

Apps resemble social networks or forums where persons with mental illnesses can share their stories and connect with others.

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3. How To Develop Mental Health Apps?

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We’ve developed a tried-and-true method for creating a mental health mobile app throughout the years. Here are the major steps to take from an idea to a successful launch and specific cautions to be aware of in the healthcare market.

Step 1: Discovery Phase

When developing a mental health app, it’s critical to have a clear vision of the type of app you want to make. You can start by answering the following questions:

  • Is mental health the primary issue that the software addresses, or is it a side issue?
  • Will your software cater to a specific user group?
  • Will your app focus on a specific mental health issue, or will it be a general-purpose software that helps people maintain a healthy mind?
  • Will you make a stand-alone app or one that works in conjunction with in-person therapy?
  • What kind of app do you have in mind?

Do you want to build a digital library, an assessment app, or an app that actively helps patients with features like meditation, mood tracking, and self-confidence affirmations? Or are you planning to develop a teletherapy app?

  • Who is the intended audience for your app?

To find the market fit, you must first understand your target audience. Specific mental health concerns are more prevalent in certain demographics. You can make a mental health app for children, teenagers, the elderly, LGBTQ+ persons, immigrants, and others. You might also choose to target the broader public.

  • Is your software a stand-alone application?

Although severe problems necessitate the assistance of a specialist, an app can still be utilized as a supplement. Apps that track medications, moods, and routines might be used between therapy sessions or during breaks. If designed as treatment supplements, these apps can provide therapists with access to a patient’s data (with the patient’s consent).

Step 2. Conduct Competitor & Market Research

Approximately 20,000 mental health apps are available in app stores. Although it is not the most significant section of the mobile app market, the fierce rivalry is. One of the most important steps in developing a mental health app is to examine how others have succeeded and failed.

Of course, studying all 20,000 competitors isn’t essential. It’s always a good idea to look into the most successful applications in your sector, but it’s also good to look into a few apps that failed because they might teach you something.

You can use competitor analysis to identify the best and worst practices in your niche.

Step 3. Create A Detailed Plan

A business plan summarizes the study you did to develop a mental health app. Writing a comprehensive business plan will assist you in visualizing what you want to build and how you want it to function.

As you work on your app, you’ll definitely make adjustments to your business plan, but it’s crucial to have as complete a picture as possible before you begin. This will cut down on trial-and-error errors, speed up time to market, and lessen the cost of developing your mental health app.

Step 4. Find The Right Developers

If you’re building an app from scratch, you’ll need to hire:

  • Android and/or iOS developers
  • Server-side developer
  • UI/UX designer
  • Quality assurance specialist
  • Project manager

You can find separate freelancers, or you can hire an IT outsourcing company for a software app development services

However, keep in mind that medical apps are challenging in ways that require more than just technical knowledge. There are legal dangers specific to mobile apps in the IT healthcare solutions sector and recommendations from health experts, and requirements from health authorities. This is why we advocate enlisting the help of experts who have worked on health-related apps before.

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Step 5. Build An MVP

Launching a minimum viable product (MVP) allows you to complete the following objectives:

  • Save costs
  • Acquire your first users
  • Test the application on users who aren’t developers
  • Earn early revenue
  • Enhance brand recognition before the full launch

Because an MVP is a condensed form of an app, it is less expensive and faster to develop, and launching your app with the promise of expanding and upgrading it can help you make income and establish your brand online. If you have your own practice, this money can develop further, and online recognition can lead to offline clients.

However, the most significant advantage of an MVP is the opportunity to get honest feedback from users who are interested in the app. When developing an app to assist people with mental problems, feedback is even more vital. A disruptive UX or sluggish performance will be even more of an issue for users who come to your app to feel calmer than it would be for the average user in other sorts of apps.

Step 6. Monitor & Analyze Performance

Whether you release an MVP or a full product, the launch is only the beginning of your app’s journey; there’s still much work to be done.

For a mobile app to remain relevant, it must be updated and improved regularly. And, in order to create updates that are beneficial to your audience, you’ll need to understand what keeps users coming back and what drives them away.

You’ll be able to make better decisions about prioritizing features, updates, and sales techniques if you track user engagement numbers.

Step 7. Marketing Campaign

It’s difficult to exaggerate the value of marketing in terms of app performance. To attract users, you’ll need to advertise your mental health app wisely, even if it’s one-of-a-kind — perhaps it takes an original approach or offers a unique combination of features.

There are a number of ways to market your mental health mobile app, but we have narrowed them down the some of the most significant:

  • Social media advertising
  • App store optimization
  • Content marketing on your company’s blog and on third-party platforms
  • Press coverage in relevant publications
  • Hiring influencers to advertise your app
  • Noticeable presence on social media and mental health forums

Your marketing team will assist you in selecting a suitable strategy and marketing channels for optimum exposure based on the behavior and expectations of your target audience.

Step 8. Continue To Update Your App

Any app that does not receive upgrades and updates and those that do not keep up with advances and trends will eventually become obsolete. That’s why it’s critical to keep track of your mental health app’s performance, make data-driven improvements, and roll out updates to keep users engaged after it’s launched.

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4. How Do Mental Health Apps Make Money?

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Just like any other apps out there, these are the monetization options you can choose from for a mobile app:

  • Ads
  • Subscriptions
  • In-app purchases
  • Freemium
  • Paid downloads

Ads are not suggested for monetization in mental health apps due to the unique nature of the experience and the risk of agitating users.

Users may find in-app purchases irritating if there is a lot of material that must be purchased individually.

If your company is directly involved in providing mental health therapy and you already have a reputation and strategies to obtain app users from your clients, paid downloads are a viable choice.

The following are the two most common monetization options:

  1. During the trial period of subscription-based apps users often receive access to all content. The trial period for prevalent mental health applications can last up to two weeks.
  2. The freemium model allows users to access some content for free while paying for access to the full scope of information through a subscription or a one-time purchase.
  3. Paid downloads provide more money at once but not overtime, whereas subscriptions provide a minor but constant money flow. The optimum monetization model will be determined by your business model.
  4. You can also advertise and sell things through internal links that display similar products such as books, podcasts, or workshops. 

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5. Mental Health App Features & Notices

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Some of the elements listed below may be more significant than others, depending on the type of mental health app you’re creating.

5.1. Onboarding

It’s critical to take your consumers through the program step by step, describing the features simply but clearly. You might want to explore using animated “assistants” to add some emotion and care, and you can engage a professional to design your instructions in a way that considers your users’ individual needs.

5.2. User profile

Shortcuts to key elements like user data, progress, most-used features, and settings should be kept in a user profile.

5.3. Settings

It’s critical for users of mental health apps to be able to customize their experiences. Users should be able to customize the volume and frequency of notifications, select a theme (if one is available), and so on.

5.4. Notifications

Push notifications can be used to remind users of upcoming tasks or gently entice them to open the app by asking how their day is going.

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5.5. Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness are frequently advised for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or panic attacks. Audio for guided or unguided meditation can be added to your app’s functionality.

5.6. Mood Tracking

A mood tracker is beneficial for persons who suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, or other mood disorders. Users can gain some control over their conditions and possibly address mood-altering causes by recording their moods.

5.7. Journaling

Journaling is frequently associated with mood tracking, and for some people, it can serve as a substitute for meditation as a relaxing activity.

5.8. Sleep Tracking

Sleep disorders are common in people with a variety of mental health issues. You might include a simple tracker or a more comprehensive one that allows users to note suspected causes of tiredness or insomnia (e.g., medication, agitating activities).

5.9. Medication Reminders

If your app is for mental health conditions that require medicine, adding customizable reminders for users to take their medications will be advantageous.

5.10. Trigger Checkers

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Users can cope with their disorders by writing down the triggers that produce anxiety, panic attacks, or depressive episodes.

5.11. In-app Support

Many apps benefit from chatbots that handle issues, but for those who are battling with mental health, genuine and competent human assistance is a superior option because the human mind is too complex for bots to comprehend.

5.12. Community Features

Peer support can be the most valuable resource available to someone experiencing or recovering from an episode. Patients can cope better if they know they’re not alone.

5.13. Gamification

Switching focus away from triggers to an eye-pleasing game can help people relax. We do, however, advise care when it comes to gamification: competitive games or leaderboards might negatively impact users’ spirits.

5.14. Affirmations

Inspiring quotes and affirmative words can lift a person’s spirits and aid in the fight against despair and anxiety.

5.15. Favorites

Allow users to save their favorite features or information for quick access from their profile or home screen, reducing the user journey and improving the user experience.

5.16. Matching Patients & Therapists

For teletherapy apps, you’ll need the ability to connect users with therapists depending on the problem they’re having and the therapists’ qualifications, fees, and schedules.

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5.17. Dashboard For Therapists

A therapist dashboard is required for apps that connect therapists with patients. It will also require its own set of features. It might also be a separate app with a back end that connects to the patient app.

5.18. Sharing

Sharing moods and/or activities on social networks or messengers functions similarly to community features in that it fosters a sense of belonging and encourages individuals who care about the user to offer assistance.

5.19. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Because it can offer activities and content tailored to users’ habits and tastes, machine learning can make your mental health app more engaging.

5.20. Admin Panel

You’ll need an admin panel to add or update content and monitor activities. The most common format is a simple web page.

Learn More On: Understanding PoC, MVP and Prototype

6. Factors To Consider For Your Mental Health App Development

Mental Health App Development 2

Workflow Automation

Mental health apps reduce the workload for care providers thanks to the process’s automation. So ensure your app’s workflow is optimized for the best performance.

Automation can be applied to these parts of the workflow:

  • Patient registration
  • Appointment booking
  • Patient interviews before appointments
  • Daily symptom control
  • Payment process and confirmation
  • Prescription clarification

Security Enhancement

Data security is probably the most important aspect that a mental health app needs to attend.

There are numerous options available to provide high-level security.

  • Multi-factor authentication (password, security token, biometric verification like fingerprints, face ID, voice recognition, one-time passcode, phone call verification, personal security questions).
  • End-to-end encryption – a type of encryption in which no one can read the messages transferred except the sender and the recipient.
  • Fingerprinting. This function is intended to identify a patient’s device (that includes the operating system, screen size, IP address, location, time, language, etc.). A user is notified if certain indications unexpectedly change.
  • Real-time fraud notifications. Keep users updated about fraud cases so that they can actively protect their information. 

Regulation Compliance

Know how to design a compliant mental health app if you want to make a successful one. To protect user privacy, different countries have enacted essentially identical standards and regulations.

  1. USA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA
  2. European Union – General Data Protection Rules or GDPR 
  3. United Kingdom – Data Protection Act 
  4. Canada – Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

They want to make sure that developers are also aware of privacy and data sharing issues while learning how to make a mental health app. Because a medical record or history is personal to a person, it must be protected and safeguarded.

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7. How Much Does It Cost To Develop Mental Health App?

In this article, we’ve shown you a variety of mental health-related apps. And it would be a lie to claim that there is a single price that applies to all of them. However, we can provide estimates for development timelines and required specialists, which are the two aspects that have the most impact on costs.

The team you’ll need to develop a mental health app consists of:

  • Project manager
  • UI/UX designer
  • Android developer
  • iOS developer
  • Backend developer
  • 2–3 quality assurance specialists

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A mindfulness app with extensive features like monitoring, analysis, audio content, and a bespoke admin panel, in our experience, can take a year to develop and cost anywhere from $80,000 to $150,000. However, we’re talking about an entire app, not an MVP.

A simplified self-assessment app can be constructed in two to five months (depending on the complexity of the evaluation) and will thus be much less expensive.

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To make your mental health app engaging and encourage regular use, consider incorporating elements such as gamification, rewards or badges for achieving goals, progress visualization, personalized recommendations, push notifications for reminders or encouragement, and interactive features like quizzes, challenges, or habit trackers.

The choice of platforms depends on your target audience and market research. Consider developing your app for both iOS and Android platforms to reach a wider user base. You may also explore web-based versions or compatibility with wearable devices, depending on your app's functionalities.

Conducting rigorous research and evaluation is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of your mental health app. Collaborate with mental health professionals to validate the app's content and interventions. Conduct usability testing with potential users to gather feedback and make improvements. Track user outcomes and engage in data analysis to assess the app's impact on mental health indicators.

Yes, there are several ethical considerations in mental health app development. These include obtaining informed consent from users, ensuring confidentiality and privacy of user data, providing accurate and evidence-based information, considering potential biases in algorithms or content recommendations, and being transparent about the app's limitations and potential risks.

Marketing your mental health app effectively involves understanding your target audience, identifying their needs and pain points, and positioning your app as a solution. Utilize digital marketing strategies such as social media marketing, content marketing, influencer partnerships, app store optimization, and targeted advertising. Engage mental health professionals and organizations to raise awareness and credibility for your app.

Developing a mental health app requires careful attention to several important considerations. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  1. Privacy and Security: Mental health apps often deal with sensitive and personal information. It is crucial to prioritize user privacy and implement robust security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access or breaches.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Familiarize yourself with relevant laws and regulations, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in the United States, if your app handles protected health information. Ensure that your app complies with these regulations to maintain legal and ethical standards.
  3. User Experience and Design: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that enhances user engagement and makes it easy for individuals to navigate the app. Keep in mind that mental health users may be experiencing emotional distress, so create a visually appealing and calming design that promotes a positive experience.
  4. Evidence-Based Content: Ensure that the mental health app provides accurate and evidence-based information. Collaborate with mental health professionals to develop content that is reliable, trustworthy, and up-to-date.
  5. Customization and Personalization: Every individual's mental health needs are unique. Consider providing features that allow users to personalize their app experience, such as customizable goals, reminders, or personalized content recommendations.
  6. Data Analytics: Implement analytics tools to track user behavior, app usage patterns, and outcomes. This data can provide valuable insights for improving the app, identifying user needs, and enhancing mental health interventions.
  7. Collaboration with Mental Health Professionals: Engage mental health professionals in the development process to ensure the app aligns with established therapeutic approaches. Their expertise can help shape the app's features, interventions, and overall effectiveness.
  8. Integration with Existing Mental Health Systems: Consider integrating your app with existing mental health systems, such as electronic health records (EHRs) or teletherapy platforms, to facilitate seamless communication and continuity of care.
  9. Accessibility: Ensure that your app is accessible to a wide range of users, including individuals with disabilities. Follow accessibility guidelines and offer features like text-to-speech, adjustable font sizes, and color contrast options.
  10. Continuous Improvement and Updates: Mental health app development is an ongoing process. Collect user feedback, monitor performance metrics, and regularly update and improve the app based on user needs, technological advancements, and emerging research.
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How to Build A Successful Healthcare App: In-Depth Guide for Founders Fri, 04 Aug 2023 03:00:47 +0000 Healthcare has undergone an important transformation in an era of technological developments and the rise of mobile applications. Healthcare apps have evolved as a potent tool for bridging the gap between medical services and patients, providing many advantages to individuals and healthcare providers. They have transformed how we approach medical care by making information more accessible, increasing patient outcomes, and expediting healthcare processes. Healthcare apps, from telemedicine to personalized health monitoring, have become essential to modern healthcare ecosystems.

This guide covers the benefits of healthcare apps, explores types and use cases, highlights essential features, provides a step-by-step healthcare mobile app development roadmap, and discusses cutting-edge technologies for a seamless user experience.

1. What is healthcare mobile app development?

Healthcare Mobile App Development 3

Healthcare software development, often known as healthcare app development, is the process of creating an app for mobile devices that allows users to track and follow their health conditions in real time.

The creation of healthcare mobile apps serves several purposes:

  • Doctors and medical workers benefit from it in terms of monitoring, patient tracking, staff administration, appointment scheduling, and so on.
  • Patients can use mHealth app development to track their health, seek medical advice, and schedule visits.

The market for healthcare mobile app development services is burgeoning and presents a substantial opportunity. The following key statistics underline the relevance and growth of this sector, particularly pertaining to wellness app development:

  1. As of now, Apple’s App Store boasts a staggering 45,478 healthcare-related applications.
  2. The Google Play Store is also a significant player, hosting approximately 43,285 health-centric applications.
  3. The mobile health (mHealth) sector experienced an impressive infusion of $13.7 billion globally in 2019.
  4. A survey by leading consultancy firm Accenture underscored the growing awareness among patients about these health-oriented apps, with roughly 75% recognizing their significance.
  5. Future projections indicate an upwards trajectory as well. It is estimated that by 2026, the telemedicine application market will achieve a valuation of $17.14 billion.

This data emphasizes the compelling potential for growth and investment in the healthcare mobile app development industry.

Learn More On: Healthcare App Development Cost: Getting the Right Estimate

2. Healthcare app’s benefits

For medical professionals 

The construction of a healthcare application is an intricate and potentially costly endeavor, but the benefits it delivers to its funders and stakeholders are manifold:

  • Prompt Decision-Making – Integrated patient medical records through healthcare apps facilitate quick judgments and prescriptions by medical professionals.
  • Reliable Diagnosis – Precise diagnosis leads to improved treatment strategies, timely medical care, and favorable results. For example, VisualDx stands out among diagnostic support systems and healthcare apps for personalized advice.
  • Enhanced Connectivity – Telehealth applications provide a platform for physicians to engage in crucial consultations and dialogues remotely.
  • Diminished Stress and Burnout – The development of healthcare apps and software alleviates routine tasks, thereby boosting the trustworthiness of medical systems and operations. The elimination of paperwork in hospitals and medical centers surprisingly led to a 61% surge in productivity among physicians and staff.
  • Superior Service and Equipment Oversight – Contemporary technologies enable healthcare entities to monitor equipment in real-time and adjust its usage as needed. For example, creating a healthcare app to keep tabs on all active ventilators on the premises.
  • Comprehensive Healthcare Provision Cost Reduction – The accumulation of all the above advantages culminates in a significant decrease in healthcare provision and service expenses.
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For general users

General users also have specific advantages by using a healthcare app:

  • Superior Care Quality – Coupled with automation facilities for providers, users can obtain personalized health strategies and solutions designed with their unique medical requirements in mind.
  • Accessible Medical Information – A mobile healthcare app can effectively distribute medical records, sharing them with medical services for improved supervision. An example of this is UpToDate, a healthcare mobile app that monitors workflow, medical news, HealthKit, and users’ daily accomplishments.
  • On-demand Accessible Care – Healthcare app development brings on-demand medical services within easy reach. This is comparable to ordering sushi from local restaurants with just a few clicks. This implies faster delivery of care, including medication delivery and prescription services.
  • Secure Transactions – In-app payments via credit cards are both feasible and extremely secure, thanks to healthcare software development. Regarding security, blockchain technology can also be employed for transactions in the healthcare field.
  • Enhanced Patient-Provider Communication – Certain medical apps are used exclusively within hospitals to maintain real-time communication with patients. For example, the “YouCoMM health app” is a multi-request platform designed for in-hospital patients, enabling them to reach out to nurses for basic assistance.
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3. Healthcare app vs medical app

While both healthcare and medical app development aim to improve people’s health, there is a delicate line between the two. The development of healthcare mobile applications strives to deliver health-related solutions for all types of smartphones and communication devices. For instance, apps for physical activity tracking, yoga and meditation; nutrition; searching for medical assistance nearby, etc.

On the other hand, medical app development entails developing a software solution for mobile devices that clinicians may use to regulate their medical devices. For example, apps for telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, patient data collection and management, chronic disease management, etc.

Healthcare App Medical App
These apps are available to the general public and can be used by anyone.

Medical apps are designed solely for medical practitioners.

Healthcare apps concentrate on medications and medical information depending on a certain health condition. Medical apps use analytical data to make diagnoses.
Healthcare app development can handle any situation without needing a process or claim. Because medical app development is based on medical evidence, it must comply with the testing and adherence methodology.
These apps allow users to get daily health-tracking data. These apps offer assistance and access to medical devices as well as information such as EHR.
Development of mobile healthcare applications typically costs less, depending on a number of criteria. The process of creating medical apps can be expensive.

4. Types of healthcare mobile apps

Type 1: Professional Solutions

These healthcare apps are created more complexly with cutting-edge and dependable features to add value to medical personnel, facilities, doctors, and physicians.

  1. Medical Networking App: Despite their hectic schedules with patient care and consultations, medical professionals and specialists must connect with one another and share knowledge to enhance the communication process as a whole. Medical networking apps are used for this communication.
  2. Telehealth App: Using in-app messaging and video conferencing, these apps allow doctors to set up appointments and conduct medical consultations. Since they help prevent physical contact and allow care to be given in the comfort of their home, telehealth app development is practical for doctors and patients.
  3. Medical Record App: Medical record health apps make collecting and updating patients’ medical data easier. Blood pressure, temperature, medical tests and diagnoses, medications, appointments, and other criteria for tracking medical health are included in the data records.
  4. Medical Prescription Apps: Prescription healthcare apps assist doctors in selecting the best drug for their patients, organizing it into a list, and tracking usage and time. Some medical apps even allow patients to print prescriptions to show at a nearby pharmacy.
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Type 2: Apps for patients

  1. Mental Health Apps: Mental health apps aim to make therapy more accessible, adaptable, and efficient for all users. These apps typically help with anxiety, sadness, and sleeplessness by utilizing various pre-recorded sessions, gaming components, breathing exercises, etc.
  2. Health Monitoring Apps: Many healthcare mobile app development companies invest in health monitoring apps since they are in high demand. These health monitoring apps aid in the tracking and management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and blood pressure.
  3. Medical Education Apps: Medical education apps aim to maintain a reliable database of up-to-date medical knowledge for doctors, students, and medical users.
  4. Health Lifestyle Apps: This mobile healthcare app development category for patients includes various programs that help us attain a healthy lifestyle, such as fitness apps, self-improvement apps, weight reduction apps, mind training apps, and many more.
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5. Use cases for a healthcare app

To provide a product that is relevant and in demand, you should first establish the sort of application that matches your demands and aims. You must monitor and implement industry trends to develop the most effective healthcare application.

Today’s healthcare sector offers a wide range of healthcare app use cases.

  1. Use Case #1: Telehealth & Telemedicine: These days, there is a high demand for telehealth and telemedicine software that connects doctors and patients. These applications have become increasingly popular during the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation. These technologies allow medical professionals to offer remote medical services, communicate online, and provide more efficient medical treatment.
  2. Use Case #2: Electronic Health Record (EHR/EMR): EHR/EMR systems allow you to track, save, update, and collect all of your patient’s medical information on a single platform. This saves time, reduces manual errors, and allows patient data to be transferred between institutions.
  3. Use Case #3: Health Informational Exchange (HIE): Critical indicators such as body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and so on must be monitored in order to make an accurate diagnosis and preserve patients’ well-being and quality of life. The HIE solution enables easy and quick measurement of a patient’s vital parameters using only a smartphone’s verification. This allows the system to transport data faster, and clinicians can simply monitor and evaluate the required data.
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6. Essential features of a healthcare app

Healthcare Mobile App Development 1

To create healthcare applications that people would use, include features that engage users and provide tangible advantages. Surely, the features you choose will determine whether you want to design a mobile medical solution for health tracking, fitness, or remote patient monitoring. Nonetheless, there are certain components that every health application must have to succeed.

  • User profile – Healthcare solutions, like any other mobile application, typically feature a user profile. After creating an account, patients can enter their personal information (name, age, chronic conditions, insurance, etc.). This type of account may additionally save their health data and offer a customizable dashboard.
  • Tracker – This is the most critical element of a healthcare mobile app. It measures a patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, calorie consumption, pulse, and glucose level. This capability is made feasible by integrating wearable devices such as heart rate monitor trackers, glucose meters, and other solutions.
  • Scheduling – This feature allows users to simply schedule a doctor’s appointment or appointments with healthcare professionals. It is also possible to arrange a drug prescription, sleeping hours, water intake goals, and so on. Physicians can easily manage their timetable and track how patients follow doctors’ prescriptions.
  • Database – A database for patients can be developed as part of healthcare application development. As a result, clients can save their medical information, including the results of any analyses, x-rays, reports, and other files, within your solution. This function is also useful for doctors because patients can upload their data and receive recommendations remotely.
  • Real-time chat – The ability to communicate with a doctor through an app will speed up services and aid in the development of trusting relationships between people and healthcare providers.
  • Video call – You may enhance the communication aspect of your application by incorporating video conferencing into the healthcare application development process. Telemedicine application creation is prevalent because not all patients can visit doctors in person. Video conferencing allows patients to have an in-hospital experience and visit the doctor’s office without leaving their homes.
  • Geolocation – This is another feature to think about for your project. The presence of this function can assist patients in locating a doctor in a nearby place.
  • Payment gateway – Mobile payment integration is becoming more popular. Users can use payment options to pay for healthcare services or insurance. Regular bills for doctor visits, emergency rooms, hospital admissions, and so on may also be paid. Online payment with just a few clicks provides excellent consumer satisfaction.
  • Rate and review – This feature will be useful for apps that provide access to information about healthcare staff. To begin, any patient can share their experience with a doctor and assist other patients in making decisions. Second, this will increase personnel engagement in developing loyal relationships with customers.
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7. How to develop a robust healthcare app?

When discussing the process for developing a healthcare mobile app, we can identify the following stages:

  1. Identify a problem
  2. Decide the platforms and technologies
  3. Select your app’s launch location
  4. Focus on UI/UX
  5. Hire a healthcare app development company
  6. Determine your app monetization model
  7. Build and validate the MVP
  8. Test your app
  9. Launch and monitor the app’s performance

Now, let’s go and figure out what you need to do for each step.

Step 1. Identify a problem

Addressing end-user’s demands is a crucial element of the healthcare app development process. Understand their issues with the current solution and how your application may improve it. Define the user persona as precisely as possible and their desire to proceed with your solution or choose one already on the market for their medical needs.

It can also be useful at this stage to delve deeper and select a healthcare field to launch your app.

Step 2. Decide the platforms and technologies

Another critical aspect of the healthcare development process is deciding whether your application will be delivered on Android, iOS, or the web. Consider integrating a home assistant device to ensure that your application is only a voice command away.

Remember that while younger patients are more comfortable with apps and speech devices, elderly patients typically prefer visiting websites. Your market study will be useful when selecting your application’s platforms.

Learn More On: Mental Health App Development All You Need To Know

Step 3. Select your app’s launch location

When releasing a new app, the most common approach entrepreneurs, business leaders, and tech chiefs take is designing it for their nationals.

Suppose you or your board members choose to go a different route and launch your app abroad. In that case, you need to assess the country-specific difficulties and user personas and the relevant legislation governing the production and deployment of medical apps.

Step 4. Focus on UI/UX

UI/UX design is an integral part of healthcare mobile app development. Older individuals prefer easy navigation and larger letters, whereas younger people prefer a colorful UI with unique and improved functionalities. The design will also be influenced by whether your target audience comprises healthcare professionals, patients, or the general public.

Aside from the visual aspect, take into account how the app will appear on different devices. This component is determined by the platform you aim at. 

Step 5. Hire a healthcare app development company

Hiring reliable mobile healthcare app developers or a development team will ensure that your app contains all of the latest functionalities and features at an affordable price. They would provide a comprehensive overview of building and developing a scalable healthcare application.

Your healthcare app mobile development team will consist of:

  • Project manager
  • App developers
  • Business analyst
  • UI/UX designer
  • Tester
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Step 6. Determine your app monetization model

The goal of all applications, regardless of genre, is to make a profit. When it comes to how to make money from an app, the healthcare industry typically falls into two categories:

  • Subscription-based model
  • Freemium model with paid access to premium services.

Step 7. Build and validate the MVP

To ensure a successful market entry, consider creating an MVP for your healthcare software solution first instead of an entirely functional app. This approach allows for thorough testing and verification of the product’s major USPs and essential features. By collecting feedback from early customers, you can gain insights into what additional features to add to your product.

Additionally, presenting your MVP to investors alongside a clear future strategy can demonstrate the demand for your software and attract potential investors.

Step 8. Test your app

When developing healthcare solutions, testing is one of the key phases. Everything from user experience and user interface to content has to be tested. Proper testing will help you reduce development time and costs, detect errors, and greatly improve your reputation as a service provider.

Step 9. Launch and monitor the app’s performance

Once your application has been tested, time to introduce it to your users. After launching your app, track its success using the in-app analytics tools established throughout the development phase, handle user complaints and requests, and bring updates to keep users interested. While this was the standard healthcare application development process, the concept and features of your healthcare app can make it stand out from the crowd.

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8. How much does healthcare mobile app development cost?

The total cost of a healthcare app development is influenced by various factors, including the number of app features, app platforms, tests, UI/UX design, development team, compliance, and maintenance.

8.1. App features

Features and functionalities have an impact on the final cost of healthcare application development. The more features and functionalities you include in your health app, the higher the cost of app creation. So, it is best to focus on the main functions in the first version of the app. It will assist you in providing an excellent customer experience at a reasonable cost.

8.2. App platforms

The decision between iOS, Android, and cross-platform development will have a substantial impact on the cost. Native apps (separate apps for iOS and Android) are often more expensive to design because you are essentially building two unique apps. Cross-platform solutions like Flutter or React Native can save money but may not provide the same performance or user experience.

8.3. UI/UX design

Creating a simple yet distinctive UI/UX app design necessitates some additional expenses. To make a good impression on your users, you should integrate UI/UX components like iconography, customization, and push notifications into the app. A decent mobile app design will entice your users to download and use your app more frequently rather than abandoning it in the long run.

8.4. Development team 

When creating a mobile healthcare app, there are three development service options available to you.

First, you can choose to employ an in-house team. This option will provide you with high-quality output but can be costly. In fact, it may cost between $100 and $200 per hour, making it less cost-effective, especially for those just starting out.

The second option is to outsource to freelancers from all over the world. This is a good way to save money, but quality is not always guaranteed when working with freelancers.

The third option is to outsource to a reputable mobile app development company. This is the most likely option to provide you with a high-quality app at a reasonable cost.

The hiring cost for your outsource team is influenced by their location. This cost is typically determined by multiplying the hourly rate charge by the development time in hours. We’ll examine the rates of various popular outsourcing destinations and use this data later to estimate the total cost of developing a healthcare app.

Popular outsourcing region Hourly rate ($/hour)
Southeast Asia $20 – $50/hour
Western Europe $72 – $500/hour
Central/North Europe $50 – $60/hour
North America $50 – $200/hour
Africa $20 – $45hour

8.5. Regulation compliance

Healthcare apps must adhere to strict regulations. Developing a healthcare app necessitates a thorough understanding of business regulations and their application. HIPAA and GDPR regulations govern how protected health information is handled in the US and the EU.

Healthcare app developers must consider compliance costs when pricing their services in addition to understanding the rules. These costs include certification fees from regulatory agencies such as the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and other legal duties. Costs for ongoing maintenance and improvements to the healthcare app to ensure compliance may also be included.

8.6. Maintenance

Following the initial launch, your mobile app will require continuing maintenance, updates, bug fixes, and maybe new features, all of which will add to the overall cost of the product over its lifetime.

After assessing the elements influencing your mobile healthcare app development time and cost, below is an estimate of the features and their cost. In this table, we will use the hourly rate of Southeast Asia – the most affordable outsourcing location, ranging from $20 – $50/hour.

App features

Est app development time (in hours)

Est app development cost (in USD)

Registration, login 70 – 76 1,400 – 3,800
Search, filter options 100 – 120 2,000 – 6,000
Profile screen (Doctor+Patient) 80 – 85 1,600 – 4,250
Voice and video calls 100 – 140 2,000 – 7,000
Appointment scheduling 180 – 190 3,600 – 9,500
Online chat 110 – 120 2,200 – 6,000
Payment options 30 – 40 600 – 2,000
Backend framework 1,000 – 1,200 20,000 – 60,000
Admin Panel 250 – 280 5,000 – 14,000
Code documentation 10 – 20 200 – 1,000
Total 2,000 – 3,000 40,000 – 150,000

It should be noted that they only include app development time and do not include other aspects of the project such as QA and management.

Here is a full cost estimate for a healthcare app development service.

Function Est time (in hours) Est cost (in USD)
App development 2,000 – 3,000 40,000 – 150,000
Project management 150 – 180 3,000 – 9,000
Quality Assurance 130 – 150 2,600 – 7,500
Total 2,280 – 3,330 45,600 – 166,500
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9. Next-gen features to consider for healthcare mobile apps


Healthcare Mobile App Development 4

AI is becoming increasingly important in a variety of medical fields. Today’s healthcare software, which includes ML algorithms, assists in early diagnosis, recognizing health patterns, and evaluating large amounts of health data. As a result, doctors may make decisions and alter patient therapy more quickly, adapting to their specific requirements.

  • Intelligent chatbots learn about the patient’s condition during a conversation
  • Medical imagery analysis and patterns identification
  • Symptom tracking and analyzing apps
  • Real-time posture detection
  • ML algorithms fostering discovery and development of new drugs
  • Preventive medicine
  • Patient flow optimization


Another emerging technology poised to impact the medical industry is blockchain. One of the most significant benefits of blockchain is that it solves the interoperability problem.

  • Integration with multiple EHR systems
  • Medicine tracking in supply chains
  • Decentralized patient portals where each patient owns and controls access to her data
Learn More On: Telemedicine App Development: Features, Costs and Process

Internet of Things (IoT)

As technology advances, additional applications for this cutting-edge solution arise. Modern IoT solutions in healthcare go well beyond simply monitoring a patient’s vital signs. Aside from remote patient monitoring, IoT aids in medical inventory management, surgical assistance, and pharmaceutical management.

  • Smart medical appliances
  • Wearables supporting advanced sensors like ECG and EDA
  • Traceable medicine

Big Data

Because AI and IoT presuppose the development of massive volumes of data, a system to process all of this data is required. Thus, designing datasets capable of handling millions of calculations in real time goes hand in hand with implementing ML and IoT features in healthcare.


Despite the fact that AR and VR are frequently dismissed as technologies only fit for video games like Pokemon, both have several practical uses in medicine. The first thing that springs to mind is therapy sessions in a virtual setting, especially when done remotely. AR also allows surgeons to train safely and teach trainees necessary skills, and it can be used for indoor navigation in clinics.


In conclusion, healthcare app development presents a transformative opportunity to revolutionize medical services. However, to unlock its full potential, it is imperative to partner with a reliable and experienced tech team. A competent tech partner will navigate the complexities of healthcare regulations, ensure stringent security and privacy measures, and guide the project from conception to fruition.

By collaborating with a seasoned tech partner, entrepreneurs and healthcare organizations can create user-centric apps with essential features and seamless functionality. These apps can improve patient outcomes, enhance accessibility to healthcare services, and pave the way for a healthier future. Finding the right tech partner is the key to unlocking the power of healthcare apps and making a positive impact on the lives of patients and healthcare providers alike. Let’s join hands with visionary tech experts to build a brighter and healthier world through cutting-edge healthcare app development.

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Based on the factors described above, the cost of developing a healthcare application would be between 45,600 - 166,500 USD. The pricing varies depending on the platforms, technology stack, and number of features to be integrated into your app, so it can be lower or higher than this general estimation.

The top mobile app technologies for designing healthcare applications are Python, Java, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin, R Programming, and others. However, it is essential that you seek the opinion of your development team while selecting a technology stack. Your healthcare app developers will decide on technologies based on your app and budget.

In healthcare app and software development, AI can help in developing predictive models, analyzing health data for insights, improving patient engagement, personalizing healthcare, and automating routine tasks. It can also assist in tasks like image recognition for diagnostic purposes.

If your healthcare app collects, handles, or transfers any protected healthcare information, the union recommends that it be built with HIPAA compliance in mind. This assures that the medical information is encrypted and secure, and that it will only be accessed for the purposes of patient diagnosis and research.
